Home Summer HIM Training 2012 Group Discussion - Summer HIM Training 2012

Workouts week of Aug 6

 ...a sign of my new commitment: I'm starting this week's thread.  :-)


Got in the pool this morning.  Bummed that masters is off for a month, but I do recognize that everyone needs a vacation.  It's just badly timed for me..  :-)

LCM 4000m total

  • 300 swim
  • 400 kick (fins, for strength)
  • 3 x 300 pull, big paddles for strength on ~4:45
  • 10 x 100 as 50 hard/50 easy on 2:00
  • 10 x 50 build on 10 sec rest
  • 5 x 100 variable (15 h, 20 e, 15h, 25 e 25 h) on 15 sec rest
  • 400 small paddle swim to get form back in cool down


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    Strong work William!
    I got in a 3000M swim early
    500WU swim
    8X100M 50 sprint, 50 easy
    4X200M negative split with paddles
    2X300M with paddles t-2 secs on last 100
    CD 300M with bouy
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    Welcome back William. I'm trying to overtrain to cover everyone!

    Mon AM ... Woke up groggy and legs felt practically paralyzed like a fallen Redwood. The absorb-o-meter was pegged from the weekend surge so I blew off the morning swim.

    Mon PM ... 25 mins core work followed by 7.69 mile run. My garmin crapped out early on this runs so I measured it w map my run. I got this one in entirely in the rain so was able to push the pace.
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    Good job @ William! How rude of the Masters group to bail on you jsut when you needed them. image

    Nice swim @ Shaughn.

    Paul- Great rain run!

    My swim was cut short by my shoulder acting up. I fell off my bike 5 yrs ago trying to walk/run the dog while on the bike (DUMB!) and got yanked over the handlebars and landed on my left shoulder. Never went to Dr. as it wasn't that bad but it does act up tonight. Apparently, assorted high elbow drills don't help matters, which is probably why my left elbow is a bit lame. I won't push that technique in the future, it is what it is. I'll get a good massage tomorrow and hopefully break up some of the scar tissue/tightness that is there and I'll try to swim again Fri.
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    Yeah, the masters group is really just a few guys hung onto a youth club that has 100 kids. Their cycle just ends this time of year. Oh well.

    Didn't have time for the scheduled 90 min ride FTP ride, so I took about 15 minutes pretty easy and just resolved to hammer as much as I could for the remainder of an hour, pretty close to FTP

    Ended up IF 0.88, VI 1.06., 76 TSS. 21.2 mph ave, which is pretty good for me.


    I know in theory I should have spent an hour in the pool and 90 on the bike, but the pool is only open at certain times, and that dictated life a bit. Because of travel later this week, I'll probably do the long run tomorrow morning. My guess is that it probably won't be quite as aggressive as written, but I need the longishness more than a shorter faster run. Just know this from experience.

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    Dinner with clients (managed to keep it to about 1400 cal…it was tapas at Jaleo)…then to the pool.

    Overall 2785 yd in 50:10 (avg pace 1:33/100yd, excl rest intervals). Avg efficiency 36. Bethesda pool…23.75yd long, so with the Garmin set to 24 yards the reported paces are about 1 sec/100 faster than actual.

    W/U 400 – 1:39
    - 8x100(20) as 50 sprint / 50 easy – 1:28, 1:28, 1:28, 1:29, 1:29, 1:29, 1:29, 1:29
    - 4x200(20) neg split – 1:32, 1:32, 1:32, 1:31
    - 2x300(30), last 100 at t-pace minus 2-4" – 1:34, 1:34
    C/D 300 – 1:38

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    Did something totally out of the ordinary for me today.... Did my WKO in the morning! I have a negative balance in my SAU bank and each WKO seems to make another withdrawl so I figured I'd try to do some of the shorter interval bike & run WKOs in the morning. Actually not horrible. Wasn't able to get started as early as I wanted to as it was still darkish but was up at 5:45ish and on the bike by 6. Got in Z4 intervals of 11', 15' and 15' between .93-.96IF. 12 miles total. Done in about 52 mins. (WU was about 3 mins) Will be interesting to see the impact on weight loss and hunger on the morning WKO days. (Don't they say it revs your metabolism for the day?)
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    Tue AM - make up swim at another pool. 3600 LCM as 9 x 400m. The first one is the warm-up. Does that sound like an IM workout? image

