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Laura Becker's Rev 3 Quassy Race Report

So this weekend was full of “firsts” for me!  First time meeting many EN teammates, first Half Ironman and….first crash.

And now first race report.  So here it goes!

Overall I am looking at this as a positive, learning experience, despite my crash. 

The Swim

Beautiful morning, sun shining and the water was perfect. I love to swim and I had to keep reminding myself of that as my “pre-race nerves” started to creep in.  I decided to start closer to the front because I would rather get swam over than try to find open water to get by.  It was difficult at first because I kept having to find open water to get through. In doing so- got knocked in the face big time and inhaled some water. Coughed it out but I totally lost my rhythm.  I tried to get back but every time I stuck my head in the water, I inhaled! What the HECK! Did I forget how to swim??? Nerves taking over. Calmed myself and started breathing every stroke to get back on track…it worked.  Rounded the first red buoy and there was the sun that everyone was talking about. Couldn’t see a thing. Followed the swimmers and when I was able to spot a buoy, kept it in my sights.  Hopped out of the water feeling good and despite my momentarily loss on how to swim, it was a success.  

Swim Time: 36:29

T1:  4:55

The Bike

The bike started great. I was excited to start the bike so I took off a little fast, but got myself back in the box. “Ride the bike as I should not as I could!!”   I was feeling pretty good on the bike, HR was pretty much in check, I was getting my body settled in for 56 miles.  Started to eat and drink to get the in grove.  Took some of my bar (cut up in a ziplock bag) and zipped my bag back up….but apparently not all the way. Going down a big downhill and I felt something hit my leg…..it was my FOOD falling out of my bag!  Could not catch it because I was going downhill…it was too late. Ok, ok, not a big deal. There are aid stations, and I still have my Gu’s. Continued on my ride.  But I dwelled on it for a bit.  Ok I was over it…substituted my bar for banana and extra Gu’s.  Now onto the out and back, and it was great to see some EN shirts out there! (Can’t wait to get mine.)   Came to the turn around and was heading back.  Pedaling along and it was time to drink, went to grab my bottle and my front tire hit a rock, lost control and down I went. Crash.  Bike was on top of me, felt my head go back. I was in shock. Did I just crash in the middle of my first half iron man? A woman who was watching came over to help me up.  She grabbed the bike and I got up to check myself out. I was devastated, road rash, blood. All I could think was, is my race over? Am I really going to DNF? I tried to calm myself down and talk with this woman who was helping me.  I hit my head, but helmet was ok and head did not hurt. Rear cages and bag got ripped off the back of the bike, but the woman grabbed them out of the road for me. At this point I had to decide, am I ok to still ride?  Made the decision- I am going to get on the bike and just spin to see how I feel.  I will be ok. The woman said she would leave my cage/bag at a nearby museum so I could get it later. I got back on my bike and just started spinning. Of course now I was worried about my head and any other injuries, so just spun as I could. After a couple miles, I decided to just push it the best I could back to transition.  (At this point it was about 18 miles from transition).  My husband would be there and I could figure out what to do. Passed the aid stations and some police officers…each time I did I questioned whether I should pull over and call it quits.  Kept going….made it to transition.

Bike Time:  3:42

Pulling into transition I started to cry when I saw my family. My mom- worrier - looked concerned as soon as she saw my injuries. But my husband and stepfather just looked at me and said that I looked so strong and I was ok. That is what I needed to hear. I put on my shoes…went over to my husband for some moral support.  Off I went on the run.

