Home Summer HIM Training 2012 Group Discussion - Summer HIM Training 2012

Workout posts -week of June 11

OK, so the final 2 weeks before my first HIM ever!  I'm am excited.  Just trying not to hurt myself and really trying to keep close tabs on the diet.  My initial goal race weight was 160 lbs.  If I stay the course I'll start the race around 165 which is about 10 pounds lighter than I've ever been, so really, no complaints.

3000 yard swim right after work.  Felt good in the water.

Then a track workout.  Ran 3.66 miles overall as a 1 mile interval, .5 mile  interval, .4 mile interval (gastro issues).  I did the 1 mile interval in 5:54, the first time I've ever ran a sub 6 mile outside!




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    Grat job Doug. It's all downhill here from here.

    I recovered enough yesterday afternoon to get in 2000 yards at the pool and then 4100 yards this morning. Tonight I did a 15 min core routine followed by a 7.05 run at 8:40 pace w avg HR at 129. I'm crawling next to you but that's pretty quick for the heat and 131 HR ceiling I've set for myself. I did throw in 8 x15 secs strides though. My quads are sore today so I'll need to go easy before the next hard bike.
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    Doug, which HIM are you doing? That is exciting. Very cool.

    I finished a 2nd BBW day yesterday. 53 miles with 177 TSS points added. Temps reached 93 degrees and it's supposed to be a little hotter today. I'm doing it solo so I'm trying to keep it interesting by taking routes that I've never taken and that are scenic.
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    Strong work all!



    Tues Taper brick:





    Saturday’s repaired flat tired went flat on me again, so had to install a new tube just after the WU.


    Entire workout (208 watts):

        Duration:               1:00:37 (1:14:54)

        Work:                     757 kJ

        TSS:                       64.7 (intensity factor 0.813)

        Norm Power:          245




    Interval 1 was Z4 and cooler temps helped but it still sucked! 

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    Week 19 tuesday brick. My brain wants to taper harder than the program wants me to. Really, I think that I just want it to be race day NOW.
    Today, the beginner plan called for a 1hr ride as 15min warm up then 3x6(4) at z4 then cool down. It was hard to get out of bed but it hit the z4 heart rates (just barely).
    After the ride, the plan called for a 30 min run as 15min z4, 15min z3. I hit z4 for about 10min or so then fell off pace hard. I was in z3 heart rate but not z3 pace.
    This run to me is a perfect example of how I DO NOT want to race. Once my HR gets away from me on the run, it tends to stay elevated relative to pace. The lesson is keep it under control till the last few miles. DO NOT let it rip out of t2.
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    Jimmy - fantastic job with the taper brick!  Very important this close to the race to hit those intensity levels, however it is not meant to simulate how you execute the race, that's what RR are for!

    This close in, stay true to the plan. A lot of thought and wisdom as been incorporated.  I have used these plans many times over the past 8 - 10 HIMs and they have served me well.

    Do you have/use WK0+ where you can see your Normalized Grade Pace or NGP for those intervals?

    My first interval was downhill and my garmin read 6:48 but my NGP was 7:04, very close to my Z4 target of 7:05.  Coming back was uphill and garmin read 7:32 but NGP was 7:10, well above my Z2 target of 7:30.

    Way to post those links!


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    BBW Day 3 - Total TSS 176

    Rode from Dublin/Pleasanton Bart area to Hayward and back. 54 miles. Goal was to ride 1st half at Z1/Z2 and second half at Z2. So neg split the ride.

    1st Half Norm Power 142 VI 1.08
    2nd Half Norm Power 162 VI 1.05

    Experimenting with PM outside now. Trying to keep VI low. I did better the second half.
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    @ Paul, I would melt in the Florida heat. I don't even want to think about what it would do to my paces. Way to work hard out there!
    @ Shaughn & Jimmy, nice work men! Lets bring it home the last 11 days here!
    @ Enrique, looks like your BBW is going well! Keep up the good work! I'm racing Syracuse 70.3 on June 24th. It's only about an hour from where I live, so a good race close by that fits well into my schedule on the way to IM MOO.

    Well, I was gonna brick today but as soon as I got home the thunder and lightning hit. So, I actually took a few minutes to clean my bike. My Infinit mix leaked out of my bottle and got all over the top tube/seat tube during Saturday's ride. It looked like somebody melted marshmallows on my bike. Looks a lot better now. After I went to the pool and did tomorrow's swim tonight. 3000 yards, nothing special about it (except a couple cute lifeguards!). I'll do the brick tomorrow. Not having a hard bike ride his past Sunday has left me with a lot of energy the first 2 days of this week!
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    @Enrique - nice work 3 days in a row with your BBW - keep it going!

