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IMAZ Week 16 - Consolidation

Camp week is over!  Hopefully you survived.  For most of us today is a rest day to consolidate all of the work that we put in over the weekend.  Put your feet up and REST.  Eat some good food.  Read a Kona race report or two.

Please share your camp stories, ask questions, vent, whatever, this is our forum, let's keep the mojo going.


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    I missed camp week because my dog died Friday. I'd say that's a good excuse although I did go 101 on the bike yesterday. I learned I can't cry while I pedal, only at red lights.

    So I'd like to do some sort of camp week next weekend and I am open to input on what I should do. Seriously, I can not do the exact volume due to work, needing to prevent injury and just flat out....... I don't think I'm feeling it.

    I am super impressed with everyone's workouts. You're all so amazing!

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    @Dana, I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm glad you found some relief by riding. I highly recommend you use your micro forum and get input from Rich or Patrick. That said, my bet is that they will tell you to skip it and not give it another thought. There is lots of volume left over the remaining weeks and those weeks are already short on recovery time. Stick with your plan, focus on really executing what's left and you should get to race day with everything you need.

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    Just got an auto email from Patrick about RR week. Noticed these emails and videos have been outta sync lately. They should really dial this stuff in.

    Legs feels like they are SLOWLY coming back...we'll see how the ride goes tmrw
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    I finished camp week Monday am with my 2:15/13 mi run. While I hit all my paces, including 2 z3 miles at the end, I found it tough, a little like IM. Legs were sore. I recovered yesterday afternoon doing 30' in the recovery pump boots at my bike shop.

    I had a swim lesson today, no exertion. I had another 'aha!' Moment. Refining my kick-I wasn't using left leg well and could feel the difference. Teacher saw it and had the perfect drill to get it moving. I will have. 1:15 IM someday!!
    Not looking forward to tomorrow's bike. My legs are still sore

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    Wednesday, today, is actually my tuesday. Typical of my thinking, I was going to get back on track and do the Wednesday bike. 3 minutes of spinning convinced me otherwise-I realized I had NOTHING in my legs. I will try a swim this evening. I still plan on long run tomorrow.
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    @Betsy, I'm in the same boat as you, today (Wednesday) is really my Tuesday, so no run and optional swim. Since camp ended, I've come down with a cold, so I'm coughing and my head is filling up with gunk. Thus, I'll not be swimming tonight.

    I'll probably do the long run tomorrow just to get back on track, but it will be a run for duration and not pace and I'm going to pull the plug at the first sign of resistance from my body.

    The real goals for me are to 1) rest and recover from the weekend overload, 2) pay attention to this dumb cold so it does not get worse and 3) be ready for the Saturday and Sunday long rides.

    Hopefully everyone enjoyed the rest day(s) and they've consolidated all of that work into increased mental and physical toughness.
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    @Clark-sorry to hear about your cold. I am a big consumer of supplements (actually I probably need a 12 step program). But I take lots of immune boosters and antioxidants. I know this will sound weird but at first sign of cold symptoms I jump on colloidal silver, a nonpharmaceutical antimicrobial available at any vit store. Also. ramp up the vit c, vit d(actually already on high dose) magnesium echinacia as well as all the other stuff I take. Lots of fluids and rest, and good call to pass on the swim
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    First Camp Week Survival!

    I have never done back to back centuries. Now I know why. My Big Day was way fun. 2 mile bay swim, 100 miles around (and around and around a 14 mile loop on the Silver Strand), and a decent pace 10K. A friend did the swim with me, another did the bike, and the swim buddy came back and ran - this is true support on a 90 degree day.

    The second day century had to start at 3 in the afternoon because of my work schedule. I was able to get 2 loops (at a much slower pace than the day before) of a 17 mile course in before it started to get twilight and then headed to a 4 hour session on the trainer. (You can imagine how much fun that was.) I love Aquaphor.

    Final day was a 2:15 trail run. I really remembered the trail as flat. Opps. At least it felt good to be off the bike. Then 2 hours later and an hour drive to a wedding that lasted for 5 hours.

