Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 8 Run Test

Pooched my run test tonight  - vDot actually dropped a couple points image   Apparently still shattered from being in the lab for a bike test on Tuesday night so gonna take a couple days off to regroup.

hope everyone else is crushing it this week and getting ready to raise the roof during the next block!



  • @Tavis - how was the lab testing? Be interesting how your Lactate Threshold compare with your FTP figure from 'manual' testing.
    Assuming that was blood analysis over a period of time with power also increasing?
    Did you also do a VO2 max test - gas analysis?

    I did 2 tests a few years ago at a local University here in the UK - my finger tips were like a pin-cushion afterwards! Interesting however but I guess not 'real world' as in not in the environment where you train.
  • TY -

    Don't sweat the run test, I wrote elsewhere that most folks, esp those fit at end of season / start of OS, see a slight drop in vDOT b/c we are running very differently. It will come up and you will be stronger!

  • Hey Guys

    Yes, as evidenced by my lacklustre performance during the CT winter series, I am attributing some cumulative fatigue to the whole equation!

    @Dave - I did my lactate test at Peak and interestingly enough, it was a whole 4 watts less than my last "manual" test on the CT. Pretty much every Saturday for the last 10 weeks have been a time-trial for me on the bike so I figure once I build in some REAL rest where I'm not pooching myself during the week with our bike/run intervals, things will take care of themselves.

    @Patrick - thanx man - I think I went out a little too hard on the first 4 laps of my test anyway so I'll be a bit smarter - I was expecting BIG things and let my ego dictate pace more than anything lol. Still, not that bad all things considered.

    Most important thing I learned during the test (in the context of the EN protocols) - My last bike test in the lab in July '07 when I was actually "in shape" before Ironman, it took roughly 7 months to get to the figures that I had - basically using the tons of zone 1 training methodology. Since joining the EN Team in late november and with the christmas chaos in there, my numbers NOW are essentially what they were back in July 07 - and that's with 1/20th the saddle time!

    REALLY looking forward to seeing how the numbers flesh out by THIS July image

    Taking the next couple days to recover from this week's bike and run tests and going to drop the hammer on Monday night at the race series to see what happens.

    Have a great weekend folks!
  • I was REALLY sick last weekend and completely shattered for my Monday bike. Those numbers will have a to wait. I had a decent run and saw some gains on the Wednesday run test. I was really suprised as to how easy the first two miles were and that I was able to up the ante for the last mile. The last 1/4 mile I was really holding on. My numbers aren't great but I am happy to see improvements.
  • I've asked to no avail in (in a few forums) why those training with heart rate were not to re-test the bike last week with the power users. Anyone else plan on testing after this first 8 weeks to reset zones and/or check fitness gains?
  • Hey Terry!

    Chuck brought this up in another thread HERE.  (Good job on your run test BTW)

    As Bob answered, you won't see a big diff in heart rate numbers so it's probably better use of your time to get that bike interval done instead of crushing yourself in a test - like he said - be thankful


  • Patrick,

    My VDOT did not significantly change which I felt was ok because of differences in conditions:  38 deg cold and windy (VDOT: 44) vs. 60 warm and sunny (VDOT: 43.7).


  • Hey Terry,

    Just a comment from what I saw with myself. Between my two tests, my FTP went up, and my LTHR actually went down 5 beats/minute. However I found myself with a little more energy left in the second half than I would have liked during the test, I was a little too conservative in the beginning so I ramped up the intensity during the second half. (Bike and Run). My Average LTHR for the second half was more or less the same as the initial tests.

    Using the HR data from the second half of the test, my zones wouldn't have changed. So i'd agree with what Bob and Terry said.

    Hope the training is going well,


  • I'm a week behind everyone on the test but just got done with the run test...went from 42 Vdot to a 43 Vdot. Not to badimage coming off being sick again last week so very happy with the results.

    work is working!!!
  • Great job guys. I'm seeing some improvements as well but not necessarily with the raw numbers - they've stayed basically the same, but I'm definitely biking and running stronger than I did compared to last month - ie, doesn't *feel* like I'm working as hard to hit the numbers. Will be interesting for the next test as the experience gained doing the EN testing protocol will definitely help.

    ran like a man possessed last night!
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