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Race Plan

Hello everyone!

I am extremely new to Endurance Nation - less than a week under my belt, so I believe Syracuse 70.3 will be my base starting point.

I have completed Syracuse 70.3 twice - in 2011 and 2013.  I am not in good shape right now, and actually considered not participating, but decided I would rather be very slow than a "did not try".

For the swim, the goal is to stay on course.  I usually spend a fair amount of effort getting off course and returning to the shortest distance to complete the swim.  This is usually in order to avoid the other swimmers, so I need to get into the zone of using the drag and enjoy being part of the main action as opposed to hanging off on the side swimming lots of extra strokes to get to the end.

I want to stay focused on a good transition, even though when I get done with my swim (usually 48-50 minutes), all the other bikes around me are gone, which is not usually good mentally, but I am not going to let it bother me on Sunday.

I like the bike route.  It has a solid 12 mile climb, but once you get to the top, the rest of the ride is actually quite nice.  It is not as challenging as Placid once you get past the beginning (and it is nice to know you don't need to do the loop twice)!  There are two quick hills that I want to be prepared for.  Should be a fun ride - hoping to complete it in less than 3:30 without killing myself.  I need to be aware that on the end of the bike, I will see lots of people running and finishing the race.  Do not let that depress me - I am doing the race for myself - not all the people that are way ahead of me. 

Plan for T2 is to be efficient on the transition.  It is usually a mess by the time I get back with all bikes around me already racked.  I will stay positive, put my shoes and hat on and go for a "run".  The run course is brutal - just brutal.  The run course is why I was thinking of not doing the race.  The hill in the middle just goes on forever - by the time I get on the run course, there is NO ONE running up that hill.  It is a death march.  So, my goal is to "run" (I actually do not run - I lope along) all the other parts of the course, but let myself walk up the hill.  I doubt I will be able to run it, as I have not done enough long runs to have the correct fitness, but I am going to try.  I would like to, at a minimum, run to the first hill.  Then take it smaller steps - run to the aid stations and walk the station. 


4:30 Wake Up - eat a toasted bagel

5:00 on the road to Jamesville (eat in the car and drink Gatorade drink)

6:00 stuck in a traffic jam getting into Jamesville - do not stress - I have plenty of time and I am quick in the transition setup. 

7:00 transition closes (eat a few blocks until 7:30)

7:55 swim wave starts

bike - take in gel every 30 minutes, and Gatorade on the other 30 minutes, with first gel at 45 minutes (have 6 gels to consume and blocks in my back for a change up).  Have Nuns in water and concentrate in second water bottle.  consuming 3 of those.

Run - remember to take blocks in my back for a change.  If they have comps at the aid stations, grab some of those early because they run out.  I need to figure out my nutrition on the run still.  I usually have a gel or chomps a few times.  Only water.  Don't forget pepto bismol tables and salt tables on bike and run. 

My goal is to finish the race with a smile.  Ideally, in less than 7 hours, but it might be more, and that is going to be okay.  I am excited to see where I might be next year after training with Endurance Nation!


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    Awesome to have you on board! Our small group just grew by 33%! Not sure you are getting the group text messages. Coach P set something up so we can all text each other. Maybe ask him or Brenda Ross to add you. It looks like the team is doing a bring your own lunch get together at Jamesville Beach Park (the race venue) Saturday at noon. Hope you can make it. Would be great to share race day mojo around the group.
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    Thanks for the offer. I won't be dropping my bike off until later in the day though. Enjoy the lunch!
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