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IM Ville Mojo Thread- Week 17, 14- 20 Sept

One month to go!!!  Just two more weeks of hard work and then the hardest part (the taper) starts.  Let's put our heads down, get the work done, take care of our bodies, and see this through.  This close to race day, make sure you are making smart decisions around the rest of your life (additional stresses, other physical activities, etc).  Now is not the time to take up full contact MMA for fun... image



  • I'm going to have to do a little hack-a-thon this week in prep for work travel next week. Last weekend was pretty poor for me, so I'm hitting a 'refresh' button and will hit 2 shortish 'in-week' rides and then do one long ride Saturday and the long run early Sunday a.m. before I get on a plane for South Korea mid day.
  • Damn 13 hour difference, sometimes I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself. 6 good miles on the run this morning. Cooler pre-dawn temps and more runners (with my ego) are helping my pacing efforts a bit. 3k SCM in the pool at lunch. Today is done and dusted.

    Keep on it everyone!
  • @ Roy - I'm with you on the hack-a-thon. I have my 40th HS reunion this weekend and will be traveling a lot just for 4 hrs of catch-up with folks I don't even recognize. 40 years! Geez, I'm getting old. I will post Sat & Sun on how to combine a trip and training. image

    Last week: 13,000 yards swimming, 210 miles biking, 42 miles running. I was zonked this morning and pulled the plug on the swim as I would just have been going through the motions. So looking forward to the taper. Which reminds to share one of my favorite passages from the incomparable, and perhaps unstable, Chuckie V:
    • If you've been training a consistent 30 hours a week or more, you might consider a Mark Allen-esque taper. Oh, and get a life.
    • If you've been training a consistent 25 hours a week, you might consider a three-week taper.
    • If you've been training a consistent 20 hours a week, you might consider a two-week taper.
    • If you've been training a consistent 15 hours a week, you might consider a one-week taper.
    • If you've been training less than 15 hours a week, you might consider skipping a taper until a few days out.
    • If you haven't been training at all, you should consider getting off your lazy, shaven ass before it's too late, fatty.

  • Hey, everyone! So I have some training changes I need to make this week and would like feedback on.

    1) I plugged ALL the training sessions from the 2014 Intermediate IM plan into my calendar way back in January/February, before the 2015 plan came out. The 2014 plan had me doing a big race rehearsal both this weekend AND next weekend, which I was prepared to do, but I just checked the training plan on the site and I see that this weekend only calls for a 5 hour bike and and 40 min run. Should I stick with back to back race rehearsals this week and next? I'm assuming the plan changed from 2014 to 2015 for a reason, so maybe I should adhere to the 2015 plan.

    2) Regardless of the answer for #1, above, I need to move my long day from Saturday to Friday, as I have a black tie affair to attend on Saturday night and there's no need to be hobbling about on the dance floor when I have already taken the day off on Friday. But, because I am moving Saturday to Friday, I am going to move Thursday's long run to Wednesday.

    3) I swim at a Jewish Community Center (JCC) and this week is a high holiday week, so the entire facility is closed until Wednesday morning. Thus, no swim today or tomorrow. And, if you saw my post to last week's thread, I didn't swim at all last week (I know... not optimal).

    So, given all three points above, I'm thinking the following:

    Monday: 30-45 min run (I'm tired and I need to get my new house in order, so I may skip this day all together).
    Tuesday: 75 min bike
    Wednesday: 180 min run - Ironman RR Run
    Thursday: 45 min swim
    Friday: Race rehearsal or 300 min bike/40 min run brick (depending on answer to #1, above)
    Saturday: 90 min swim
    Sunday: 210 min bike

    In all above (except today), I'd follow the prescribed training sets for the given activity.

    Sound about right??? Thanks in advance for the feedback.


     So, I did my first insert of a picture. Sorry it is so big.  Took me forever to figure out how to do it.

    I just wanted to show my performance management from last year to this year.  It includes my build up to IMWI last September.  I don 't know how to read this totally, but it does seem that my chronic training load it much higher than last year.  Paul and Danielle's  post made me nervous because I am not putting out the volume like they are.  I have been averaging about 16-17 hrs the last 4-5 weeks, before that it was closer to 10 hrs.   Like Thom, I haven't been swimming much it is usually the first to go, and I also clipped a couple runs last week with two big ones, only leaving me with about 31 miles rather than the 40 plus assigned.