    Today RECOVERY! It's really good for the head that I can do this!

    I appreciate your postings team EN. It's good to know we are in this together.


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    Hey, Clark I took your suggestion and posted something in my micro about missing camp week, Coach P is probably still traveling from KONA. I think it's a sign I am supposed to do it this weekend. I'm going to run long Thursday, Friday swim 2.4, Sat 112 with hopefully a 30 minute run and Sunday go as long as I can. Thoughts anyone??

    Also, IMAZ BIBS are up. I was peeved when I saw 1147 as I have been getting 3-digit BIBS due to being AWA. However, this BIB number happens to be a few minutes UNDER my goal!!! Perhaps I should go with it..I prefer being racked closer to the 3-digits.

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    I've had two lower volume weeks due to life getting in the way. Feeling a little stressed that I've bagged a couple big swim workouts. Last week on my long ride, the battery died on my electronic shifters half way through the day. Nothing like spinning at 100 rpm and 100 watts going nowhere fast! Glad to have that issue before race day for sure. Long runs have gone really well with my last one at 18 miles at a 7:10 pace. Need another big week or two volume wise to reduce my stress levels image
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    @Dana - I think your plan sounds good but I would not stress too much about the Sunday ride.

    My long run this morning was accompanied by motivation from Diana Nyad and Amy Purdy via the TED Radio Hour - http://www.npr.org/programs/ted-radio-hour/331331360/champions If you are short on mojo, I urge you to at least listen to the Diana Nyad part of this podcast. Her story had me laughing, crying and probably running faster than I should have been, but it was amazing. Some people just have no quit.
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    @Dana-I think your plan is fine too. In years past I have juggled the big weekend due to life. One week +/- really is not that big a deal.
    Also, are you the one in need of EN kit? I have a small en singlet I'm not wearing

    @Tom-I wish I had your stress about swimming. I haven't done any of the workouts lately As I'm in process of retooling stroke. You have an awesome run-way more important. You have plenty of time left for some volume swimming

    @Clark-if I do a mill run I will take your listening suggestion. I never run outside with headphones

    Today's lung run done-15 miles in 2h:28 run time. Total time with dog changes, water and pee stops was about 3h. This was harder than Monday, still sore. Miles 1,2-z1+30, 4-6, solid z1. Second 6 could only hit z2 x2. The other 4, z2 +10". The last 3 miles just tried to hang onto z2 and really focus on good form: z2 (-1), +5 then lost it on the last with a +20.
    Since this is my Wednesday after camp, and Coach notes say don't expect to make your FTP on bike, I'm going to feel ok about my effort.

    I'm going to try to get the swim in today, definitely the long swim tomorrow. image:
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    Hey all checking in after getting home from KONA... Not my day in KONA but the good news is- minimal damage done and recovery seems to be quick since I walked a lot of the Marathon.... Between overeating for 3 days , recovering from the KONA heat, and the travel , my body blew up like a balloon.... I went from 121 on race day to 128 yesterday and 123 today.... crazy what your body will do... I couldnt even get my flip flops on my feet were swollen so much.... While I'm still tired, the recovery work is feeling really good already.... I think by next tuesday I'll be ready to rock and roll for 2 weeks before taper!

    @Betsy ...HRV... I was yellow the day before Race Day... Green the day after... completely the opposite of what it should be for the second IM in a row...
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    Hey everyone, thanks for input on my revised camp week. Coach P got back to me and suggested Sat 100 ride 5 run and Sunday 80 ride 5 mile run. Sounds harder than 112 both days! I have not been sleeping or eating much since my dog died Friday. Somehow it's difficult to get workouts in at all. I was supposed to run 2 1/2 hours this morning and I shuffled 3 1/2 miles.

    Betsy, I looking for some EN swag. I am not sure about the size though ( I've been wearing a Betty Design small tri top although snug her medium is too big). Your top may work...I've ordered a new SOAS kit but haven't tested it out.

