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Need updated FTP on tri bike: ok to test inside?

 Hi all,

I'm finally in full swing (well, almost...) training for IM AZ, and desparately need to re-test my FTP on my tri bike.  It's been a while since I've tested, and that last test was on my road bike on the trainer.  I think it might be difficult to get it done outside during the week due to work and traffic on the roads after work.  I'd really like to get an accurate reading, though, as I approach my IM in November.  Is it ok to test indoors on the trainer or should I figure out how to do it outside?  If inside, any suggested adjustment to reflect what it would be outside?



  • Train like you'll race...outside on the tri bike in the aero bars.
  • On the trainer is better than not having any idea, but it will be off a bit compared to outside. I test higher inside; others are the reverse. For me, I think it's because there are no distracions (i.e. balancing...) and it's just that much easier to cheat a little sitting up a bit too much or whatever. Other people have a mental barrier to going hard inside and test higher outside.

  • what William said.
    FWIW, I get some idea of my FTP during the long FTP intervals (ie if I nail 2 x 15 mins @ 215 watts, then I am pretty sure my FTP is around 215 — on the other hand if I justy can't hold 2 x 15 @ 215 then my FTP is probably lower than 215).
    That said, you really should try and test aero on your TT bike.
  • It's not winter in NorCal yet image. Why not do an outdoor test on a weekend and then just add on after to get in a longer ride? A couple loops around Shadow Cliffs or May School Rd in Livermore and you're good to go!
  • ok... you all convinced me! I'll do it outside. Hmmm... working from home tomorrow; maybe that's the day!
    Thanks all!
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