Home Outseaon November 2011 Group Discussion-Outseason November 2011

Week 13 Run

 Swam 3,100 yds yesterday.

Tuesday Brick Run:

Ouch…. That hurt.  Legs heavy from this morning’s fun bike session.


You can see that my Z3 interval was dead on the target of 7:16 from an NGP perspective despite the fact that most of it was into the wind……….not fun, should feel that tomorrow…


Lap 22:

    Duration:                28:02 (28:03)

    rTSS:                      23.9 (0.962)

    NGP:                      7:16 (221.6 m/min)

    Distance:               3.65 mi

    Elevation Gain:      115 ft

    Elevation Loss:      40 ft



Splitting that run out separate from the bike and extending to 50 minutes was worth another 71.4 TSS points or about 160 for the day.


OK< back to work/meetings!


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    Tuesday Run 40:00, ~5.5 miles, ave pace 7:14

    10 min W/U
    ~10 min doing 8 x 10 strides w/ rest
    20 min @ z2 (target 6:49) worked out to be right on 3(+) miles @ 6:46, 6:37 & 6:34 + spare change

    Good day overall. Good luck everyone!
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     Tuesday run from week 11 (I'm doing every second week until I catch up to you)... It was an easy 40' with some strides. Uneventful but done! Looking over the progression of this V02 phase, can't help but notice that the heat really dials up in the run! Some strong efforts shaughn and Roy! Hope to catch up soon image 

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    Tuesday Brick run (done Monday) felt great. Got the strides done and settled in at a bit under MP for 40 minutes. 9:10, 9:08, 9:03 were the last three miles, MP target of 9:20.


    Wednesday's intervals at 5k pace (done today) felt a bit cruddier. Was up until 1:30 a.m. this morning for kid-related issues. My legs were fine, but brain was having trouble driving them, LOL.So I set the timer on my watch to repeat at 2:05 intervals and used that to help pace my 1/4 mile splits.

    2 x 800: 4:10, 4:10  Target: 4:10

    2 x 1 m: 8:21, 8: 13, Target: 8:20

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    @Robin - Nice job getting the run in after being up late.

    Got in 26' brick  (some) run right after the bike.  Definitely a different feeling that the recent treadmill runs.  Will take it up to 30' total time on Thursday.


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    Sheesh...Shaughn and Roy are making me feel old! I'm now within 8 weeks of Ironman 70.3 San Juan so I changed my plan from Out Season to the Advanced HIM schedule. However, since I don't know of any other peeps going to Puerto Rico I'm going to stick around the NOS just to keep myself honest.

    Mon - AM: Swim 3600 yards; PM - 3 mile run very slow
    Tue - PM: Swim 2600 yards; later - 4 mile run w 6x15 secs pick-ups
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     got the 40 minute run done at lunch with 10 times strides and then 30 minutes at MP

    I really feel old when I look at the times some folks are posting. Good Job!

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     @both Pauls, I agree that some of these run times are fantastic!

    I did the week 11 run this morning, which was a blur of 200s 400s and 800s. On the treadmill. For me, -20c and snowy roads don't play nice with z5 work. Did all the intervals at prescribed 6:50 pace and they felt quite manageable! 


    Good luck to those doing the official week 13 5k pace repeats! That's some workout! 

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    -Ok, that was a smoker. Run done and done. I was having some serious internal dialogue during the last interval. Funny how you don't notice the little dips and bumps on your usual run route until you are running at pace. But anywho:

    1 hr, ~7.75 miles total, 7:45 ave pace (I was walking portions of the rest intervals)

    10 min W/U

    2 x 0.5 mile (6:00 target) @ 5:56 & 5:49

    2 x 1 mile @ 5:59 & 5:53

    Finished with ~2.25 miles at ~8:00 (Z1) pace

    This was definitely a fun workout .... Good luck everyone and keep the posts coming (it keeps me honest).

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    @Paul, I agree. I feel slow just reading these times! I can't blame it on age though as I've always been a slow runner

    @Roy, agree, that broken 5k was tough! Nice work getting it done

    @Jenn, sounds like your recovery is going well, and you're back at it

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     @ Robin, I hear you as I have never been blazing fast, but 20 years ago I could do sub-40:00 10K at the end of a tri can't even come close to a sub-40 open 8K now.

    got my 5K pace 2x800 and 1xmile then blew up and had to break the last mile into 2x800 to get ur done.

    can't say I am looking forward to next week's run test ... ... ...

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    @Paul, You can draw some comfort from the fact that some of us have *never* seen a 40 minute 10k!!


    I hadn't read far enough ahead to know that next week was a run test. Eeeep!

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    @ Roy - it's a very sick, sick man Roy that calls this a "FUN" workout!    Roy, seriously, great, fast times on your splits.

    FYI all - Paul H, back in the day, ran some scary fast times, of which I will never see......


    Used the mental six pack mojo  from Jenn, Paul M, Gordon and Robin to get through today.



    Completed my “Come to Jesus” session over lunch on the dread mill.  Not very confident going into this with the legs feeling heavy and fatigued from yesterday’s brick bonanza.


    With no Sunday run, run hack has be back on same run schedule as normal OS plan this week.


    7.4 miles with a 3 X 1 mile at 5K pace.  Dialed in a 9.0 mph (6:40) on 1.5% incline and just held on……..last .5 mile of the 3rd interval began to feel like an out of body experience……thought I might begin to see those white spots at some point. 