    @ William - my typical "masters swim" is just pool access from 5-7am with a lifeguard, aka, do your own thing. There are triathletes and ex-collegiate swimmers. The latter group of about 6 guys hang out in 3 lanes at one end, and the rest of us weenies just do whatever we feel like. It's been that way for the 6 years I've been doing this. But it's only 5 mins from my house as opposed to 30 min drive to a 'real' masters group.
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    @ Paul, 9x400? Yikes...building the mental 6-pack...
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    Week 6 Get Faster 60' ride this morning:


    V02 intervals for breakfast (12') Legs felt fatigued for these from Sunday 62 mile ride........had to hold it to 1' intervals....

    Entire workout (223 watts): 

    Duration: 1:03:31 (1:03:39) 

    Work: 848 kJ 

    TSS: 79.3 (intensity factor 0.868) 

    Norm Power: 253 

    Hill repeats tonight........

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     Wow everyone is bustin it out! Nice!

    I get tired just looking @ Matt and Paul's swim workouts

    @Kim, I think you'll find your S.O. much happier with you doing early AM workouts, mine is... but you're are likely to be more hungry late in the day...I was. I  had to up the protein intake at breakfast and that really helps carry me through the whole day. Just in case the tummy rumbles on you later, something to try!

    I'm in final taper for my one and only HIM this sunday, so I'm getting antsy.

    Yesterday:  1600yd swim w/ 6x150 @ race pace with last 50 easy recov ( ~1:36), 8x25 easy/fast alt.

    Today: OWS 1000yd  (ish)  easy (ish) 16:30'  Wet suit was trying to choke me out the whole time, I guess I didn't get it hiked up enough putting it on. ugg. 

    30' Run @ Lunch

    Have a Great Day!

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    @Paul I hear you. We have pretty good "Lap swim" availability in my town, which is very much as you describe your "masters". Especially in the university pool, there is a collection of Fast Doodes/Doodettes, and then there is the rest of us. At the municipal pool, interestingly, there is usually a group of fairly serious lap swimmers and a group of folk with some level of mental disability who are also swimming.

    As I alluded to yesterday, I know that for myself, I need a bit of over distance training to do my best...and that my travel schedule needed to put the "hard run" to today instead of Thursday. On this week's schedule is a 5K test and no long run. But the truth is that I know where my VDOT is (at least close enough), but I know I need a bit more by way of long runs and race-specific running (where a 5K test is clearly neither). Hope to get in a good hour run or two with a HMP segment while traveling.

    So I went out on a long run this morning. The plan was to run even, fairly easy pace. I knew that an FTP ride 12 hours before wasn't the way to throw a lot of HMP in there...

    So, I ended up going 16.3 mi in 2:11, for an average of 8:03 pace. rTSS 169, IF 0.83.
    Splits are pretty darn even (after a slow first mile), taking into account a few hills (don't how up well on the trace. Oh well) Couple traffic stops and a couple stops to wash down gels at drinking fountains are reflected in the HR drops on the Garmin site:


    The biggest feature was that HR went up from around 140 after warmup to mid 150s. It got warmer, and of course I got a bit tired. But it's all good. LT HR is in mid 160s.
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    morning run with local run group at the track. 6mi total. The main set was fun. It was 4 rnds of: 400M hard, 100M recover, 300M hard, 100M recover, 200 hard 100 recover 100 hard 300 recover. So each round was a mile. But the Hard sections were so short that the pace ended up high z4/z5. It was nice to run with other people.
    Lunchtime swim from EN HIM wk 9. All I can say is that I didn't drown.
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    8 x 400 swim tonight in the scy nightmare pool. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.

    After that run my legs are pretty tired tonight even just after that evening swim. Will be good to get a day off from run/bike tomorrow (Wed).
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    Very brutal humidity in Bethesda today…over 85%. Got my 60' run done but I was SOAKED by the end. I'm shuffling the schedule this week due to 4 days of travel…no bike/run today and instead I'm doing the 60' run that was scheduled for Thursday. And that run was supposed to be a 5k VDOT test but instead I decided to do mile repeats at FTP because I only test VDOT in races.

