Wind and Bike Test
Bike test done last night. Was so windy I ran out of gears when it was behind me and slightly downhill and almost had to drop to small chainring when fighting against it. Thought a couple of times this is stupid and should just try wed. The numbers don't show how happy I was with my effort.
Effectively i had a bump of "1" watt.
Pnorm=251 (current ftp is 250)
IF 1.003
avg HR=139 (lowest ever usually sit at 145-148)
avg Cadence=79 (lower than average usually sit at 87 for z4 intervals)
I had no problem pushing 270ish watts when sheltered from wind but then bamm once into it i would just slow and slow. maybe some fatigue it just beat me down.
Anyhow, interested in any comments about how to assess, keep FTP at the same or bump it a bit?
So if it was me, I wouldn't over-think it and I would just use the latest test number — if the Z4 intervals now seem easy, bump up your estimate of your FTP by, say 5 - 10 watts and see how you go.
Does wind affect our ability to generate max levels of straight ahead power? I think so. I think we are "wasting" energy trying to stay upright that would otherwise go into pedaling harder.
What FTP should you train at? The one that will let you do the workouts @ the prescribed intensity day afer day, week after week. If you can't assess that wihtout a test, then re-test.