Our reach is Far and Wide....
I think my friend would have no issue posting this here - a first timer who completed IMLou yesterday. I posted a congrats on getting it done and he replied with...
Doug ...
Thanks Jeff , I'm going to write up something and I'll send it to you. My training partner and I were trying to stay together. Everything was going well until about mile 50 on the bike when he blew 4 tires in about 5 miles. I stayed with hi
m for 3 tire changes and we ran out of tubes. It became kinda lonely after we split. Other than that, it went very well and as planned for non wetsuit swim, 92 dg, 10-15 kt wind. My hydration/nutrition planned worked perfect. Stayed well hydrated all day. Still peeing clear at the end of the race. I use Infinit, and I did not consume anything else except water all day. It was an awesome experience! 92dg run does kinda suck. I probably could have pushed harder, but I really tried to just be smart and conservative. If you do do IMWI, I can give you a few key tips that really were the best advice I was ever given, and it was proven over and over yesterday as the bike and run course was littered with broken bodies of DNFs (that phrasing sound familiar). I stayed on the very conservative side, but you can adjust to your own goals.
My reply...
Jeff Unruh Doug - Sounds very much like you have been listening to Endurance Nation race execution guidance. i have been with EN for 2 years and words like "race course littered with very fit dudes" is a phrase one of the coaches likes to use. +1 on the Infinit nutrition - works well for me too!
His reponse (coaches should be grinning)...
Doug ...
Yeah, funny, my training partner and I are for the most part self coached, but really good listeners Someone sent me a link to an hour long endurance nation video on race execution, and it was probably the greatest advice I was given in pre
paration for this race. I followed it nearly verbatim yesterday, and smiled nearly the entire day. Can't say enough good things about it. I may have to become an endurance nation member...
Thanks for helping to spread the word!