    Any of you experts at reading these?

    @Thom your plan looks good to me, balanced with a swim between two big bikes.  The only thing I thought of with the swim on Saturday, you might be able to lengthen the Sunday ride or run a little after it since your long run was on Wednesday?  You could also add another recovery swim Sunday if you wanted to make up some swimming.

    Update from this weekend and today:

    Saturday I hit a solid 90 miles doing the loops and a little extra on the IMWI course.  It was really cold and a little windy.   The next day, day of the race, it was warmer and less windy.  Perfect day.  I put in about 70 miles and stopped several times to cheer on and watch the bicyclists go up Midtown, down Garfield, through Mt Horeb, and across messerschmidt (spelling).  I had a blast and climbed several new hills.  The roads off the course are really nice. I actually like them better than the course as there are fewer cars, and lots of steep hills.   I had an all around blast.  Got to see John on his fat tire bike going up Midtown.  He didn't know who I was but he smiled at me.  I did learn that you can make ENers upset when you shout, Race Smart at them as they are big gearing up a steep hill.

    I skipped my run this weekend.  My quads were shot, and I think the two long runs took some out of me.

    My goal this week is to complete every single assigned workout.   This morning I got in the notorious Monday swim that I skip a lot.  Felt good. 

  • Thom, I would throw this up in a Micro thread for Coach P to look at, but one doode’s opinion (listen at your own risk).   

    1. There were a decent number of changes in the plan from 2014 to 2015, mostly in the volume of the bike and swim in the later weeks of the program.

    2. I assume you haven’t done RR1 yet. If that is so, then getting a RR in this week would be key to me; however, I believe you need to also recognize / account for RR2 (much more important) next week.

    3. Do you have the time / bandwidth to do the long swim on Thursday instead of Saturday? That accomplishes two things – a. pre-fatigues you for the RR on Friday. b. Allows more recovery / form maintenance in a shorter swim (where you’ll be tired after your RR) on Saturday. It’ll also save those dancing legs a bit ?

    4. I’d think about dialing back the intensity (and maybe to a lesser extent the volume) on the Sunday ride. 3 hours at Race Pace Plus maybe? You’ll want to enable recovery and set up a quick turn for RR2 next weekend.   

    Again, these are just suggestions, highly recommend throwing this up in a Micro thread to make the coaches earn their pay. Good luck either way ?

  • @Stephen - stop watching other people's volume!!!! If I worried about the volume you guys were putting in, I wouldn't even be going to Louisville this year. Life and work has crushed my dreams of a solid build this time. The only thing I really like watching on the chart is my little blue line go up (and for the record, yours is higher than mine).

    If anyone really wants to feel bad about their volume, check out the load monster Tim Cronk put in this year. Insane!
  • Thanks! I'll post it on the micro forum for coaches' input. I did my first RR labor day weekend and I'm not sure three in the span of a month is good or bad. 

  • @ Stephan - looks like a Performance Management Chart. I have no idea how to even make one, especially since I don't know how to measure TSS for running and swimming, and have no desire to get that geeky. I am as old school as I am old. Concur with Roy not to worry about others volume. I do a lot because 1) I grew up that way, and 2) it substitutes for the lousy intensity I have in the summer. Meanwhile, I won't know which Paul Hough will show up on race day until I get cranking. It's always a mystery. Anyway, I use a simpler metric using a rolling average of the prior 6 weeks total workout volume. It will hopefully peak this week then start falling. I have a business trip on week 19 that will help cut into the volume...planned it that way.

    OK - let the hackathon begin! After sleeping in two days in a row and skipping this morning's run, the Mojo Meter is back on 10 and I am going to surge to the end. Tonight I hit Snap Fitness on the way home for 35 mins of weights, then off for a 5 mile run. Tomorrow starts with swim make-up.

