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How do I join? Couple last questions

So if I read it correctly, as long as I don't cancel...I become a member automatically.  Is that right? 

* Can I upload data and get feedback from a bike session/race?

* What do I need to do to tweak my big picture plan?  (Add races, vacation, etc)

* Can I get workouts on my iPhone?

* Will go active Oct. 8th?  Or at the end of the 14 day trial membership?




  • Welcome Mike--

    * been a while since I was a trial member, but I'm pretty sure you can convert to a Full member at anytime during the Trial period, many people have already done this. If you are sure you're gonna join anyways, this will get you access to the other stuff you might not have as a Trial member.

    * You will fill out a "season planning" survey and in a little while, the coaches will get back to you with their suggestion for your season plan. Then at any time during the yr, you can use the "Macro Thread" to get their opinions if things change. You can use the "Micro Thread" if you need small changes for a given week, i.e. illness, or work things or travel, etc.

    * There is a mobile version of the site (maybe someone else can drop in the link because I can't remember it), but it is not an actual "app". I often just go to the regular site on my droid phone or iPad with no issues.

    * Not sure. But why wait if you think you're going to join anyways...?
  • What John said....

    Regarding iPhone you can link to the "app" in the wiki I think. I hesitate to use quotation marks because it makes the EN Tech Guy upset. To prevent that, let me tell you I works GREAT. It will put a little EN icon on your phone that will launch safari and take you righ to your plan showing you the work out for today and tomorrow. I put my phone in a zip lock bag by the pool and can refer to the work out if needed.

    Works great!
  • Mike, as a frugal guy I can relate. I always dislike moving from the free trial to the paid subscription of anything until all my free trial days are finished.
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