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Swimming after JOS

Coach, I am a little confused and concerned.  After following the EN advice of not doing much swimming in the JOS I a now in my HIM plan where I am swimming almost 4 pool miles in 2 days!!!  Is this right?  I don't get it, I thought we would kinda work our way up to the distance or at least spread it out a bit.  I guess I am concerned because it is kicking my butt.  I am a newbie swimmer; really just learned to swim at the ripe young age of 58 so I am still struggling with my stroke.  My pace is somewhere between 2:10 - 2:30 / 100M right now for a 2400m pool workout and there are hippos in tutus passing me in the pool!!

 I think I need some clarification here on the weekly swim goals and maybe some advice on how to proceed.




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    As you know, these plans are stock plans used by a variety of athletes with a variety of swim ability (ie, advanced runner, intermediate cyclist but a rock in the pool) applied to different points in their seasons. For example, you right after the OS and no swimming vs someone else in July after having raced an Oly in June. 

    The easy answer is for you to apply common sense and simply turn down the length of the swim workouts to a volume that makes sense for your given your knowledge and experience with where your swim is right now. That is, don't follow my swim workouts into a brick wall just because "that's what the plan says to do." 

    In fact, this guidance is true for all three sports across all of our plans and your method of customizing your training plans to best suit you, if you need help, is to just ask us and the team for their input, as you have here. Thanks!

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    Thanks Rich, that makes me feel better. Not faster, just better

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