Run GPS Recommendations
My ancient 305 died in the rain on the last day of my north Georgia camp so I'm in the market. My only condition is that I must be able to use the same HR strap for both the bike (Garmin 500) and run. I don't have a need to swim and bike with the watch on.
Any help?
The DC Rainmaker revew summary is still reasonably up to date:
From what I've heard - the 305's were cheap because they made a ton of them. They've since stopped production, so resellers, distro's and warehouses are going through their existing stockpile.
Yeah, they're all ANT+
Rich...If you're interested I have a perfectly good happy to offer you a deal since I have since purchased a 310xt....305 is a great watch...the biggest advantage of the 310 that I see is the quick I don't do alot of open water swimming where I need the GPS and it aint that great on the 310 you still have to put it under the hood which you can do as well with the 305....
Anyway...let me know...50% discount for you.
Hi Joseph, I'm interested in the 305 you have for sale, if Coach R doesn't buy it
What would be your price? Will it come with the HR strap?
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