    @Doug - good luck with the brick!



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    Awesome work Team! Here's my latest:

    Tue AM - Tired, so I slept in.
    Tue PM - 20 mins core routine, then 5 mile run
    Wed AM - 4,000 yards in the pool, followed by 2.62 mile run. Stopped at 2 miles to throw in some running drills on grass, then finished the run. Bike trainer tonight!
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    Ok, I'm back. Great to see all the work going on team!

    I'm pretty much making it up as I go along this week. The rough plan is to swim today, bike 60 mins tomorrow, swim Friday then get back onto the plan with a big ride Saturday and my first post-Kansas run on Sunday.

    So I got into the pool today and actually felt quite good.

    Overall 3000 yd in 52:48 (avg pace 1:46/100yd, incl rest intervals). Took 1:00 rest between each MS. Avg efficiency 37. Avg. 10.1 strokes per length in 25 yd pool.

    W/U 300 – 1:33, then rested for 1:00
    - 3x400(20) – 1:34, 1:35, 1:35
    - 4x300(15) – 1:35, 1:35, 1:35, 1:36
    MS2: 6x50(20) odds as sprint, evens as easy
    Sprints – 1:24, 1:24, 1:24
    Easys – 1:34, 1:33, 1:32

    It was an even 3000 so I skipped the cooldown!


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    I am going to miss thursday due to work related travel. So I swapped thursday's 75 min run to today and will skip a swim.
    I did the 75min run outside in 93 degree heat. Just for fun I weighed in before and after. In 75min I sweat out 5lbs. Scary.
    So that comes to about 64oz per hour at those temps.
    Is there any way to use that data to adjust my fluid intake?
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    There's lots of swimming going on with this team. I'm still re-integrating so my longest swim has not even reached 3000 yds yet. Doh!

    But this is my BBW so no swimming allowed. image Here's the stats for Day 4.

    BBW Day 4 - Total TSS 103
    Kind of an easy day today. 36 miles. 2hr 13min. Pnorm 144. VI 1.06
    Rode around Livermore the entire time. I'd never done that before. It was hot, but since I wasn't pushing it hard, it didn't affect me much. One thing I didn't expect is how tired my fricken hands are!!! I can barely squeeze water out of a bottle or turn my keys in the ignition after the ride!!! My hand muscles (among others) are getting worked!

    @ Jimmy - Good question. I don't have a answer, but I think I need to look into that same question myself since my race in Aug is likely to be in 90 degree heat.

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    Enrique - just follow the plan. When you are comfortable with that and your results, then you can make tweaks based on what works for you.

    Wed PM - 90 mins on the trainer w TSS = 99. I had a few moments of wimpiness that cost me that extra TSS point, but I'm pleased with the result because the particular workout I did broke me the last two times I attempted it.
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    Welcome back Matt, way to kick butt in Kansas! Sub 5 hours is awesome!

    Did yesterday's brick today due to weather. 60' ride with 18' of Z4 stuff. Power meter went wonky. The computer wouldn't pick the data up then it would. Then the data wasn't accurate and then it was. So I did the 18' from PE. Quads are feeling it right now.

    Run after went really well.
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    @ Paul -- TSS 99?? Man, you gotta get that extra point!!

    My Kansas race report posted: http://members.endurancenation.us/Training/TrainingForums/tabid/101/aft/9071/Default.aspx#112761

    Thanks everyone here for the accountability and support!!

    Next stop: Racine in mid July, which has been downgraded to a true B race, then onto Vegas...
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    Congrats on an inspiring race Matt!


    NGP’d 25’ of the run at Z3, 7:15

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    Thu AM ... 11 miles on dirt trails. Running easy then slow then Bataan Death March. Repeat after me: I will not try to run long the morning after doing a hard bike ride! I wanted to take a butter knife and cut a nice wedge of humidity to mail you guys for a souvenir , but I figured Shaughn could send me a worse sample from Dallas.
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    @ Paul - 11 miles is a lot of work on dirt trails in those conditions bro.  I have ordered a bungee cord in time for IM COZ so that I can latch on and have you pull me through the second half of the run.

    We had 75 degrees and 91% humidity for my early run this morning.....likely very close to what you experienced.......


