Water in Power Tap
This past weekend got caught in roughly 30 miles of downpour, wind and lightening. Yep bad, bad weather to be on a bike. Today I went to clean up my bike and after taking of back tire, heard some water sounds inside the pt hub. So, I checked to see if I still had conncection with computer and you guessed it...no power. So, I changed the hub batteries and tried to dry out inside as much as possible. Checked again with new batteries and still no power. I am really bummed, have a ruined my pt? Anyone in the haus have experience with water in hub and what do you do about it.
Thanks Anson, I will give it a try!
Ugh is right Nemo
I remember reading in manual that PT is water resistant but not water proof...guess they were right. I do have a wireless Pro+.....seems like it might be the same for wired or wireless. Just can't figure out how the water would get in? It all looks fairly sealed up to me. The battery pack was wet when I took plastic cap off (which was also cracked...could be part of problem). I attemped to dry everything out with a hair dryer and then replaced the batteries, but still no transmission. I think I will take tire off to check for more water and then try to put the pt in rice. Tomorrow calling Saris.
If the plastic cap is cracked that's a major part of the problem get that fixed and you should be much better in the next rain storm.
Definitely sucks.
Called Saris today...shipping out wheel in the morning.
Sent pt back to Saris and they replaced all the "guts" inside hub. They also upgraded me from Pro+ to SL+. The Saris rep I talked to on the phone said mainly only difference between Pro and SL is bigger axle. Yeah, they were super to work with and since I live in Minneapolis...sent out on Wed morning and got it back Sat. Lesson learned no more riding in downpours for an extended period of time.