The "My FTP is Stuck" Thread
Rob Boisvert My FTP was stuck(10pts in 9 months). In early June I asked the coaches for help getting the FTP to move…Below was Patricks advice. @Rob, I suggest if you are doing 1x Weekly FTP and 1x Weekend Ride (includes FTP) that your "additional" weekly ride be more VO2 focused. This means very, very hard efforts (120% FTP) from 1' to 3' in duration, with twice the recovery (1' work = 2' recovery). You can start with 10' of "work" in a session and build that up to 20' over the course of a few weeks… 4 sessions...16 watts. wow
Scott Dinhoferpatrick - if you see this, can this work for a series of short climbs?? work very hard for 2-3 minutes, coast down, repeat?
2:02 PM Today
Rich StraussYes. Don't over think it. Very hard is very good.
2:04 PM Today
Anson LamNice! I have the same problem with my FTP being stuck because my VO2 "roof" is too low. I'll have to get working on that once my A race is over. 

2:58 PM Today
Kim DuBordCool! Coaches- Is there a good time to insert this into your training, or a time to definitely not? ie how many weeks out from a HIM or IM is it not a good idea? Is it OK to throw in some VO2 on Sunday ABP rides? I'm stuck too. 

Here you go!
Also, here's a blog article on the same topic.