Home Outseaon November 2011 Group Discussion-Outseason November 2011

Week 17 NOS Run Sessions

Well I stuck around long enough to start an OS thread. 

25' brick run after the bike.  Again nothing fancy just running.  The thought of a test is creaping back in to my mind. 



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    Swam 2500 yards today (9th consecutive day of swimming)

    Ran 5.8 miles tonight w 2 x ~1 mile hard. My Garmin 405 froze up and I didn't get any splits after 2 miles...only saw "Totals" on the watch. I think when I was checking the start of my first split I got some sweat in the bezel and it would not go back to timing. Somewhere along the way I stopped it, so had to measure the distance with Map My Run. Very annoying.
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    Had a beautiful evening for my run tonight out on Pre's trail where the great man once tread (and many Olympians still do!)

    2 x 1/2m + 3 x 1m. Target 8:44 pace

    1/2s: 4:07, 4:06

    miles: 8:28, 8:29, 8:26

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    @ Gordon - way to nail that brick run!

    @Paul H - I would have a hard time hitting the 2 X 1s after a swim session - nice mental 6 pack.


    @ Robin - text book execution of today's splits!!


    My Tues brick run last night: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/151738232


    My Wed speedwork at lunch today: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/151738240


    Then swam 1,000 yds straight……..


    Ready for round II at work now……….

    Good luck today all!
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    35' run today.  I was feeling good and picked it up a little 2X1mile around 9:30 and even saw high 8's on the garmin.  Basically had to hold back for most of the run which is a good sign.  We will see how I feel tomorrow for the bike which will be the real test. 

    Good thing I have Friday off to sleep in.


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    Nothing too exciting to report. Ran 3 x 1 mile this morning, and hit paces pretty much right on. Felt a little fatigued, but not too bad. I did skip the 2 x 0.5 mile part though due to time issues and to spare myself a little bit - been ramping up the weekend long runs for a half marathon in a few weeks.

    Oh yeah - the new 910xt is great... image
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    @ Jim - my Garmin 405 will be 4 years old come May. I've gotten my money's worth. I'm hoping it dies completely so I can justify the 610 or 910.

    @ Shaughn - my morning swims don't effect evening runs...and if I run right after, I'm only a little heavy legged the first mile.

    Today - Swam 4,000 yards for the 10th consecutive day of swimming (29,500 yards total). I smell like chlorine even after I shower. Anyway, I'm declaring success on my swim focus experiment...time for other crazy ideas. Pulled the plug on doing anything tonight and will bike long tomorrow and shift a long run to Saturday morning when we are expecting better weather.
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    This morning's run felt great.

    3 x 1200 (on the treadmill) right at 7:13
    Added another 15min at HMP (7:24) before I ran out of time.

    Looking forward to testing my fitness in a local 10-miler this weekend.
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    Great work Brett/Paul!


    AM swam 3,100M




    Friday run hack run complete …….had to fight the wind today…..

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    @ Shaughn - the wind will be here tomorrow...blowing in some slightly cooler weather. I'm going out for an easy long run in it. Meanwhile, 4 miles easy Thursday night and 3.4 miles steady brick run after my bike test tonight.

    Just 23 days until San Juan 70.3!
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    After focusing on the bike for the last few months, it's finally time to remember about that whole run thing. I've been running 2-3 times a week, but it's just not the same. :-)

    So I finally did a 5K test today. 19:38. VDOT 51

    Last year, I got to 52 by the end of the OS and 53 mid summer..

    The good news is that last year, it was 6 weeks or so between my 51 and 52 VDOT tests, and I have a 6-7 week run focus coming up right now. (My OS is a little extended and I worked in a couple of low key/rest weeks.) So there's good reason to think I can get at least close to last year's time. And that was my goal for this OS: increase bike strength while holding the run and try to figure out how to help my swim out. So far so good.
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    @ William- your run fitness is already great. After your run 'focusification' it ought to be awesome!
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    Brett, good luck with your 10miler! Team awesome running work-outs.

    I did my 3rd week of ramping-up to a 1/2 marry, 21km first time ever and feel kind of ok, but I know now what will come to me.
    Details see i my notes for 1/2 Mary in 5 weeks. Work really works, first time I have run for 2hour had i have no real pain or injury (beside some sour/tight hips/limps).

    Good luck with your long runs ... c.u. Kai
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    I adjusted this weekend's work to allow for the ironically named "Spring Thaw 10 miler." 30 degrees and snowing, but it turned out to be a great run.

    10.15 miles, 1:15:59. Big PR for me, with some gas in the tank at the end.
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    Awesome run Brett! I don't think I would do so well in those conditions, but I could follow your footsteps by tracking you in the snow.  

    I ran 15 miles this morning @ 8:34 average on dirt trails alternating Z1, Z2 and maybe Z2.5.  I gave at the pain cave last night and couldn't go any harder.  But that's about 3 miles more than I planned.   We are having a 2 day "Spring Cool Down" with temperatures in the 60s and drier air, so I took advantage of the better weather to work on my endurance.

    Swam 3000 yards in the afternoon...a little crampy in the feet, but otherwise good.


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    Thanks for the good thoughts Paul! Will be working it.
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    Nothing to write home abuot today. Ran an easy (scratch that...it was downright slow) 4.76 miles, then went to the pool for 2500 yards.
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    I had a tough time fighting the wind on my run today:


    840 TSS for the week using Week 14 test zones.......time for Guiness and Oscars now!

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