Head winds & Power Tap
I've gotten pretty good at knowing how much pedal pressure = how many watts….whether it's flats, climbing, fatigued or fresh. The problem is head winds. If I'm riding into the wind and mashing the pedals (z4-5 pressure), I'll look down and see z1-2 on the Joule. Happens every time.
I've calibrated the thing, new batts, talked to CycleOps/Saris. Everything is working right. Just wondering if there is some weird phenomenon with the PT when it comes to head winds…or maybe it is totally in my head (?).
Here's the explanation from a physics standpoint: Power (watts) are the product of torque and angular velocity. You're sensing of pedal pressure is related to the torque - so if your pedal pressure is similar (ie, you are applying the same amount of torque), but your velocity decreases, your overall power will decrease. You'll have to increase cadence to compensate and generate the same amount of power you were before.

My guess - probably all in your head.
I know I'd mentally compensate when going up hill by thinking that I"m working against gravity. It's a lot more difficult to realize the excess drag created by a headwind.
Yeah, I try to keep the same cadence 85-95 rpm no matter what. A change of a few watts is one thing, but mine just plummet when there's a strong headwind.
I think another thing which happens in winds ... Head, side, etc ... Is we spend extra energy with all body parts, including legs, making micro adjustments attempting to remain stable. So the effort which would normally go more directly to the pedals is spent trying to remain stable and upright. So the same effort produces less watts on the cranks or hub?
So, in my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your powertap, probably your perception of power is 'miscalibrated' so to speak during stronger headwinds. (Personally I also find my perception to be miscalibrated i.e. I tend to push too hard on short, steep hills and not hard enough during head winds).
So, long story short -- the watts are still the same, it is just the RPE that varies. So, yes, it IS all in our heads.