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Challenge inspired by Rich

Reading about Rich hitting the gym again made me realize how much I missed lifting weights. I know I won't be squatting anything like I use to but I can still do some upper body work. The pushup challenge had me thinking as well.

Here is the challenge if EN peeps want to go along.

1) Number of reps at body weight for the guys and 50% of body weight for woman

2) You then run a 5K

3) Depending on the number of reps you get time deducted from the 5K. There are races that do this and I will look up how they do it.

4) Person with the best ADJUSTED TIME will win.

As stated there are races that do this and I will see how they credit your time for reps and post it.

This I believe will help you in several areas, first you will have to hit the gym and continue with the pushups as that will help you. Second, you have to get your 5K time down which is proper EN protocol. And lastly if you lose weight you have to lift less weight.

Who is up for it, how many days should we give people 30,60 to train.

This may be one challenge I can do well in.

Rich you game?
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