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    @ Shaughn - not sure what it was exactly but the combo "real feel" was between 98 to 100. It's summer here when the morning low is 80 +/- 2 degrees; enough to make me wonder why I signed up for IMCOZ. Of the 4 IMs I've done so far, the hottest run was at IMCDA (about 85) but it was dry. We are going to have to HTFU as we get closer to Nov!
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    @ Paul & Shaughn, not that any of these events are easy but you guys picked some tough races!

    Nothing like a new pair of kicks to motivate you for a long run! 12.32 miles in 90 minutes. Conditions here were good, nothing like Florida, Texas or Kansas!

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    Did my week 11 Big Training Day today. Little rough around the edges after  unplanned 3 weeks downtime with only lite swimming, good running, no bike.  

    Swim: 1hr - 3500yds (good and strong on the first 2500 rolling mostly t-pace, then it went downhill fast, but I've done minimal swimming since november)

    Bike: 3hr - 58mi ~ 3000ft climbing (Lost power meter readings after 1st hour guess its time to change the hub batt, no idea if i maintained target power, but pace slowed a little in the last half, no juice in the legs)

    Run: 1hr - 7mi (yikes. This one hurt, @ 3pm it was hot and I was slow, expected to squeeze out 8+)

    Swim Nutrition: pre-swim bananna, post-swim chocolate milk = ~300cals

    Breakfast: 3 eggs, sausage, refried beans, coffee = ~500 cals

    Bike Nutrition: 60 oz of Heed on the bike, @ 200 cal/20oz per hour, went down pretty well until last hour, when heed was just too warm and sticky. Grabed 24oz of ice cold water halfway, which really helped in the last hour. I took powerbars but it seem like that would be throwing gas on a smoldering fire of stomach upset, so they came home intact.  I took in 3 endurolytes per hour in hope of no cramping on the run.   ~ 600 cals

    Pre-Run:  bananna, half a powerbar =  ~200cals.

    Run: Water only. 

    Post-Workout: Where's the BEER!

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    @ Doug, nice pace on that run.

    @ Rian, I'm with you on the swim fitness... I need to improve. Fortunately, My HIM isn't until Aug. And beer sounds good to me too image

    I did Day 5 of my BBW today. Big TSS day. Supposed to do 53 mi but no way with the route I took. Lots of climbing, which I'm not used to at all since I've done all my riding on the trainer since Jan 1. This was FUN though! Stats below. I can barely type this update cuz my right hand is frikin TIRED from all the shifting! haha.

    BBW Day 5
    Entire workout (135 watts):
    Duration: 3:21:50 (3:46:20)
    Work: 1629 kJ
    TSS: 223 (intensity factor 0.83)
    Norm Power:173
    VI: 1.28
    Distance: 43.515 mi
    Elev Gain: 3196

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    Indeed, Doug, nice run. Rochester, eh?
    Rian, good job getting it done...those big training days are tough since the run is always in the heat of the day later on.

    I managed to get in my first post-Kansas ride today. It was a quick ride before some afternoon meetings. EN-er Ed Gross was able to join which was nice too. Our usual Chicago lakefront route was a shitshow in terms of traffic and construction detours. So we didn't get in too many work intervals and called the turnaround early, but that was just fine given the name of the game today was recovery and getting the legs back in the game. In fact, when I realized I didn't have my HR strap on walking out the door I didn't even bother going back to get it!

    Overall ride 1:21:47, NP 206 (IF 0.812), TSS 88.4. Distance 25.12 miles, avg 18.4mph.

    - ~9.5' – NP: 164 (IF 0.645), VI 1.03, cad 79, 17.2mph

    13' @z4 – NP: 229 (IF 0.903), VI 1.01, cad 87, 20.4mph
    9.5' @z3 – NP: 209 (IF 0.822), VI 1.16, cad 84, 16.3mph – NOTE crazy-high VI, this was not really an "interval" per se
    7' @z2 – NP: 193 (IF 0.759), VI 1.05, cad 83, 18.7mph – again, not really an "interval"
    5.5' @z4+ – NP: 269 (IF 1.060), VI 1.03, cad 92, 22.4mph
    5.5' @z4+ – NP: 270 (IF 1.062), VI 1.00, cad 93, 24.7mph
    5' @z3 – NP: 202 (IF 0.797), VI 1.00, cad 85, 22.7mph

    Plus a lot of junk time dealing with the overly-crowded and construction-laden path.

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    @ Rian, nice work on the big tri day, that's a lot of work. You must have an iron stomach. There's no way I could eat sausage and beans before a long bike and run! Rest and recover!

