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Wetsuit/Speedsuit Sale. IMLOU folks, act now!

 All you folks signed up for IMLou- you know you are gonna want a Speed Suit!  Here is your chance to get it at a bargain!



  • Too bad the Vendetta model never goes on sale )o:
  • Hey Nemo, thanks for the tip. I ordered one this morning. Look forward to meeting at IM LOU!
  • @Nemo - thanks for the link - a question (for anyone else too), is the deal on skinsuits ($99) that good for me to purchase now even tho' I won't need it until November? Or, will deals like this be around for a while perhaps at that sort of price point? Thanks, Dave
  • David- my experience has been this deal comes around once a year pretty regularly at this time as they try to dump last years inventory. As you get closer an closer to non-wetsuit Tri's (IMLou/ Kona) you can bet vendors are going to be charging top $ 'cause they know you are now freaking out and scrambling to get the gear.
  • Xterra also does a Kona promo around sept every year. It is supposed to be for people racing kona only but i know a few people (myself included) who have still got the deal.
  • Whas the consensus on leg length? Full leg or shorty skinsuits? Can't see it making any difference to me except for the fact that some folks reported jelly-fish stings at IMCoz last year, mebbe reason enough.
  • I am a bit late to this forum, but, I have a question.  I am racing IM Cozumel this year, and they won't be allowing a wetsuit.  So, I was wondering, what is the difference between a speedsuit and a wetsuit?

  • Wetsuits provide buoyancy, speed suits are abt reducing drag. I bought a speed suit for IMLOU- the last two years they've had the $99 sale in Jul/Aug for Kona/Lou. I'm not stellar swimmer and although I felt better (faster) in it, I wouldn't say it really took much, if anything, off my swim time. Now if you are looking to shave seconds or mere mins off, may be good fit for others.
  • Thanks! I was just browsing for a new wetsuit as mine has seen better days. Excellent deal!

    Thanks again.
  • I'm reviving this thread because it appears that many speedsuits are now illegal in WTC races--or more precisely they are subject to the same rules as wetsuits. I swam IMLOU in 2009 in an XTERRA Velocity but the company's Web site confirms that the rules have changed. Evidently if it's too warm (76+ now) for a wetsuit, it's too warm for this suit (and others). This explains the bargain prices, eh?

    Confusingly, USAT still allows them whenever, so this affects only M-dot races. Like LOU, where the water is almost certainly going to be too warm for a suit.

    (Sorry if this has been extensively discussed here already). --DRM

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