Getting hungry during long runs
I did my weekly long run this morning, and I found myself getting rather peckish 1.5 hours in. I ate a bag of Powerbar Gel Chews (~190 cal) and a gel (~100 cal) before I went out the door. Up to that point, I took in around 16 oz of Ironman PERFORM during the run (~140 cal). I didn't feel myself getting weak or bonking at any point (total run was 2.25 hours), but getting hungry definitely made things harder, at least psychologically.
A few things:
- I'm guessing I should have taken more calories beforehand. I don't think I had this problem when I did my long run in the late afternoon last week, after eating breakfast and lunch during the day. Maybe waking up earlier and eating more would help? Would it help to "preload" with a bit of protein to some extent?
- I was only taking in Perform during the run, but I'm thinking I might try to eat something small during the run to fight off the hunger pangs. A gel? Clif Shot Bloks? Something else? I know it's risky to be eating during an IM run, so I'll have to experiment with this and see how this works for me...
- I imagine that I'll have more leeway during a race, when I can feed myself on the bike. My plan for the bike was to stick with concentrated Infinit and water, but I'll might try something eating something solid towards the end of the bike to set myself up for the run. I'll try this on my RR this weekend.
For my long course long runs, I run from home in a 30 min loop — so every 30 mins I have about 250 mls of water and a gel (90 cals), and practice walking eating and drinking.
So in a 2.25 hour run I would have 360 cals plus what I had before I start (sometime toast and honey or at least a gel and a bottle of Gatorade).
So perhaps you are under fueled?
Fine tune it, then execute this very thing on race day.
My n=1 is to use two pieces of toast with peanut butter and sugar free jelly, to avoid the sugar spike, and a scoop of protein with water. Works really well for me.
Also, missed you on the long run today at the Rose Bowl. I only did 90 minutes, but all the stuff around JPL and La Canada is great.
Send me a message if you want to long ride. I can't this weekend, but would love to keep you company if you want.... I am not training for IM until next year, but would love to see you do it.
Keep the perform, but you need to drink 16oz per hour. Plan accordingly.
Eat one clif blok every 2 miles.
See how that goes and adjust!
"you are fueling your long runs like a supermodel"
Now there is one statement I will never be acused of!
Love that quote!
I am also a fan of the eating of breakfast before running and making sure I'm hydrated, have had a good dinner the night before. Eating a bowl of cherries for dinner makes for a miserable long run the next morning.
I'm not a huge breakfast fan, so I had to find things I really like to eat with calories. Current favorites? Quinoa with berries, honey, and almond milk and sweet potato pancakes with jam.
Thanks for the tips!
To add, I think I should carry along some sort of nutrition other than liquid during traning and racing. It was a cool morning when I went out to run, so it wasn't very hard staying hydrated. In fact, I had to back off the Perform because I was getting a slight side stitch from the liquids. Perform is not particularly "calorie dense" as say, a gel or a Shot Blok, so it was hard taking in enough calories.
I'll have to experiment with eating breakfast before running. I guess I've always has this odd fear of massive GI problems or throwing up if I eat anything "solid", but I've actually yet to test that...
@ Patrick: Hahaha, that totally made my day!
I don't think I've ever managed to get myself early enough to run with the group on Thursdays, *shame*
And definitely yes to doing a long ride some time! Just realized I only have a handful of long rides left before my IM next month, eek! Or you can drag me up to do repeats up Chantry, which is something I should do more often while I still live within riding distance of that climb. Ahh, how I'll miss that workout when I move to west LA...
Iv'e tried milk & cereal, smoothies, nothing, plain toast and many other things but I alway come back to, and have the best results with the PB&J protocol. But like others have said, you got to find out what works for you.
Hi Anson: Try having something small before your runs then keep increasing it. The fear is no reason to keep you from fueling your body. You might just be sure there are some places you can stop to take care of things if the need arises on your run in case it happens.
They are both recipes from the Feed Zone cookbook, which is becoming my new, summer eating bible. The quinoa recipe is in my blog.
The Feed Zone has a lot of great recipes.