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    Long story short, I've been sucked into some hard swim workouts, and this morning, I swam hard about 4 hours before my run. Surprising how you still feel just not quite there when that swim is just a little harder than you're used to faking it through. :-)

    3 x 1 mi was probably limited a bit by fatigue from the morning, but still was acceptable, given that I've been doing very little threshold running compared to most of you.

    For my old VDOT, I should be running right around 6:07 (19 min 5K)

    Mile 1 6:13
    Mile 2 6:15
    Mile 3 6:15

    A touch slow, but I'll take it.
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    Oh, William, you've confirmed my decision to put off the pool a bit was a good idea:

    Now that I'm back to the regularly-scheduled OS, I decided that jumping into 1000m repeats at IP was also probably a bad idea, so:

    2x200 - 6:45s
    5x400 - 6:45s

    and managed nicely -- all that EP Ragnar-running prepped the legs for this stuff pretty nicely. Maybe I'll play with 800s on Sunday?

    And high fives to my fellow dreadmill sufferers -- although they really are a nice tool for intervals, aren't they?
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    Yeah.... we all have to suffer with the choices we make or life gives us. :-)
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    @William, I've noticed the Swim Effect too. I swim a hard 4k+ every Saturday morning with my Masters group, and while I never feel specific muscle fatigue (like my legs or anything), I am always amazed at how much general fatigue it adds to the day. Sometimes I have to take a nap before I tackle the regular Saturday workout, and I always feel the effect in the workout.


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    Hoo boy, struggled through 13 miles in high humidity this morning. Who's idea was it to do long runs the very next morning after you did a tough brick the evening before? Just sadistic. We aren't in out season land anymore Toto ... follow the yellow brick road to the land of pain!
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    More running this morning. 4100 yards swim to start, then 7 mins running in the deep end, then 5 mile run at 8:32, 8:03, 8:05, 8:13, 8:37. Felt better than expected after yesterday. Lots of biking coming up this weekend.
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    Finally, a noodle run. Was very happy to see "all EP/Z1" on the assignment for today. Beautiful day outside, comfy tights and a few layers, a little wind and lots of bright sun. Made me remember why I like running.

    50 minutes (target 8:00) total of ~6.4 on 7:53 average.

    Hope everyone enjoys today as much as I did.
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    @Paul ; - great job on the HIM Bike/run brick today!!!  Looks solid.

    @Roy - agree, was weird but nice to have a Z1 run today.

    Swam 3,700 Yds yesterday.


    Justin (my 8 yr old) and I went out for the run this evening.  Was nice out for a Z1  7.3 miler………..53 degrees.....

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    @ Shaughn - Hope he was on a bike. When my oldest was in 4/5th grade, he used to bike with me often in Southern California including my long runs up to 17 miles. But I used to have to push him up some of the bigger hills. As he got faster, I would let him get a little ahead and then yell to turn right somewhere as I went straight to get back in the lead. Enjoy those times!
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    I really boogered up my rest/recovery this week. Did an extra swim, some extra hours of karate, and I jumped in and did the workout with my karate conditioning class I teach on Thursday night. Was extremely grateful to see Z1 for the run, and even so 50 minutes felt like a looongggg time. Note to self: don't be stupid. Rest. Recover.

    Am off to a robotics tournament tomorrow with the high school team I coach. Will do nothing more strenuous than cheering them on!

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    Due to my travelling plans next week, I did my run test today.

    First I have beaten my former self, my 5k run pace went from 4:48/km down to 4:39/km, given the fact that I did not train the first 2 weeks of the V02 block and had only 4 weeks for this test, I feel happy.

    Downside, i realized that did missunderstood the VDot stuff, and did train all the OS runs  too hot, which explains the pain I always have after the interval sessions on inner side of my upper limps .I did use my 5k pace as my threshold pace, after rereading the eBook i realized that was wrong. 

    So my Vdot went actually now from 39(Nov) to 42 now, 8% increase

    , and all run sessions are now at the paces I ran in the frist OS Block, and will be a breeze now .

    Test Details:

    Distance 4910m (Garmin GPS); 22:12,

    average pace 4:39/km

    split times: 4:45, 4:39, 4:43,4:42, 4:31

    LTHR same than last time 171.

    Good luck every one with their testing next week.


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    Posted By Paul Hough on 28 Jan 2012 07:57 PM

    @ Shaughn - Hope he was on a bike. When my oldest was in 4/5th grade, he used to bike with me often in Southern California including my long runs up to 17 miles. But I used to have to push him up some of the bigger hills. As he got faster, I would let him get a little ahead and then yell to turn right somewhere as I went straight to get back in the lead. Enjoy those times!

    Yep, you described it perfectly!  His is a 3rd grader and I am finding that he is getting faster with practice, less lead times needed for him on the hills now........


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     I hope y'all enjoyed that lovely Z1 run today! I'm still catching up and so I did the week 11 run, 2 x 2 miles within a 75' run. Was pleased to see I could hold my target pace without issue, despite this being the first time I've done any z4 workouts since the rib (I have done a few of the z5 workouts, so quicker pace but not that far to run!).

    I'm not planning to test on weds. In think that might be too much too soon and I don't want to hurt myself. But I will do some mile repeats at a 5k "test pace" (ie the workout from last week), to see how things feel and go from there. 

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    @ Robin - Man I know what you mean. I slept 10 hours this morning and still needed a nap. Trying to pack some more in before an offsite later this week.

    Today (so far):

    AM - Run 7 miles (40 miles total for the week)
    PM - Swim 2500 yards (16,000 total for the week)
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    Been MIA and out sick.  Missed 1 run and two bikes. 

    Just got in a 30' run the 2nd of the week.  No test for me as I'm a couple weeks behind.


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