    Tim, congrats on a great race in KONA!!!
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    Checking in ... and out. I will not be doing IM AZ this year. The proximate reason is surgery (inguinal hernia) scheduled for Nov 6th. I had given some thought to coming down anyway for cheering and team mojo, but I doubt I'll be feeling up to it on post-op days 7-9.

    So good luck to you all, and apply special focus over the next 2-3 weeks - now is when the magic happens in your training.

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    Speedy recovery from your surgery Al. The IMAZ team will surely miss you.

    I am pleased to report I had an excellent run this am. I was worried after not hitting my z2 Thursday and not feeling like legs recovered.
    5 mi/ 50 min: z1+30, z1, z2, z5!,z3
    I know I over did it a bit but needed the boost. Also, making up for not getting yesterday's run in.

    I did swim yesterday, 3k in 80' and that included first 500 as drills. I think that's longest I've swam yet!

    Now. Off for today's beeline ride. It rained hard yesterday and cloudy and cooler today so ok about late start.

    Hope everyone has a great training Saturday!

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    @Tim - Welcome. If anyone can make a strong transition from Kona to IMAZ you can.
    @Al - We will miss you for sure. Hopefully surgery does not interfere with the upcoming ski season. Get well soon.
    @Dana - Do what you can and don't dwell on what you can't. There is still lots of volume left in this build.
    @Betsy - Congrats on the long run. Stay safe on the beeline.

    Coming out of the long camp weekend I ended up with a bad cold. I skipped my Wednesday swim but did the Thursday long run. Friday I ended up taking the day off of work to sleep on the couch. I'm feeling somewhat better now other than a productive, hacking cough. Yum.

    I managed both a run and a ride Saturday, so I'm really happy about that. Today I'm going to get a trainer ride as it's now snowing outside!

    Hopefully everyone is well and having a successful weekend.
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    So....Last week(s) where modified quite a bit...pushed FWD so this weekend was kind of a early to do a real SAT ride... ended up as a full 5hr with majority at highZ2to mid Z3 (15-20 min x~10 sets) but nasty winds ended up kicking my butt somewhat and even with shortened run (4ml progressive neg split) I really felt run down. New inner knee pain at 3 hrs etc had me Skip SUN WKO. Shoulder nagging so again only 1 swim last week. (feels great up until it starts bitching ~ 1 mile of swimming)
    Today Im looking at how to tweek this week as I have Army and a wedding this weekend and start my first 5a-5p new job WED/THR...Oh and I have a APFT (fitness test) this week too. [likely to be my lowest score in a decade...really no push ups at all due to this shoulder and I've slacked on prepping for sit ups]

    MON: Bike: 20'WU then Z4 intervals with 4-6min Z5 x4 https://www.strava.com/activities/411845396
    Run: Z2x1;Z3x2 Brick https://www.strava.com/activities/411857766
    TUES: Long Run:6ml@10:00;4@9:00;3@8:30(with 30sec aid station walk sim per mile) https://www.strava.com/activities/412394899
    WED: Swim (15'WU) 500x2;400x2;25/25x2;50/50x1 {shortened due to shoulder}
    THRS: Recovery/SAUs
    FRI: BIKE:steady Z2-3(15'-20'segments) https://www.strava.com/activities/414328821
    RUN: Z2-4+ 4ml neg split https://www.strava.com/activities/414328811
    SAT: Needed R&R ...and more expensive SAUs!
    SUN....well seeeee.
    Great going to all the Kona racers and soon to be AZIM racers! really surprised at the small size of the #of posters here...hmmm.
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    @Clark-wow! Snow already! Take care of the cold
    @Howard-strong work readjusting. The winds are good prep for race day-it's been windy here every weekend. I'm counting on it for race day too (but focusing on clear skies)
    @Tim-welcome. Inspiring that you bounced back so quickly and have the mojo for a third IM (you did LP too right?) big supported ride on beeline this sat 11/24, you should come up! And don't know what to say about HRV...