    @ Enrique, way to keep up the good work on the BBW, nice ride today!
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    @ Matt, yup Rochester, not a bad little city. Way to get back at it, don't overdo it though!
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    Posted By Shaughn Simmons on 12 Jun 2012 11:28 AM

    Jimmy - fantastic job with the taper brick!  Very important this close to the race to hit those intensity levels, however it is not meant to simulate how you execute the race, that's what RR are for!

    This close in, stay true to the plan. A lot of thought and wisdom as been incorporated.  I have used these plans many times over the past 8 - 10 HIMs and they have served me well.

    Do you have/use WK0+ where you can see your Normalized Grade Pace or NGP for those intervals?


    Oh wow. No. I have not looked at wko+. So it can take my garmin gps data and normalize pace for uphill/ downhill? That would be really interesting. After this race I have another 70.3 in october might try using it for that one. For now, I have just been using heart rate or intervals that might be all up or downhill. If it is a roller, I will try to hit the target pace as an avg for the set.

    In general though on the run, HR makes more sense to me. If HR is a true representation of how hard the engine is having to rev in order to output a certain speed then that seems like the most accurate data point for how hard I should be working on a given day in a given environment. I will for sure be keeping a closer eye on it than other data during a race.

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    Fri AM - should have ran long this morning! A "cold" front came through and the low was 73 with less humidity. Anyway, I swam 4000 yards followed by 3.74 mile run. Have a great weekend team.
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    @ Paul, what's less humidity, 75%? Ha ha, nice workout!

    Was supposed to do a 2200 yard RR swim but I got into it and a 3rd person jumped in and then a few minutes later a lifeguarding class of about 30 came in and they moved about 8 of us swimmers into 4 lanes. It was frustrating so I just left. I'll do the swim tomorrow or Sunday depending on how I'm feeling.
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    At Doug ... I did my RR swim within my 4,000 yards today. I'm not sure why it calls for 2200 yds cause 1.2 x 1760 = 2112. So I swim 42.5 laps, or to be more accurate I try to count to that. My rr times are all over the map because I lose count every other lap or so. I was 2 mins slower than expected today although I thought I was having a strong swim. I don't sweat cause I put in the work and effort.
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    Incredibly annoying pool workout today.

    I hit the pool thinking it would be a great day for a 1000 yd TT. My rationale was that I'm pretty well-rested, workout-wise, but not too out-of-the-game having done a solid 3000 yd the day before yesterday. Well all the lanes were full, except for a far lane which was reserved for kids lessons. They let me use that lane and share with a kid having a lesson. My goal workout was 3x1000 yd with the first 1000 as the TT test.

    I did a 200 yd warmup then hit the 1000 yd TT. I hit it pretty hard because I was pretty confident I'd be able to lay down a good time. Since it's a 25 yd pool, I mentally broke the 20 laps into 4x 5 laps. I was going pretty darn hard but it was a sustainable pace for sure. I was ensuring my form was good but also putting good power on every stroke.

    Then on lap 16 I had to dodge a kid, which was strange because it didn't look like the kid I was sharing the lane with. In fact, there were at least 3 kids in the lane at that point. By lap 17 I knew something strange was going on, and as I started the turn for lap 18 the lifeguard tapped me and stopped me (my natural reflex was of course to IMMEDIATELY hit the stop button on my Garmin!). He let me know that a different lesson was about to begin and I had to switch lanes. To say I was utterly crushed is an understatement. To be SO CLOSE to completing the TT and yet unable was mentally brutal. There was another guy getting out of a lane who offered his spot to me and I couldn't do it. It was locker room time. The thought of banging out another 2000 yards knowing that I got robbed on the first part was just not going to work for me today.

    Overall I completed 1050 yd in 17:14, avg pace 1:32/100 yd, efficiency 37, 10.4 strokes/length in 25 yd pool.

    Warm-up 200 – 1:30 pace, then rested 1:00

    I did the 850 yards of the TT in 13:11, avg pace 1:33/100 yd
    250 yd increments:
    - 250 in 1:31/100
    - 250 in 1:34/100
    - 250 in 1:32/100
    - 100 in 1:31/100

    In other words, I was actually tracking for a negative split and an overall time of just under 15:30, which would have been an improvement of over 23 seconds from my last test on May 11. I'm pretty damn confident I would have been able to hold the pace for the last 150…it was a really great swim happening. SO ANNOYING!!!!

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