    Overall 8.81 miles in 1:04:01, 7:16 avg pace. A couple of short water stops. The first recovery was 5' because I had to get through a tunnel to start the second interval. The third and fourth intervals were uphill and the pace on the third was a fail plain and simple. Current z4=6:45, z3=6:52, z2=7:09.

    Warmup: 19' @7:15

    MS: 4x7'(4') @z4 -- 6:33, 6:37, 6:50, 6: 41
    (4' recoveries 7:50, 8:19, 8:27, 8:30)

    Remainder time
    - 5.5' @7:21
    - 3' @7:47 on some strange uphill sidewalk

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    @ Matt - same weather system here. The humidity is just awful. Tomorrow's long run will be hell ... may have to do it in 2 parts.

    Tue PM - Bike Brick. 60 mins on the drainer followed by 3 mile run. Bike included 3x1min Z4/5; 1x15min Z4, 2x5min Z4, and 3x2min Z4

    Wed AM - Aqua Brick. 3200 yards SCY followed by 4 mile run. Swim included 500 warm-up, 5x200, 5x100, 10x50, 1x500, 200 cool down.

    I started reading Iron War (a few pages here and there) to get motivated for the iron grind. I'm only a few chapters into it, but it's very good.

    QUESTION: I take a lower volume week after 3 hard weeks. Should I race during that week to get a high quality workout in when I'm not tired? I'm thinking about a low key short course race (1/2, 20mi, 10K) on August 25. Tell me your thoughts!

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    @Paul- I would think that is a good idea. Its not a long race so shouldn't impact training in terms of having to taper/recover and its a good way to get race-specific practice. I've raced more this year than ever and I like have shorter goals in between A/B races. Breaks up the day-to-day training routine and its fun!
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    Tues PM - 5 miles t-mill hill repeats done as: app.strava.com/runs/17085085

    8 X 1'  - -  2 X 1' @ 4%, 8.2 mph, 2 X 1' @ 5%, 8.2 mph, 2 X 1' @ 6%, 8.2 mph, 2 X 1' @ 7%, 8.2 mph

    Wed AM swim : 3,200M (8 X 400M)

    Z4 run intervals this evening............................



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     @Paul: I think that distance is great. I know you'll go at it hard (how could you not!) but the distances are short enough that total tss would be equiv to a mod/hard WKO for HIM training. Go for it. You might follow-up with an additional hour or so on the bike of z2/z3 after the race, and feel good that it was a solid Saturday effort. my 2c. 

    Easy run last night 4.5 mi 35:00 w / 3x3' @ 7:20

    Today: Stand Down. Already feeling nervous energy building...gonna be hard not to do anything today. 


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    +1 on a fun race for Paul. No harm done and some motivation. Just don't spend your mental energy calling it a 'quality workout'. Spend your mental energy letting loose and having fun!

    Just a swim for me today as I am about to jump on a plane and had a hard last few:

    5 x 500 scy as

    -swim with paddles
    -alternate hard/easy 25s
    -swim just short of race pace
    -descending 25s (recov, form, race pace, sprint) 5 x through (but continuous swim)

    20 x 25 hard/sprint on 30 sec take off.

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    @ Paul, although Vegas is for you just a part of training for IM Coz, I would for sure have a 2-week plan leading up to the half-iron race and I'm not sure a short race would be part of it...the reason being that even if it is short, it will doubtless impact your training for the couple of days afterwards. Then you will want to ramp back up after a couple of lighter days...which is right when you are t-1.5 weeks from the half iron race and should be dialing back a bit. It would probably make more sense to delay your "step back week" by one week and dovetail it with a mini-taper for the half-iron. Then use the HIM as a "kickoff" for the next build weeks. Just a thought.
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    A very familiar EN endurance workout…and again in the strange 23.75 yd pool in Bethesda (with the Garmin set to 24 yd, so I got some "bonus" on the paces). My paces on the MS intervals were slightly slower than usual today (by ~1 sec/100), but I didn't push it so that's understandable.

    Overall 2689 yd in 47:08 (avg pace 1:35/100yd, excl rest intervals. Avg efficiency 37.

