Changing Training Zones After Injury
I was injured in late April during a Marathon and had to take 7 weeks off from running and had to limit my bike training (stress fracture). Well I am back to running almost all the run workouts and have found that my paces are no where close to where I was pre-injury. I have been running for 3 weeks and what used to be a 7:00-7:30 pace for a mid week run has been replaced with a 8:45 pace run at a much higher RPE. I ran a half marathon on saturday to test my fitness and to decide what my IM Canada training should look like. My pre-injury self would have coasted to a sub 1:30 half and then come home and mowed the lawn and worked in the shop for a few hours. This race produced a hard earned 1:48 and I was shelled the rest of the day.
My Question is- should I recalculate my Vdot based on this latest half marathon and get new training paces for the IM Canada build or just keep plugging along at whatever pace I can muster on that day? My previous Vdot was 52 and if I base a new Vdot on saturdays race it gives me a Vdot of 41. It's a tough pill to swallow but if it will be better for Canada then so be it.
But, even if they don't, I think you risk re-injuring yourself if you push to hard to do the paces you used to do. And then I think THE LINE at IMC will come much sooner than mile 18.....
A stress fracture scares me. You're young enough (
) that you can give yourself the time you need to heal, or else you'll be on a fast track to an artifical knee. Do what you can, not what you want to or used to.