    My BMC TM01 is back from Austria and I had a new chain and front brake cable/housing installed. Picked the bike up today and plan to ride it only a couple of times before the race just to be sure it is squared away. Most of my outdoor training will be on my Giant Trinity.
  • Pity party is over. Really struggled the past couple of weeks with motivation because of the time commitment. Now, motivation is back and it's game on! Gotta finish strong. So far this week I've done 8200 yds in the pool and had a very good 2x1 yesterday afternoon. The 2x1 at Z4 hurt, especially the first one going uphill, but the final few miles jogging back home felt great and the pace was faster and easier than expected. FTP on bike this afternoon then long run in the morning before work. Actually looking forward to 18 miles at Z1/Z2. What's wrong with me?
  • @Paul that is hilarious and I am berween 15 hr and being the lazy ass fatty. Except I am not a fatty either, weight has coming off despite eating ALL the freaking time. The gym scale, has me a couple lbs below where I like to be, don't get me wrong body composition is probably still crappy but the numbers are down.

    @Roy I am right there with you on the volume, I was looking back at what I'd done before IMAZ and I am not even close.

    Missed swim yesterday, something came up at work, now I am stressed, we have a release going out which should have gone out today or tomorrow, now I am not sure. I will be traveling to the relay on Thursday. Ugh. I have more travel next week for work, so probably miss workouts. Oh well I will be well rested for the race rom my non training.

    On the upside I did get in a decent long run last weekend, which is my last three hour run most likely. Boston registration tomorrow for me have a bunch of friends going, love the excitement around it.

    @Jay there is nothing absolutely nothing quite as therapeutic as a z1/z2 long run. Especially if the weather is nice. Have a great run.
  • Is it just me or does everyone feel like they can't wait to go to bed every night? Feeling some major fatigue today. Had a great 2x1mile run session this am to having a just awful swim at the pool this afternoon. Got the 16x100 and the 16x50 done but boy it was like swimming through mud. Arms tired, legs tired, body just spent. Im blaming this poor performance on the 5 hr trainer ride on Sunday followed by the 60 mile outdoor ride on Monday. Lots and lots of volume....this sh$& better pay off on Oct 11th (haha!!). Just kidding, I know it does. It has everytime image.
    Someday, I'm going to figure out how to measure my performance(and training) with Training Peaks. I know so many of you do and I've heard it makes a huge difference. That said, Stephan I couldn't even begin to try and help you out with your chart...thank goodness for Roy and all the WSM and coaches! Roy, good point about comparing volume...I look at Coach Ps volume everyday on Strava and say the same thing "am I doing enough". Then I get up and move my very tired body and the thought goes out the window :-)
    @Stephan, super jelly you were in Madison on Sunday...lots of EN awesomeness on display-would've loved to have been there myself!!
  • Danielle,  Definitely not you alone.  However, I'm committed to doing every workout.  Coach P told me frequency is my friend in these last weeks.  I won't go the full distance all the time but I am doing all the workouts.  Like Jay said, I'm all in.  Glad to see him back in the saddle of awesomeness. I did my 2x1 mile and felt pretty good with my times, however my hip is bugging me a little right now.  Got in a 2500 swim this morning so I'm a little over 5000 yards for the week.  I will swim two more times and will BRUNELLE this week.

    So,  the other big news is that I put on my new wheelbuilder disc cover over my flo60 wheel.  Never tried one of those, I plan to practice on it this week and weekend to see if I like it.

    I've been told not to train on it, but for those of you that are wiser than me, can I get away with using it in training till the race, or should I take it off and then put it back on again the race week.  Seems kind of silly to do that for just a couple weeks.

  • Lots of good mojo and support happening. I love this house. I've been smoked lately, but I chalked it up to jet lag and all the travel I'm doing (and will continue to do).

    @Stephen, I don't think there is anything mechanically wrong with leaving your wheel cover on for a month. However, I would feel a bit Fred using it for training rides for that long. We each have our own hang ups.

    I got a easy 5 mile run in yesterday morning and then prepped the folks at work that I wanted to be out the door at 3 to get a solid ride in. Well, the good ideas / "Hey Sirs" just kept coming at me and at 5, someone came into my office and said, "I thought you were leaving at 3?" I just gave him one of those looks. So I went home and changed my bike tire, tried to spool up all the stuff that goes with a trainer session, and my computer decided to update, Zwift wasn't working, and I got cranky trying to get it all to work again. 2 hours later, I gave up and went to eat dinner. I did get a solid 1:20 trainer ride in this morning (love me the new Richmond UCI course on Zwift, added to my FTP), and hope to get a swim in a lunch and a short run after work. If all else fails, at least I got a ride in.

