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Start week and any Eagleman reports?

Hi IM MD peeps!

When is everyone dropping into the IM training plan?  I have Vineman 70.3 in 3 weeks, then I'll start up in week 9 of the 20 week plan (with 12 weeks to go).  If that looks like a common start date, I'll start posting new weekly threads, so we can all help and support each other through this.

Also, did anyone do Eagleman 70.3 last weekend and have race reports or general feedback to share?  I did Eagleman maybe 20 years ago, and am assuming the full course is 2 x the Eagleman course?  

Looking forward to the group mojo coming soon!

Julie, your Race Captain


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    Hi Julie! I'm currently doing the "Get Faster" plan, but will be dropping into the 20 week IM plan on the week of July 13- (I think that's T-12 as well). I bet most of us will be on the IM Plans by that point so sounds like a great idea to start weekly threads at that time!

    As for the course, I've done Eagleman 3 or 4 times so I know that course pretty well. IMMD isn't exactly Eagleman X2, but it's pretty close.

    The swim is Eagleman X 2. 2 loops in the Choptank from Great Marsh Park
    The bike is somewhat similar in that it's kind of a lollypop (and for IMMD you do the "candy" part twice) but several of the roads on the candy part are different. That said- it's still essentially flat windy marshlands through Blackwater refuge area. So you probably won't notice a difference anyway! HA!
    The run is very different. It's 3 out & back laps all around town (you don't do that awful "run until you see the end of the horizon" road). Many of the roads will be familiar- but the nice thing is it keeps us in town where the locals live- so we should have lots of support on course- unlike the E-man course. I know some folks don't like the multi out & back courses, but I really like them because it gives us a chance to see and cheer for each other on the course. I've made it through some of my darkest moments in the past because a friend running the other direction saw me suffering and shouted a word of encouragement. I't also much more "spectator friendly" which my hubby likes.
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    I remember that "run until you see the end of the horizon" road! Yes! Much prefer the out and back, spectator friendly courses, for the much needed mojo and breaking it up into smaller chunks! I'm getting psyched! I went to University of Virginia, and have a lot of sorority sisters that still live in the NoVa area; they're renting a house in St. Michael's for a girl's weekend and will also be spectating their first IM. "Going home..." image
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