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Garmin Display for IM Run

I am curious how people who have a Garmin watch have the display setup for your IM run?  I have a 310XT and am experiementing with the display screens to find the best setup for me as I prep for IM Louisville.  If you use a Garmin watch when you run, I'd love to hear how many display screens you use and what you have displayed on each screen (pace? time? distance? HR? Cadence?)?  Thanks for sharing what you have found helpful!


  • I have a 910xt Dan.
    In the first screen I have 4 windows. Lap time, Pace, Lap Pace and lap HR. I run most of the race in this window and have an automatic lap reset for every 1 mile. I essentially run the 26 miles as 26 separate segments. This way if I have a bad spell I can start over in minutes when the next mile begins and when the going gets tough I simply focus on holding pace for the remainder of that mile.

    I also have my second display screen with 2 windows. total race time and total run time. I will scroll over to this at miles 6, 13.1, 18 and 23, just for a glance and then return to the first screen.

    Hope this helps!
  • I have not done any IM races but for HIMs (and oly) I set the Garmin to show 3 metrics. The big one at the top is total time. The lower left is lap pace. The lower right is cadence. I also have another screen that I flip to late in the race that removes cadence and instead shows lap distance. Late in the race I can't control my cadence due to fatigue and instead I need the mental push of knowing how many tenths of a mile are left until the next mile begins. Btw, I take splits manualy by hitting the lap button at every on-course mile marker.
  • Sukhi - Is there a way so that the two display screens can automatically scroll back & forth w/out having to do so manually? Or is it a matter of hitting the up/down arrows?
  • Posted By Woody Freese on 04 Jul 2012 11:42 PM

    Sukhi - Is there a way so that the two display screens can automatically scroll back & forth w/out having to do so manually? Or is it a matter of hitting the up/down arrows?

    There's an auto-scroll option.

  • I use 3 data fields: the big one on top is pace, lower left is last lap pace, and lower right is distance. I occasionally scroll to look at average pace and other metrics, but on the run I leave it at those 3 fields 99% of the time.
  •  THere's an auto-scroll. Keep in mind it will scroll through all the displays at a set pace. I personally don't like it because I'm looking for specific info. when I look at my watch and want it asap so I can go back to focusing on what's important, rather than holding my watch there on the run waiting for screens to change.

  • I like running with mine on auto lap for each mile. I have a screen set up for 2 fields: lap pace and current pace. If I am trying to run 8:30 miles this way I can glance and see if I am on pace for this mile overall and if my current pace is too fast or too slow. I hit the up arrow to get to a 4 field view similar to Sukhi.
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