I'm guessing I need a power meter....
When it comes to running I have the whole pace thing figured out (I guess as I come from more of a running background) - I can pretty much tell what pace I am running without even having to look at my Garmin (which was a good thing seeing as the battery died on my @ CdA this past weekend!) - but I suck when it comes to judging the bike.
I don't have a power meter, although I have access to computrainers during the week so train with power. From this I know I shoud be getting a 'feel' for what my various zones and targets are like for my legs, but I just don't seem to be able to push without seeing that that 'average watts' glaring at me!
I am always so paranoid about blowing up for the run that I know I tend to hold back on the bike but didn't realise how much until today.
It was my 1st time back on the bike after CdA so hooked up with a friend for a nice easy 50km spin. We chatted for the 1st 10km and she then took off as she wanted to do a little harder so I deliberately hung back, spun up the hills, coasted the downhills and generally if in doubt, switched it to an easier gear. Well much to my frustration when I got back, my speed was basically the same as it always is (I ride pretty much the same routes - certainly the same type of hilly terrain all the time and wind was the same as always - headwind out, tailwind back) - and yet even with being deliberately cruisy suzy I was no slower than when I could swear I'm pushing it (and I'm talking looking at speeds over 10+ outside rides, not just comparing to 1 previous!)
What gives?! I guess I need power to really get my 'head in the game' and make me push when I need to ?? Physiologically I have it in me I know that - but I seem to need to get the head to catch up and it would appear that until it does, I need a solid # (ie power) to work from.
Do you guys get the same - that you need to see that # (be it run or bike) to keep you on track or have you trained to do it by feel now (ie I just need to suck it up buttercup on the bike and push harder in races? - $$ being somewhat of an issue right now ie not really able to just run out and but a power meter 
Before EN I used heart rate for both bike and run but tended to 'overachieve' and really suffered.
Now I am really happy using power and would never go back — but I realise not everyone wants to spend the money on power.
BTW, I have a CT and Powertap and use the CT in my Pain Cave for all Z4 and Z5 intervals (on the CT I program the workout and don't have any choice about whether I hit the targets — you either push the watts, or stop pedaling).
Matter of fact I recently bought a 7000,00 bike on EBay for under 2000.00 a few years old mind you and used but as the bigger money steps up to get new stuff the smaller money ( me ) moves on in for a deal.
Good luck shopping !!!
I never even considered that a previous generation of the powertap may be wired and thus a bunch would be available for relatively cheap. I'd love to have a power meter, but am having a hard time justifying the cost of it plus the joule or equivalent CPU head that it would be used with.
Thanks for the info on a possible alternative, John!
With that said, if these metrics are important to you "realtime" you can get a used ANT+ powertap on eBay for ~$450-850 depending on how nice or whether it is a full matching wheelset or just a rear wheel. You will also need budget in the extra ~$225 to buy a Garmin or similar in addition to the wheel if you go this route.
After I looked at it a bit, I came to the conclusion that it was the basic power info you got from the LYC (as you confirmed) - and then after thinking about it some more, if you know your FTP and you know how long you've been riding (which you generally do), you can mentally calculate a good estimate of IF and therefore TSS mid-ride. I also suppose it's one of those things that after some time, you barely even need to think about it, you just kinda know.
I think this route may solve my problem
Just saying
Also, Power is just fun...Its like a training partner who is beating on you reminding you how much or little you are working....
As you can see, the squad is pretty dialed into training and racing with power, probably the best place in the world to learn. And I'm a Quarq and Powertap dealer so let me know if you're interested in either system.
unfortunately its not mine :-) I train with a local group and have access to their facility of trainers whenever I want to.... but how about I sell one of my munchkins then - I have 3 sooooo.....
(just joking... really...!!)
Yep. I wouldn't say that you need to go crazy with analyzing stuff, but at a minimum you really, really need to become fluent in the meanings of nuances of normalized power, intensity factor, training stress score and much more. As others have said, power is like seeing the world in 3d vs 2d....if you know what to look for.
Having those metrics available in real time makes a hugh diffence IMO.