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Help understanding Pa:HR on recent WKO

I'm trying to figure out what a largely negative PA:HR means - Sunday went on a 2:50 / 50 mile ride.  My goal was to ride steady, around 70-75%. current FTP is 224

Overall data for ride: - 14 mile/hr wind in face on way out, at back on the return home

2:48:32, IF: 0.705, VI 1.08, PA:HR -4.41%

AVG PWR 146 NP 158, AVG HR 119

Lap 1 - into wind 1:24, IF 0.717, avg 150, NP 161, AVG HR 121, avg speed 17.3

Lap 2 - downwind 1:23 (got stuck at a bunch of stop lights) IF 0.69, AVF power 142, NP 155, avg HR 117, avg speed 17.6

Looking at middle 30 miles - barely any stops: 1:34, IF 0.74, VI 1.04, AVG pwr 161, avg HR 123, AVG speed 18.8 

So the numbers are a little wierd for me - the first is the average HR.  there were numerous times that I was looking down at my garmin and found that my HR was 110-120 even when pushing + 21mph which is a good day of riding for me.  I'm not too concerned about the IF's, for the middle 30 miles with the minimal stops I pretty much accomplished the task I set out to accomplish - steady ride, FTP 70-75%, keeping HR in check...although apparently it was really low.  I felt a little tired starting the ride, not necessarily legs but just overall tired.

So here are my questions:

1- what does the negative PA:HR mean? - i know that it is related to aerobic decoupling, but haven't seen negative numbers much

2- should I worry about the really low HR?  





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