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IMCoz 2014 Week 4 of 12 - Building the machine

I was a little slow getting out of bed this morning after the weekend's beating. But post swim I feel much better. The swim itself was a tad on the slow side. Like someone put jello in the water. But, it got done and these longer sessions asre starting to seem normal.

3500m in total. My swim vol and distance are up from my past two builds but my run vol is not. I ran a ton getting ready for texas. not sure if I will be trying to match that again or not.

I may try and add a 3rd shorter swim on tuesday. dunno.


  • 1hr bike with 2x15(5). Didnt get FTP but I got 92%. Then an easy 30min run focusing on cadence. 92 was easy. 94 felt way too fast. I never really paid attnetion to this in the past but I am going to see what happens to my cadence on long runs.

    Jury is still out as to a short swim at lunch today or a nap. game time decision.
  • Monday was supposed to be a rest day for me, but since I had a rest day on Sunday, I decided to do a short swim yesterday (2200m). I've gone to 3 different pools for my last 3 swim sessions. This last one may be a winner for my regular swims. It wasn't crowded at all, and it was a meter pool instead of a yard pool. Small difference, but noticeably better. I have my FTP test today....I'll report back in after.

    I like looking at cadence - I'm a slow runner, but paying attention to cadence during long runs helps me not daydream. 94 seems really fast!

    I wonder where everyone else training for Coz is...
  • Hi there - I'm about ready to drop into my IMCoz training plan... have been doing a run-focused plan since IMMT in August. Looks like folks here are doing the 12-week plan? I will drop into week 13 of the 20-week plan and proceed through it.

    Everyone feeling great?

    I'm really looking forward to this race - #3 this year - #4 overall. Look forward to meeting you all!
  • Hi Rich! Glad you're here image

    I did a half ironman in July, then did the get faster plan for a few weeks before dropping into the the 20-week plan with 12 weeks left (hmmm...does that even make sense? )
    So far all is going well. This is a testing week for me -- hoping to see some improvement, even if just a bit. Fingers crossed!

  • Welcome Rich! you represent a 50% increase in the number of people posting for this race!

    Opted to go with power nap over extra swim today. got a good 30min of actual sleep. My kids will appreciate this as I get a bit cranky if I dont sleep enough. Never mind the fact that the reason I havent slept enough at night is because the little one has been in to talk to me in the middle of the night the past few nights...
  • @Jennifer - I'm skipping the testing - just did one a few weeks ago so will use the same numbers during my building stage. Plus - I really don't like to do it :-)

    @Jimmy - sounds like a good plan!
  • Hi! We did the Texas 70.3 back in April which was in the middle of us moving…so I took a nice break to pack/unpack/tackle some house and yard projects and started with the full 20-week plan in Jun. This is a testing week for me and it's amazing how it feels like I have so much more time! Maybe it's just the feeling from having Sunday off!
  • Good skill with the testing week all. It is a tough one.
  • Jimmy - we are both in for IMFL next year!
  • @Meredith: I agree about it seeming like I have more time this week than other weeks. It's great!

    @Jimmy and @Rich: Congrats on the IMFL spots!

    I did my bike test yesterday, and I had an FTP increase of 10%. I'm really happy about the bump (especially because my numbers are so low to begin with). Since that means I'm officially stronger than the last time I raced in Cozumel, I'm hoping that means I'll be a bit faster.

    Swim day today, then run test tomorrow.
  • @Jen - Nice ! Enjoy your new numbers.
    @Rich - Yup. See you in FL! I never win anything so this was nice.

    Training today got a little sideways. The morning went as planned with a 30min bike with 3x4(3)@ 110% of FTP on th trainer then a 1hr run with 2x1mi Z4. Well, not quite Z4 but solid enough.

    Lunch was to be a little bit of swim and some strength. But Our largest client was in town and if he wants to go to lunch, I go to lunch. Tonight I am taking my 8 yr old out to see a traveling show of Beauty and The Beast so there will be no evening make up of the misesd session. No worries though. If I was going to miss something, this would be the one I'd pick to miss.
  • @Jennifer - nice FTP bump!

    I'm about to bug out early and take advantage of a halfway decent day to squeeze a bike in. I live in MI - will be relegated to the trainer soon... trying to get as many outside rides in as possible.
  • LAte night last night. Took my 8 yr old to see a staged version of Beauty and the beast. GReat stuff to see her at her first musical.

    Today was 1hr trainer with 5x3(4) @ 240w which is an IF of 1.1. then gather as much time at 170w as I could muster which is my target watts for Austin 70.3 at the end of October. Then a 30min run Z2 out Z3 back.

    Lunch run might become another nap...
  • That sounds like a fun night!

    I had my running test this morning, and ran my fastest 5k ever. My vDot increased from 30 to 33 image

    It's so nice to see that I've gotten stronger/faster. But, I have a feeling my workouts are going to start feeling that much harder now...

    Naps are good. I've taken one everyday this week...

  • glorius lunch nap again today.
  • Is anyone else having issues with Garmin connect? I went to go build my new workouts after the new software launch and I can't access the "workouts" tab nor can I update by HR profiles from this weeks testing….grrr!
  • @Meredith - just tried garmin connect and mine is working. I use the "classic" version.
  • 3800M total swim broken into 400's 300's and 200's. Took 1:20 and I didnt piddle around. I love how coach R builds 60min swim sets that take me 80min...
  • @jimmy - I just restarted my mac yet again and suddenly Garmin connect is working again! It sure beats building the 6x 20' set manually!
  • 2hr run box checked. No land speed records were broken.
  • Good job Jimmy!

    4 1/2 hour ride done. 40 minute run will happen after the sun goes down. The rides seem to be getting extra long now...sigh

    Didn't swim yesterday - felt a bit defiant and did a core/cardio video instead. :-/
  • Changed things up a bit today. 3:30 trainer in a big gear. Intervals at IM watts. But cadence in 70's. Last 30 min was all out in my biggest gear. Cadence was in the. 50's.
    Then a run with 15x30 fast 30 sec recover with cadence over 100.
  • Sounds like a good workout!
    Got my run done last night. Waited for sun to set, but it was still 90ish degrees. Will do the same thing tonight.
    Like you I did 3:30 on the trainer this morning -- a steady ride. I was feeling tired so I dialed it back a bit. Watched a Mission Impossible movie and the beginning of the last Star Trek to battle the boredom. Thank goodness for Netflix.
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