    As I already mentioned, had a great run yesterday. Bike went well too-5 hr, 8 x20' at .78-.8. Windy on beeline, no flats!
    I also did today's ride on trainer as my husband wanted me home for a contractor coming in at 7:30. 1.5' at .7-.75. No .8 for me today. After a break, 2 more hours and I really lost it, .7 started dropping to .65. I settled on focusing on form ( I'm really finding my sweet spot in aero) and high cadence, I averaged 86-88. I have a new saddle that's corrected one problem but I have the worst saddle soreness I've ever had. Looking forward a a few days break! image
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    My biggest week yet. Two key workouts both went well. Swim. I'm a terrible swimmer image. Always slow down after 2500 yards or so and can't swim in a straight line. I've been working longer sets hoping to get the endurance up. I'm swimming with a tempo trainer to set pace and help me hold it. This week I did a 5k straight swim, not stopping and managed to hold the pace the entire way. 1:48/100 pace was best ever I think. I'm getting tired of swimming 90 minutes in an IM image

    For long run, this was my 5th weekly long run. I put an hour bike ride in first. End result. trashed image. Early to bed and easy day tomorrow.

    Upwards and onwards. It's closer than I want!
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    Got my weekend rides in but after some knee tendonitis and achilles soreness I skipped the Sat run. I havent missed any WKO's up to this point, so mentally I was really disappointed. But my gut tells me the smart play is to take a couple more days and not push it. My goal is it finish so I dont want to put that in jeopardy. Hopefully will try to get some runs in toward end of week, and that wont have a huge effect on my fitness.
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    @Dana - thanks and sorry about your dog.... we dont have kids so we have dogs and they can just rip your heart out

    @Betsy- thanks for the info on the Beeline ride but too far for just a training day.... watts is watts it dont matter where :-)..... Hey why so slow times at Tempe 70.3 today? too hot ? That bike course looked like a joke but times were still pretty good... The run seemed really slow.... I ran in Eloy today around 90 degrees and it didnt feel that hot...

    @Tom-- damn I keep forgetting I have to race you... glad the swim is coming around

    @All --- way to keep moving forward , balancing the schedules and workload , wrap your head around 2 more weeks of work !

    Feeling pretty good already thanks to not killing myself in KONA... Finished off my recovery week with 11hrs , 6200 yds swim , 138 miles bike, 21 miles run...Even did a 2 x 32' interval at .92 on Saturday's ride and ran 10 miles today at RPP.... Way more than I planned or have ever done the first week after an IM but I truly am feeling that good....For reference the first long ride I did 1 week after IMLP this year turned into 1:24 at IF .55 vs yesterday's 2:48 at IF .83 and the long run after IMLP was 6 miles 9:50 pace vs. 10 today @ 8:04.. So the challenge for me will be balance , making sure I don't do too much , I have high hopes for IMAZ but gotta make sure the training doesnt go too far into the "I gotta vindicate myself after KONA" overtraining mode.... So tomorrow will be the recovery swim and a massage!....
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    Tim-I didn't go down to the race today but I know from the past the run is really hot and people are a little slower. It wasn't quite as hot today, partly cloudy, raining by 6 pm but I think it was pretty humid. I was going to ride with Sunday group who always make it phoenix hill ride on the way to Tempe but my husband really wanted me home at 7 am for contractors coming by for some remodel estimates. Then I was going to go down to cheer my local peeps in on the run after my ride but I was feeling really crappy and low after a 4 hour trainer ride that went from .75 IF TO .7 and ended at .65-totally ran out of gas (after 5h .78-.8 ride Saturday I guess) and went to sleep instead.
    Your training is an inspiration -I haven't done one IM this year and I'm getting burned out
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    Mixed feelings here. Cortisone injection in the knee Friday after 2.5 weeks off. Ran today with some pain, not too bad. However, after the pain came back. It may be a long walk at IMAZ. Even if it feels OK, my longest run has only been 13 miles and that was 3 + weeks ago. Planning a couple long rides this weekend and hope at least that goes well.

    Looks like everyone else has been killing it. Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few more weeks.
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