    In other news, my wife says its starting to feel really good in the Ville, so maybe it won't be a heat-fest for race day. Way to early to be talking about weather, but what are you going to do? Also, if you need some motivation to get to the finish line even faster, Season 6 of the Walking Dead starts that night. There's some motivation!
  • Did I hear there was a Fred in the house? No comment ... ha, ha! @ Danielle - hell yes!

    Wierd day for me. Drove to an olympic pool this morning and did 4000 long course meters (4374 yards) in a high quality session. But my heart rate was jacked all day. Went home after work and laid down for 15 mins to calm myself down then did a 32 mile trainer ride with the hardest sets (3 x 20 mins) at .75 IF. Didn't want to go high intensity after the spike I felt most of the day.

    Tomorrow's low is upper 70s with 100% humidity. I'll decide in the morning what I feel like doing.
  • Trifecta today. After the early morning trainer ride, hit 3k SCM at lunch, and an easy 4 mile run after work. Done and dusted.

    Keep it coming everyone!
  • Anu, I forgot to say I'm jealous about the Boston thing.  I don't think I can ever run fast enough to qualify.  I would have to really work hard and only focus on running I think to come close.  Not going  to happen.

    So, who in the heck is Fred?  Guessing Flintstone.  Hadn't heard that expression before.

    I will try the wheel out today.  My problem is that I am not very mechanically inclined.   I don't have an extra training wheel at this point that has a new enough cassette to match my new chain and derailors,   I could go get another new cassette and use a trainer wheel. That way I wouldn't have to put the cover off and on again.

    May hack the short swim for tomorrow and do it today so all I have is that monstrosity of a long run tomorrow.   It is still supposed to be in the upper 80s today and tomorrow and then it drops to low 70s for the weekend.  Nice.!

    TWO MORE QUESTIONS:  SORRY:  1) Anyone planning on driving or riding a small portion of the course Thursday before race day? I would like to if I get there in time.   2) Is there a way to do a little open water swimming there before the race.  I probably will not get to do so until that time.  I also like to get water on my shoulders before the swim start.  I guess that won't be possible if we are in a long line waiting to jump in?  I imagine that crowds things up in the water if people are doing that right after they jump in.

  • @ Stephan. Here is the definition: "Fred is a derisive term used by “serious” road cyclists to describe other cyclists who do not conform to serious road cyclists’ norms with regard to dress and equipment, and appear amateurish to them. The term is generally reserved for men, while the female Fred is sometimes called a “Doris.”

    Using a disk wheel (or cover) for training is generally considered a Fred move ... same as wearing an aero helmet outside of a race. Don't be offended...we've all been Fred at one time or another. I have gone out with a disc wheel in high winds to test handling and for a variety of other reasons. Do what you have to do.
  • And BAM! It's done. Last really long run in the books. 18.2 miles this morning! Avg 9:05 with 1200 feet of elevation. Felt great. Very therapeutic as Anu said. Confidence builder, too! HR was low for first 6 mile loop and pace was a little faster than planned. Able to run faster throughout and last few miles were under 8:00/mile. Feeling really good about my run (though I still run like a swimmer).
    FTP last night on the trainer. 2 x 18 at .96 then 30 minutes at .70. A few more long rides to go.

    @Stephan - I think you should try the Wheelbuilder in training. Remember, nothing new on race day! Also, I expect to arrive in Lou early afternoon on Thursday. Would like to see some of the course. I believe the water will be open one morning for OW practice but there is no warm up on day of race. Oh, and BTW I liked your chart above. Don't know what it means but the color is great!
    @Danielle - your volume and quality of work will have you well prepared. No doubts! You've got this!
  • Jay, that is awesome.  I have mine to do tomorrow and I am dreading it.  HOpe it is as therapeutic as you and Anu are saying it will be.  You are awesome.

    Got in my third swim of the week. I'm  one  more swim away from my Brunelle.

    Went for a massage at lunch.  That was great. Tonight, I will go out and fred about town with my cover from wheelbuilder.  Hopefully, no one will see me.  It is good to know that Jay is supporting me in case I get spotted. I kind of feel like you Jay in that I want to practice on what I am going to race with.  It is super windy here today, so it will be interesting to see what it is like.