    W/U 200 – 1:37, then rested for 1:00
    MS: 6x400(30) – 1:35, 1:36, 1:35*, 1:34, 1:35, 1:34
    C/D 150 – 1:38

    * the asterix indicates one miscounted and added an extra 50

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    Wednesday brick in the HIM plan. 60min interval ride with 8 12 and 15 z4. Then a 30min run with 3x3(1)z4. The run felt great and I ended up overshooting the pace on the 3x3.
    The bike in retrospect was too easy. I did not quite hit the z4 numbers from my ftp test of a week ago.
    Ready to run 90min tomorrow AM.
    On friday I am traveling to florida to visit family. Bike is packed as there just happens o be a sprint on sunday. Looking forward to getting some bike vol in as well as my step dad is a cyclist. Fun fun.
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    @ Matt ... I'm not sure about the short race either, but that low volume week is a lock so it's not going to impact my training. As to a 2 wk plan for Vegas? Ha,ha,ha! Actually,I do have a plan, and it involves maximal volume and minimal taper. My Labor Day weekend plan scares me! Vegas means zero other than I will give it 100% of whatever I have left on the day...basically a C race in a neat location. When I raced Clearwater I pointed for it only because it was Nov back then and the last race of the season. I've done ITU long course worlds in Holland and blew off opening ceremonies and rest to tramp all over Amsterdam. If I had a realistic chance to get in the top 5 maybe I would care, but I won't let it alter my IMCOZ plan.
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    Long run tonight... 8 miles total, 1st 4mi @ 11:55 pace, last 4 @ 11:37pace. (I think those might be off a hair since my GPS on my iPhone had 7.86 mi vs. 8mi on the watch. Close enough. Target LR pace is 12:22. I typically don't do the intervals specified on the long runs so I push the pace a little and call it even. image

    A bit concerned that my longest run was only 9 mi and my HIM is in 2 1/2 weeks. I'm sure I didn't do much longer than that prior to my 1st HIM so its probably fine. Once I switch to the IM plan, I am going to have to move my long runs to SUnday as I don't have enough daylight to get in more the 90 mins (now) and that will get even shorter. What are your thoughts/experience on what the minimum longest run should be for IM prep?
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    At Kim ... I think you need a couple of runs at 16 miles on the same surface as your target race. I.e.,training on dirt isn't going to give you the resiliency you need for an IM marathon on asphalt.
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    After my swim then a few meetings I went out for my scheduled 45 min run. Instead of running my normal trail in DC I decided to do the tourist thing and run the Capitol Mall and monuments. The only issue with that route is the number of tourists you need to dodge and the number of traffic lights. But it was good to change the scenery for once.

    Overall 6.68 miles in 45:20, 6:47 avg pace, although was actually a bit faster since I forgot to stop my watch for 20 sec at the end. As usual, started a bit slower and built up the pace throughout. Current z4=6:45, z3=6:52, z2=7:09.




    Avg Pace









































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    Thanks Paul. I didn't even think about the surface. Guess that's what u guys are for! image
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    @ Matt ... Skip the mall and pick up the trail behind the Kennedy center north to the towpath through Georgetown and beyond ... excellent. There is also a good trail including some boardwalk around Roosevelt Island. I used to do my intervals on the island when I worked at the Pentagon.

    Wed PM ... Bike 1 hr on the trainer at high Z2. Always feels easy to start but takes concentration to maintain as time goes by.
    Thu AM ... 10 mile run. Made it this week without getting sick to my stomach or having to walk any.
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    90 min run. Boy did I feel old and rickety getting out of bed for this one. After the track work on tuesday and the brick run on wednesday it was tough to get going. hit the 2x 1/2mi and 1x1mi z4 intervals but the running before and after was pretty slow and ugly.
    might get in the pool at lunch. Some swim time seems to help me with recovery after longer runs. Besides, tomorrow is a travel day and I doubt I will get anything done training wise.
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    Matt are you in DC for aug 10? I am staying at a hotel near on the mall on 16th street. Would love to go for a run tomorrow morning if you can stomach dragging me around and we can do it sufficiently early. Will try sending you an email.

    My morning run this morning was also around white ophouse and the mall but kinda slow due to bad travel and planning. Had eaten virtually nothing between 3 pm the day before and the run and I didn't have anything but some water and a couple sugar packets (!) before going out in the morning. Just kinda sluggish as ou might imagine. The traffic patterns that I dont know well didn't help either. Lots of stops.

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