T2: 4:27

The Run

Well as coach P says, keep it slow the first 3 miles.  At first it took some effort. I wanted to just get out there…almost as if I wanted to get farther away from the park so I couldn’t turn back. My left side which was covered with road rash, blood, bruising and swelling was not too happy with me.  Then I started to hit the hills, which I knew were coming, but I was not in the state that I thought I would be in. I did the best I could to push up them, watching my HR. Started to walk them, I was in pain. Started to give myself points to run to, and that seemed to work. Sometimes I would just keep going because I felt ok. Walked through the aid stations and drank at everyone one.  Aid station volunteers were awesome. Always ready to grab what you needed. Most of them asking if I needed a first aid kit, but I wanted to just keep on goin.  At mile 7 my right foot had a sharp shooting pain…WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!??!? I wasn’t running fast and have never had foot pain before!! Stopped and started again…there it is again!! UGH! Fixed my form and decided that the slant in the road might be playing a part. I moved to the middle which helped a bit. (After the race I was chatting with teammates and it might be because I was over-compensating on my right leg because my left leg was shot). Passed by the finish line at mile 8.5…foot screaming….high five to the hubs and kept on trucking. Saw Natalie and Brenda looking strong…helped me to keep pushing.  I stopped looking at my watch at the mile markers because at this point I wanted to finish.  That last hill was no fun…..so close yet so far away!! I listened to my body as best I could and made it to that 13 mile mark.  THERE IS THE FINISH!

Run Time: 2:15

After everything that has happened, I made it through to the end. Goal of my race was to finish and finish with a smile. And that I did. J I learned to expect the unexpected and to control what I can. I listened to my body, but I am happy I pushed through.  Sore today and foot is still bothering me but with rest and ice I will be back on track for LP.  I am thankful to the EN Quassy crew and Coach P. for all the support this weekend! It was a great experience and I couldn't be happier to be part of our team.


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    Wow...what a great job persevering!
    Congratulations on gutting it out!
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    Wow, amazing determination! Way to go on your first Half!!
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    Laura, what a great first half, kudos for being tough, just image how much fun you'll have the next time without a crash!
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    Way to keep your wits with you after you crashed - that type of mental experience is really going to be helpful down the road in future races... and you also gutted it out on the run thru the pain - remember this in future races when the "suck" really hits - you know you can get thru.... Very well done!!!
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       It's been said that sport doesn't build character- it reveals it. Gutsy performance- you are one tough lady! That said respect that you struck your head among the other soft tissue stuff. You will be most sore two days out but any "weird stuff" get checked out. In the end this is a big game and don't want to take unnecessary risk.

    I've done Quassy so I know the run after that bike. In an injured state you really should be very proud of your performance. Heal up!

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    Holy moly! Very impressive race!! Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment; you are one determined young lady!!
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    Way to tough it out Kim! Overcoming challenges like you had make you stronger and you stuck to it! The uneven pavement drove me nuts also.

    Great job!
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    Laura, So sorry to hear about your crash... So happy it appears you have no serious injuries.... Heal up fast!!! Nice meeting you at the EN lunch and way to persevere through a rough day. Very tough! Congrats on your first HIM you earned it the hard way.
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    Holy cow, Laura! Great job in getting it done. You are one tough chica. I'm so glad the crash didn't take you out. That mental toughness and overcoming what the day gave you will take you far with your full training. Congrats on your first 70.3. I look forward to seeing your future PR's for sure.
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    You should be so proud of yourself. You were nervous before hand and in the end you overcame so much more than you could have imagined. You rock!
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    Laura, as I mentioned on race day, a million others would have quit in your situation. You did the right thing to make sure you were ok and cautiously continue. The fact you went the full distance is amazing -- but I hope your recovery is progressing. No workout goals until the weekend! As for your bike nutrition, sounds like we can work on a better routine...mine is:

    Check Road / Sight to find Zipper and Grap, Eyes Back up to Road / Pull Zipper Open, feel for Food (only look if I can't find what I want) / Put Food in Mouth in wrapper / Zip up Box / Open & Eat food with Eyes on Road / Wrapper under Leg of Shorts.

    Same thing with bottles...you know where they are and should be able to grab / get them without looking!!!!!!

    Nice work!

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    @Laura- I'm so impressed how you toughed out a crash. Happy that minus some road rash, you are ok. This will make you stronger going forward. A huge congrats on your first Half! See you in LP.
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    Great Race Report Laura!  This was a tough race for you but you persevered and conquered Quassy regardless and probably gained much more knowledge about your racing self than expected eh :-)  I really like what you said at the end.   " I learned to expect the unexpected and to control what I can"  wise words!  

    I look forward to cheering you on at Ironman Lake Placid as well as many many more races!


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