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Bike Workout Question


I am a trail member; looking at my bike workout tonight I had some questions.

The workout is:

15’ @ 80-85%/Zone 3/Mod-Hard and TT position if possible. 10’ set as alternating 30” @ 120%/Zone 5/Very Hard, 1’ of rest/very easy. Repeat this pattern (30” ON & 1’ OFF) for a total of 10’ ON/OFF time.

By my math this adds up to 25 mins working out. Adding in the standard warm up of 10', 3 X3:00 puts the total work out at 47' Include a warm down let’s say its 50'. Are the workouts not really 60' mins and I am taking the 60' too literal and it’s just an approximation?



  • Joe - You got it. The times are approximations as some people will warmup longer, or do longer cool-downs. Also, is there a note about 'if there is time left over, do more Zone3 work'?

    The workout times get really wonky when it comes to swim times. For the sake of consistency RnP have just put down a standard 60' as the time for *all* swims.
  • I generally just use the total time to budget my day. You know, 1 hour workout, 3 hour workout whatever. The key is to focus on the main set (MS). If I am feeling off or am pinched for time, I will just do the main set(s) and call it good enough.
  • What others have said. Especially with the Out Season (OS) type of work outs or Get Faster Plans. The beauty of EN is that in the middle of winter you jump on the trainer, warm up, do the MS, cool down, and Done...no regrets...So for the type of shorter interval bike session you have loaded up, I would typically focus on the "work" part and if life only gave me 45 or 50 minutes, I'm not worried about the other 10 minutes I missed out on.

    There are times closer to your "A" Race (like an Ironman), where the duration becomes more important. For Example, the weekly Long Run in the IM training plan. I try and keep pretty close to this duration.
  • Rich and Patrick are coaches, not math people. All overall times in the workouts are within a non-mathematically derived standard deviation of some abstract and constantly changing number......just do what's written and ignore the overall time number unless the workout says "remainder at....." and even then it's to your discretion.
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