    Posted By Jay ReVille on 16 Sep 2015 09:12 AM

    And BAM! It's done. Last really long run in the books. 18.2 miles this morning! Avg 9:05 with 1200 feet of elevation. Felt great. Very therapeutic as Anu said. Confidence builder, too! HR was low for first 6 mile loop and pace was a little faster than planned. Able to run faster throughout and last few miles were under 8:00/mile. Feeling really good about my run (though I still run like a swimmer).

    FTP last night on the trainer. 2 x 18 at .96 then 30 minutes at .70. A few more long rides to go.

    @Stephan - I think you should try the Wheelbuilder in training. Remember, nothing new on race day! Also, I expect to arrive in Lou early afternoon on Thursday. Would like to see some of the course. I believe the water will be open one morning for OW practice but there is no warm up on day of race. Oh, and BTW I liked your chart above. Don't know what it means but the color is great!

    @Danielle - your volume and quality of work will have you well prepared. No doubts! You've got this!
  • @ Jay - wow! I hope to be able to do that kind of training when I prep for IM Texas on Apr 22, 2017. Then heat won't be a factor. Now, I get there by total running volume with zero long runs.

    Today I crapped out. AM - 3700 yards swimming (good). Tried to run afterwards and pulled the plug. Tried again tonight and only made a mile before pulling the plug again. I'm not hurt, just exhausted.
  • @Stephen - I'm going to get into Louisville on the 2nd and hope to over my jet lag by mid-week. I plan to drive the course and ride the out-and-back (key if you haven't done it). I'd be happy to have you (and any others that want to) join me. As Jay said, they are only opening the swim venue once for practice.

    For everyone, to prevent taper madness, I'm going to put together some 'take it or leave it' notes about the race and the area the week after our race rehearsal. Some general recommendations or 'check this out if you have time' stuff. I just don't want to get too far ahead of myself with training still on the table. I would also like to nail down a time that we can all get together for a team photo. I will be missing the dinner for my daughter's birthday party, but would love to meet/greet/coffee it up at other times if there is interest and availability. Again, we'll turn to this stuff the week after next.

    I got in a 5 mile run at EP this morning and then 1:30 on the trainer at lunch, focusing on race pace plus effort. I'm up all night on duty at work, so I'll be sleeping most of the day tomorrow but hope to get a long swim in tomorrow afternoon in prep for this weekend's workouts. Steady Eddie.

    Keep on it everyone, lots of fatigue being reported (and felt in my legs too). Make smart calls and get to the start line in good condition. image
  • I wisely pulled back from the precipice last night and was able to deliver a hard threshold effort on the bike trainer this morning...this makes up for the 2 x 20mins FTP work on this week's schedule. I used Spinervals "TimeTrial-a-palooza" which has 4 sets with 5 mins easy spin in between. I used the erg mode on my powerbeam to lock down the watts so all I had to do was pedal and gasp. It went like this for me:
    1 x 20 mins (as 10 mins @ 200 watts, 10 mins @ 210 watts)
    1 x 15 mins (as 5 mins @ 210 watts, 10 mins @ 220 watts)
    1 x 10 mins (as 5 mins @ 220 watts, 5 mins @ 230 watts)
    1 x 5 mins (as 1 min each @ 230, 240, 250, 260, 270 watts)
  • Did a 2100m swim, 1hr FTP bike wko and a 2 mile TM brick run today. Why? I don't know. The schedule called for the 75' bike(high priority) and a 45' run (low priority) but I wasn't feeling the 45' run so I swam for 40', biked 1:05 and ran for about 18'. Two hrs of work, so I guess I accomplished the time goal image. Will run the long one tomorrow followed up with a 2k meter swim. Feeling a little more energized today...had an 1 1/2 hr deep massage to get the kinks out of my neck/shoulders and legs. Keep up the great work!!
  • Roy and Jay, would love to join you guys for a tour of the course and a little riding on the out and back.  I  will likely leave La Crosse on Wednesday afternoon after work, and go  a good chunk of the way and stay somewhere in a hotel and then come in on the morning Thursday, or if I leave early enough, I will arrive in Louisville in the late evening Wednesday. Its about a 9-10 hr drive.

    Either way, Thursday would be the best day for me to do the course tour. That would be fun to do it as a group.  

