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Century ride on "Big Day"

Hey guys.....

I am on week 8 of Int. IM plan and this is testing week. I have a planned century ride on Sat, which is the day you have me doing an hour swim--3.5hr bike--and hour run. No problem. But the bike portion will be twice as long. Should I alter anything? Have to mention that I have been resting on the run portion since last Thurs 115' run got my achilles to become inflamed (sore and swollen). Prolly my bad for not stretching enough So I hope to be able to run this Sat. 

Thanks as ushe... Vicki


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    Vicki no need to run after the century, bonus if you can swim before (or do swim on Friday). Push the run back to Sunday (I'd warm up 30; on the bike or with some walking first, then test the run, then back at the regular week on Monday. Really gotta stretch and take care of that achilles!!!!
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    Thanks Patrick. I plan on swimming prior. The "one" achilles doesn't hurt to walk or run on...just looks bad and a little sore to touch. But I've painfully held from doing any running. I am prone to this so i should take better care.....

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    It's not the easier choice, but it is the smarter one...
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