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Update on my IMWI training situation

Well a few people pointed out to me that it looks like my running fell off a cliff recently and there is some reason for that...I got a stress fracture of the pelvis and some hip impingement and adductor strain likely from gait compensation. I was not intending to share this broadly ahead of the race but based on how things have evolved I wanted to post to the med forum to get more input and figured more than a few of you will stumble into it. And hey, we're all doing this race on the same team so why conceal from my teammates?

Here is the detailed post: http://members.endurancenation.us/F...fault.aspx

The post is mostly medically-oriented for obvious reasons. In parallel there have been a lot of thoughts and emotions going through my head since my run (and therefore my race) won't be what I wanted it to be when I first registered and started training. On the flip side, any pressure I put on myself to perform is pretty well gone and I expect to have a pretty zen-like approach to the race where I just take what I get. Hey, maybe I run slower which makes me avoid making a mistake that would have otherwise had me blowing up and walking it in and finishing at midnight!!!


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    Damn...what a bummer.

    What I will say is that with your base and overall ability you are still in a great position...despite this setback.

    This won't impact your swim, you will put up a strong bike, and by all accounts your running is still good (just not as good as it could have been perhaps). You've done an 18 miler...some people/plans max out there anyway. Yes...the lower volume these last two weeks is suboptimal but you have a solid enough base to limit the impact.

    I'd say if it doesn't hurt you during the race and if you aren't at risk for long term damage I'd still plan to race and race hard, but perhaps back of a slight bit on the run. Even with backing off you are likely to have a 3:2X marathon and be in the top 5-10 of the AG.
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