sweat rate
Ok, I just ran for 75min in 93 degrees. I weighed before and after and did not drink. I dropped about 5lbs.
Can I use this data to inform my fluid replacement needs?
Ok, I just ran for 75min in 93 degrees. I weighed before and after and did not drink. I dropped about 5lbs.
Can I use this data to inform my fluid replacement needs?
In fact, I made up a Google Spreadsheet that will do the math for you. Just fill in the highlighted areas, and you will get your Sweat Rate.
Once i have calculated how much I am losing per hr, what % of that should I look to replace?
Hi Jimmy,
There really isn't a % to shoot to replace. You should target to minimize the losses. Most people can absorb between 20 - 48 oz of fluid per hour. You may need to train yourself and your body to accept the higher amounts. It can be done. Using a beverage with electrolytes can help your body retain the water. You can also pre-load with an electrolyte beverage 30-60 minutes before your workout. You might try The Right Stuff for pre-load since your sweat rate is so high. http://www.therightstuff-usa.com/