    I finished my 18 miler,  was not as enthusiastic or pumped up about as others, but I got it done.  Legs hurt now. 

    Yesterday, I felt strong on the bike, and had fun riding Fred style with the wheel cover.

    Rain is starting and the warm weather is changing to cooler fall temps again.  Today's run was humid and hot though.  One last hot run.

    Tomorrow I hit the swim.

  • Strong finish to the day. Hit the pool for 1800 yards easy after work per the plan. It was raining but no boomers or they would have closed the pool. Went home and changed to run. By now it was a warm drizzle, 100% tropical humidity and just horrid. Made 5 miles with 2 x Z4 based on HR, not speed. So I started the day with threshold and finished with threshold.

    Jealous of all of you who got in 18 miles. I will probably just total 20 this week but that was part of my plan. Last week was 42 miles running and next week I want to hit 45 before the taper. A single long run is more effective, but volume will help me compensate.
  • I also have a 9 hour drive to Louisville. Planning to leave Wednesday afternoon and stop just past half way. Will arrive Louisville around noon on Thursday. I've watched the IMLou video on YouTube and would like to ride the out and back because the road looks pretty rough. Let's get a group together.

    Today was supposed to be a swim day but was hacked to a bike day. I'm doing a sprint on Saturday with my son and can't do the scheduled bike rides so I'm hacking again. Today was 2 hours on the trainer at ABP. Ran out of hours and didn't get any swimming done. Plan on swimming tomorrow morning and then repeating the 2 hours on the bike. Will run whenever I can.

    Coach P told me to build the sprint and if I felt good I could race the last mile. That's gonna be interesting. I'm thinking of doing a little FTP test on the road during the bike. Then will probably do the run twice to get in a few more miles. Right now I'm more interested in volume than sprinting. Y'all keep up the good work. Stephan and Jennifer had great runs today.
  • Fri morning (all over again) - 4300 yards swimming plus 20 min run. That makes 4 straight days of swimming and 14,174 yards for the week. That's like a straight flush Brunelle! No swimming this weekend, and I'm done for the day. Tonight I'm going to drive 3 hours to Perry, FL to stage for Saturday's ride and my 40th reunion in Panama City, FL.
  • Long run of 18miles in 2:38 done. Oh and a 30 min swim in a 70degree (yes, it felt like an ice bath) pool as a recovery. Rather than taking the cue from wko desc which says to run the first 6 in Z1+30", then 7-9 at Z1, then 3 @Z3, I ran 3, 6 mile loops with each loop progressively faster. First 6 were at about a 9:20pace (my Z1+30" would be 10:15), next 6 at a 8:45-9 pace and the last 6 at an 830 pace. For the first 12 miles I walked about 10-15" every 2 miles. After mile 12, I walked a few steps every mile. Each mile I drank GE and every 6 miles I had a salt tab and a GU. Felt really good up to mile 16-17, then I started to fatique. What this tells me is I may need to bring the pace back in the beginning to a 930-945 and build on that or I'm not getting enough nutrition. Any thoughts would be great.

    Tomorrow I will swim long, which will be day 5 of swimming this week. I think I have the swim consistency down. In fact my hair and skin hate me right now, so I'm definitely getting in the swim volume image. I didn't set out to swim everyday this week, but I will say I think the daily swim is paying off as I'm feeling really strong in my stroke.

    On another note, looks like I will be traveling to Lou solo image. It's a long story, but my husband now needs to stay home and hold down the fort. The original plan was to fly there on Thursday, now I will be driving (also a 9 hr drive). Not sure if I will leave Wed and drive 1/2 way or leave super early on Thurs and drive straight through. If I leave on Wed, would love to join you all on Thursday for a ride of the course or bike. Will let you know closer to to the race what my final plans are.
  • Danielle, It will be great to spend time with you and the others.  I'm coming solo too.  My spouse is getting tired of these things.   Way to go on that run.  Wow.  You and Jay really kicked it.

    I made my Brunelle this week, second week in the year over 10,000.  I actually broke 11,000 by a few yards.  Shoulders feel like they are going to fall off.  Swimming is not my strength. 

    Weather has turned cool here.  Will watch my wife run in a half marathon tomorrow before heading out for another Fred ride on the bike.   Good thing there aren't a lot of people here in rural wisconsin.  No one will likely see me.

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