Looking for WKO+ Tips
I have not played around much with WKO since I started using it in March, I typically just upload my info, look at it and move on. I was checking it out again last night and it occured to me this program probably does a lot of things I am clueless about and figured you guys might ahve some tips to share. For example- my training plan this week does not call for an FTP test, but it says to use my 28-day average... where do I find this info? How accurate is it?
Other questions I have had pop into my head:
How do you manipulate the graphs to show useful info? For example, I noticed in the PMC graph there are other options you can add in, does anyone else use these? Which ones do you find helpful to measure gains?
How do I use the quadrant analysis info?
Browse the Training Peaks website for power information.
The Google wattage forum is highly technical but good to follow.
Graphs can typically be manipulated by clicking on the "options" button and that will give you all the choices available to customize the graph.
quadrant analysis: http://home.trainingpeaks.com/articles/cycling/the-power-of-quadrant-analysis,-by-hunter-allen.aspx.
Some of the power graphs default to last 28 day power range. You can usually change it if you want. I tend to keep it because fitness levels are fairly steady in this range. What you did last year isn't nearly as important as what you did last week.
I wouldn't use PMC until you understand a lot of the nuances of WKO. Also, make sure you slug in all your running and swimming data too. If you are doing a ton of running and little biking, your biking PMC data will tell you to keep pushing, when in fact you're probably fried. If your FT numbers for each of the sports are off, the PMC chart is meaningless. The PMC chart is used as a tool to measure when you are peaking / burning out etc. I tend to prefer Dr. Lim's approach, which is looking at fatigue; are you sleeping, is your resting HR higher, etc.
Keep asking questions!
Becky — 4th bullet point in that wiki post
So my power distribution chart has 2 peaks, one big one at 145-150,(up around 6%) and another smaller one at 195-200 (at around 2.5%). My last FTP test was 205. I'm guessing I use the second peak, and not the first. I am not a very 'surgy' rider, I tend to hang out near the watts I am supposed to be putting out, so those numbers make sense from the type of training I have been doing the last month for IMC. Does assuming my FTP is still around 200 make sense?
You will probably test in the next week or so in any case.
The rolling 28 day method only works if you do a lot of hammering on the bike (compared to sitting on the zones that the coaches specify). Also, have you setup that chart to use normalised power?
I do have the chart set up to use NP, saw that somewhere... I will have to dedicate more time in the OS to learning more about this program and how to interpret my numbers, I'm just going to get through the next 31 days until race day with what I know. Such a complicated little toy!!