Home Announcements 🎙

New -- LIVE CHAT SUPPORT for members who've been with TeamEN for longer than 1 year!


We wanted to make you aware of a feature we've recently added to the website: live chat support from the coaches, available exclusively to our members who've been with TeamEN for longer than one year!

Just go to the Dashboard and look in the bottom right corner. If you've been with EN for longer than 12 months you should see the chat window and if a coach is available to chat or not. Then, just chat us up with any questions or help you need!

Can't see the chat window? No worries, just remain a member of Endurance Nation and the window will automagically appear on your EN BDay!

This is just one of the many initiatives we are rolling out to increase the value of EN the longer you remain a member! We hope you find it useful and we encourage you to give us your feedback in this thread!


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