Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 8

Just checking in with everyone to see how the testing is going this week.  I got started with everyone on time and then slid back a week when I got sick and missed most of week 7 so I "redid" week 7 last week.  Pretty happy with the testing this week, I also just got a PM so this was my first with power and I ended up with an FTP of 203.  My run vdot jumped from a 31 to 37 so I  love that number right now.  Since I took all the summer off from any running and did a lot of cycling I knew there was a lot of improvement opportunity in my running.  How's everyone else that is testing this week doing?


  • Glad your training and testing is going well. I just finished by first run test with my vdot at 38. I'm happy with that number since I just started back running at the end Dec. and since I had back surgery 3 months go. This bike test was also my first with PM and ended up with an FTP of 216. I'm ready to keep up the work and see the results.
  • Mike, Matt   glad to hear you both got your PM's for this test.  Anxious to see your improvement.  The 1st test is a tough one because it can be difficult to pace it properly.     The more you ride with a PM the more you learn how to push higher Watts from a cadence and technique standpoint.

    You are going to love the training with your new zones, if you slack off for a second you will know it, the PM does not lie. 

    Have fun and keep us posted.   


  • great work here guys...and welcome to the power club!
  • Well done guys! As Bob mentioned, you'll find training with power a whole different world - very cool(!) if not a little uncomfortable at times!! Be good to hear of your progress in the near future.
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