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Trailing off on long runs

I know about HR creep etc but wondering if this happens to anyone else

Went out on my long run this morning

Prescribed workout..  30 min Z1 Warmup, 2x1/2 mile and 1xmile with 3 minutes rest at Z4 then remaining at Marathon pace (90 min total).  It was warm and humid this morning but I hit the 2 x 1/2 and 1 mile but when I got to marathon pace my HR was in the stratosphere.  Anyways, tried to manage myself and run it best I could but wondering

Is that a lack of endurance thing? 

Seems like most of hte time when I finish intervals my HR doesn't want to come back down very well.  If before interals 9:00 miles is 150 bpm, afterwards 9:00 miles might be 170+ where my LTHR is 180


  • yea. that is me too. I am interested to see what the more experienced folks have to say about this one.
  •  heat, hydration, and nutirition (or some combination of them all) can impact this very topic. Once the webinar from Core Diet is placed in the forums/wiki I would suggest you go through that as it is a great encapsulation of the cause and effect relationships among the three things I mentioned and cardiac drift

  • I would agree that heat and humidity will make it exponentially more difficult for that HR to recover after work intervals......depending on where the heat index is at that time.....

    If you find your HR is decoupling due to the heat, consider defaulting to HR zones and coming off of pace zones for the remainder of the workout.  Make sure you are getting enough liquid replenishment along the way and are well hydrated going in......

  • Yes the heat and humidity are brutal. With humidity your body sweats and can't cool off because its wet outside. Stick with what you can your ok. Recover from an interval with a walk. Split up your interval running less exp. 1/2 mile becomes 1/4 run then recover with whatever your rest time should be, exp 2 min rest on the 1/2 ... so rest 1 min for the 1/4... etc .

    Run a loop where you can hydrate a lot every 1/2 to 1 mile, fuelbelt doesn't hold enough fluid for these temps.
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