Run pace and heat
I am using run pace instead of HR for run training but I am wondering do I need to adjust my pace for hot conditions? I know that part of the point of using pace is to not worry too much about HR with varying conditions but I am wondering if that is an absolute. During my Z2 run this am as I felt more and more fatigued , I noted at Z2 pace at one point I was in Z5 by HR. maybe I should not have looked but I felt so bad I even knew I was up there before I looked at my Garmin! The temp was 85 but heat index 95- at 9am! I also know my legs were a little tired as I had biked an hour prior to running. Any ideas will be appreciated!
The hotter it gets the less "accurate" pace becomes as an indicator of how hard you are working:
Thanks so much Rich! Maybe I should do my run next time before the bike so I can use the cooler temps to help control HR? HR does not seem so adversely affected for me on the bike
Or maybe go to dreadmill?
Yep, that's what I do on the weekends, waking up a little early, coffee, run 30-40' when it's cool, have breakfast, then ride. The run is a non-issue on the bike but I'm able to run a good 30-45" / mile faster by doing it this way vs as a brick off the bike (not happenin') or in the PM (also not happenin')
ok sorry to say I am still stuck on this topic. Today ran earlier and temp was 76 (humid but overcast), had 45 min run HMP effort. In order to stay in HR Z3 my average pace over the whole run was 2 mins slower than my Z3 pace based on recent testing! Testing was done at same temp,, slightly less humid, but with hills (no hills where I run in pancake S FL!). As long as you tell me this is ok, I am ok with it, but I need to get that into my head from someone who knows more than me! A couple of times I had to slow way down to get out of Z4 by HR. I was definitely well hydrated and well rested.
Heat and Humidity just torture me. I ran earlier today (92F at 50% humidity). 40 minute Z1/Z2 "effort" with some strides. Now it's hilly around here so slowing down for that and slowing down for heat but I'm about a minute slower than my Z1 pace according to Daniels and I can sometimes feel wrecked after a run like that. Ended up around 10:05 per mile where 9:15 is my Z1 pace and my HR was high Z3 to Z4 pretty much the whole time after the first hill. I've pretty much resigned myself to early season and late fall racing
Put me on a treadmill and I'm fine, meet paces accordingly and generally feel ok. My body just does not cool itself well
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