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Kona Wheels and EN Secret Santa...

So, I have a line on a set of Powertap SL 404 or I can run 808s as I have in the past. I am 95% comfortable with the concept of 808s...the only smidge of hesitation I have is the recent change in my bike fit has my elbow pads back about 4cm....VERY comfortable in my nice aeroposition but slightly more unstable. 

And then there is the issue of speed. image

What say you peeps!?!?!


  • Go 808's. Go deep or go home!
  • Going thru same analysis. Same size as you but I'm going with 808 rear, 404 front. I figure if I can stay aero more, this offsets speed diff between the two. Plus the older I get the more I think about staying upright on bike.
  • It depends. Did you get blown around much last year? If not, then go for speed. If so, go for stability.

    For stability's sake, an 808 in the back and a 404 in the front is better due to shifting the Center of Pressure aft towards the Center of Gravity.

    (How's that for a non-answer....)
  • I'll use 404's, but im 5'9", 144#, and ride 650 bike.
    Wind??? What wind!?
  • It's Kona, the winds will be what they will be - you've got experience there, but these wheels are for races beyond that as well (right?).

    Are they "regular 404s/808s" or the new Firecrest versions? The FC versions have fewer stability issues in crosswind issues, but ... it is Kona.

    One other though is P, you've got some size/weight, the getting blown around factor isn't going to affect you as much.

    So what I'm saying is I think you'll be fine with the 808s, and BTW - they will look bad-ass.

    [edited to reflect that Firecrests have more stability in crosswinds, not less]

  • You have the size and handling skills for 808's just fine, go for it.
  • I vote for 404 front and 808 rear and more stability. Unless you can afford to take 808 front out there too and make race day call based on winds. Seems like staying aero and on the gas beats a bit more depth and getting blown around and coming out of aero even once or twice.

  • I'd roll the 808's. Ridden my SRAM S80 front in some pretty gnarly winds, no problemo. Besides, you'd look much more intimidating on 808’s. you did win your AZ at IMTX, after all. Gotta keep up appearances.
  • http://www.slowtwitch.com/Products/Zipp_Firecrest_404s_are_the_new_808s_2118.html

    Since the 404's are Firecrest and the 808 is not, it seems to me as though you get just as much (if not more) aero advantage with the FC 404's over the traditional 808, but the 404's are also better in the crosswinds.
  • Hmmmm 808s bad ass, FC 404s better in crosswinds and just as fast....what tough decisions to make!!!!
  • So, the 404s are FCs and the 808s are "vanilla" aluminum rims? If so then go FC404s.

    With FC404s you can use tubes with 80mm stems on your bike as backups in case of a flat w/o having to worry about valve extenders. I'm assuming of course you're going to use latex tubes w/ extenders to in the tires at race start.

    Keep in mind FC404s will require special brake pads and a serious wheel clearance adjustment on your brakes.

    The Conti 4000S go great with FC404s.

    And don't worry P, you'll be bad-ass no matter what you ride on!

    [edited to adjust for homonyms: break -> brake - what was i thinkng!]

  • I'm no wheel expert - I official stopped learning 10 years ago when I got a H3 and Wheelbuilder cover - but the perponderance of feedback I received to that question was 808+808.  This was based on a collection of responses coming from EN Zipp, Racedaywheels, some other wheel rental outfit, and a serious trolling of ST.

  • Do little peeps get blown around more then you bigger guys? I have NO race wheels. Period. Is that a bad thing? Coach P - I think it's mostly important that you look bad-ass!
  • Carol-- If you have never used race wheels, the windy roads of Hawaii are probably not the time to start, especially at your size. I'd use what you have and not stress about it one bit.
  • Of course they change all the time but I'm with John. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1JpgsUWmEw

  • Coach P - I'd recommend an 808 rear and a 404 front. Any other combo is going to make your arse look big! :-)
  • Take a look at the top bike splits and the winner in past years,then decide.....I stand by my earlier response.
  • Hi guys,

    I've got a similar question as coach P. I've got Cosmic Cosmic SL (52mm rim) on my bike. At IM Louisville I managed to borrow a Zipp Disc wheel and 808 frontwheel from a friend. I'm not sure what to use on Kona. I can get my hands on either a 404 Firecrest or 808 Firecrest or can just keep my own Cosmic Carbons.

    I'm 6'1" and 156lbs. Would love your advise! Thanks
  • I don't think you can use a disc in kona. I have cosmics on my road bike, good wheels but if i had the option I would definitely use the zipps instead, aero and weight wise just better wheels.
  • x2 to no disc in kona, FC 404s or 808s will do....
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