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B2B week of Sept 21 - Sept 28

So..... yesterday I fell off my bike on the ride on my bad knee. To those of you that don't know I also have a titanium rod in my spine, that fall did me in big time on top of moving this week, I spent the day yesterday in the doctors office trying to get an adjustment, don't think it worked, I woke up this morning and can barely walk. 

Going to try and run today and scrap the bike but if I don't rest it might be no B2B for mariah so I need to calm down and take care of this body. 

How is everyone else's training? Make some noise on the forums it keeps me going! 


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    Mariah I feel your pain. I have 2 artificial discs in my neck and 2 operations on my left knee. Every morning is a battle getting out of bed to train.
    I did manage to complete a 53 mile ride with my local cycling team and another 16 mile ride with my son's team. Skipped the run but heading out the door for today's scheduled run followed by the 2 hour ride.
    I've been fueling with the HEED, Cliff shot gel and blocks. As long as I just sip and spread out the doses of gel and blocks I haven't had the "gas" issue.
    Hope you feel better soon
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    If you can "barely walk" why would you try to run?  How about a nice swim and try some time on the trainer (to avoid another crash).  You could also try some pool running.  You need to be super careful at this point about staying healthy!

    I managed to get in most of my riding on Saturday time-wise, but not distance-wise.  I am in DC for work for two weeks and am "making do".  Yesterday, I hauled the bike down to southern Maryland and had a great 86 miler on some awesome country roads.  And lots of hills, which I am not used to!  Woke up with left hammie a little upset.  I didn;t do Sunday's run due ot lack of time and did it this AM- a bit slower and a bit shorter than scheduled, but gotta respect the hammie.  Hoping for a great swim tonight.

    Train on, B2Bers!!!  Two more high volume weeks and then we taper!



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    So, Lightning screwed my swim today.
    Supposed to swim in the AM tomorrow but can't get the whole workout in the hour between the time the pool opens and I have to go to work. So, I am going to ride on the trainer in the AM and swim in the PM and see how that goes. I got no biking in over the weekend due to loading and unloading a U-Haul of furniture. I did get a nice 11 mile run in but man, I am NOT used to those hills just yet. Wife is out of town so I have nothing to do but work and train. We will see how that goes.

    @Mariah and Robert : hope those aches and pains clear up.
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    Overall decent weekend- able to keep to the HIM plan yesterday on beautiful country Roads in Suffolk VA - similar to Southern MD.Unfortunately didn't get to the pool in time this am so only half a session. Fortunately no lightening here. Tomorrow is another chance to get back on the plan.
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    Work and sleep are really interfering with my training plan - late to the pool again => 1/2 session, unexpected paperwork for tomorrow's cases and an e-mail inbox overflowing, left work 2 hours later than expected => 1/2 session run. Tomorrow is bike day so usually not an issue to get back on plan

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