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2015 EN 12 Days of Holiday Running

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2015 Holiday Run Challenge

8 Days, Friday to Friday, 12/25 to 1/1 inclusive

Okay folks, it's that time of year again. That’s right.  The pools are closed. Your trainer didn’t fit in the minivan so you couldn’t bring it to Aunt Merna’s house. All you have is your running shoes and a burning desire to get outside. I am talkin’ ‘bout...drumroll please…

The Annual Holiday Run Challenge

Stay fit and have fun this holiday season by joining your crazy EN teammates for an 8-Day Run Challenge!!!

This is a solo challenge to keep our minds off the sugar cookies and mulled cider and on coming out ahead of the game on New Years, perhaps a few pounds lighter and, of course, feeling superior over our friends who will all be complaining about the 5lbs they gained over the holidays!

If you do not think you can do it alone and the accountability to the Team is not enough,

to you can "align" yourself with a Team just by putting a team name in

the tracking spreadsheet.

So lace up your shoes, fire up your Internet connection and start planning those runs!

How to Score Points (Use the Calculator here):

  • 1 point per mile run.

  • 1 additional point for each hour run (whole numbers only 1, 2, etc.)

  • 1 additional point for a run in sub-32 degrees weather.

  • 1 additional point for each mile run at (or above) Threshold Pace (10k pace).

  • 5 bonus points for running all 8 days of challenge.

  • Note: This runs on the honor system, please only post your actual run results.


  • Fitness is it's own reward...really!

  • Bragging rights

  • Cool Icon to put on your signature line (HERE)

Points Examples:

  • If it takes me one hour to run 8 miles in 40-degree weather with 2 miles

    at threshold... I get 8 x 1 point for distance (8), 1 point for 1 hour

    of running (1), 0 points for sub-32 degree running, and 2x1 point for

    the threshold miles (2)...I will have earned 11 points for my run.

  • If you run less than an hour, like 45 minutes, you don’t get the “hour” points!


  1. Join the 2015 Holiday Run Forum Thread (YOU ARE HERE!)

  2. Invite teammates to participate; consider forming a Team!

  3. Enter your name in the Spreadsheet (be careful to use the 2015 tab and to not to fudge anyone else's info!).

  4. Calculate and update your Holiday Runs daily, starting on 12/25, using the Point Calculator tab in the same Spreadsheet (it’s the first one, bottom left).

  5. Log daily workouts in Spreadsheet. Talk smack + post pics in this forum.

  6. Earn points and get fit!    


Where is the spreadsheet?

It's online as a shared Google document here.

Do I need a Google account?

You shouldn't need one, but you _do_ need to be careful when entering your data that you only touch your space in the spreadsheet and not anyone else's!

How do I create a Team?

Just write in a team name and the sheet will start calculating your team data.



  • I just wanted to give you all fair warning...my goal for this challenge will be to accumulate 150 miles. Not necessarily going for the win but making sure that whoever does has to work for it!
  • Dearest Doug image, just to let you be prepared 150 mi's good on you. Way to put it out there for a standard to attain !
  • yes I am in. I am really working on accountability and durability this year.
  • Nobody can beat Doug on the running volume aspect.....even Kenyans
  • There's a lot of people on the team that can put me to shame Francis, ha ha. I just wanted to put my goal out there and give myself and maybe some others something to shoot for.
  • Is the goal still 150 miles? That is a great number. Go for the easy pace miles, and do not worry about bonus points for faster pace stuff.
  • @John, as the challenge gets closer I'm scratching my head wondering why I posted that image But yes, that's still the goal, can't back down now. It will be a lot of TM runs, split runs and most of it at easy pace. 150 is just an arbitrary number I came up with. I'm participating in the challenge just to do something different and not be so serious about training.
  • So...my excuses are going to start already! I will not be attempting to run 150 miles in 8 days. My goal was based on the dates 12/21 to 1/1 noted in the original post. I'm still going to follow my original plan aiming for 150 and starting on 12/21 and then just log my points as they occur between 12/25 to 1/1.
  • Doug, the challenge is actually 8 days, sorry, my boo boo. Want to edit your challenge? or do you still want to keep this super human goal of 150miles for 8 days vis 12 days???????
  • Doug I totally think that you could do it, you are one of the most dedicated people I know.

    I honestly could not do the math in my head last night and was thinking 7 days.

    Also not making excuses....I will be tapering at that time so will not participate and get tempted in ramping the miles back up. Something like 980 run miles in the last 12 weeks, on 6 days a week, is enough for me.

    SO what is the new number? like 110 for 8 days?

  • I'm in, but not for Doug's superhuman goal. I'll just be working for about half that, if I'm lucky...
  • whoa don't know how I missed this thread... unfortunately I will not be playing along ... I'm back on a self imposed run jail with some kind of hip impingement pain... but definitely plan to watch the fun unfold...

    @Doug- Very nice goal of 150 over 12 days is 12.5 miles a day? My biggest run week ever was 75 miles in 6 days or 12.5 miles per day average , here is how I structured it 13.1 , 6.2 , 13.1 , 3.1 , 26.2 , 13.1... Probably better to just do the same 12 everyday.... How are you structuring yours?
  • I'll try to go for 100KM (not miles!!) during the challenge.
  • Why not a bike challenge for us warm climate folks!!
  • Wow, I am in and normally would jump at the chance to do something off the charts like run 150 miles in 8 days but then I did the math and saw that is 18.75 miles per day. I got tired just looking at that number so I decided to just run a lot and let the math take care of itself. Good on you though Doug for throwing that hammer down!
  • I am sticking with 150 miles in 12 days and letting the challenge points fall where they will.

    @John, no goal for the 8 days.
    @Tim, I was planning on front loading the miles because I don't know how I will feel the 2nd half. I'm planning on mostly split runs and a couple days with 3 1-hour runs. If I have something left in the tank I will attempt a long run on 1/1. I'll be running everything at EZ pace and there will be a lot of TM work too.
    @David, there is a bike challenge in January around President's day weekend.
  • Ekks!!! I am in for the challenge. Will read ALL the rules this evening but I am excited!

  • I support Doug running 150 miles in 12 days. My legs wouldn't support me doing that. I'll be tired just hitting refresh on his Strava feed...
  • Merry Christmas! I just logged my name on the spread sheet then I read the posts. Probably should have read the posts first. I will not be going for 150 miles. My goal will be a 10K every day. Very little will be at threshold pace. I'm going to need a new headlight if I want to get any running done outside.

  • @ Doug - Presidents' Day is 22 Feb. Too long to wait for a challenge!
  • Some crazyyyy mileage talk goin on!

    I am IN- but just for the challenge of running everyday! Looking forward to this!!! HO! HO! HO!

  • I'm in. I'll shoot for 50 miles in 8 days. I think I can survive that.
  • WOOT WOOT! Go Doug! 

  • Geez, i'd like to do this, but my first 3 runs are going to be on a cruise ship in the carribean and then when i get back to NY, will it actually be below 30 degrees??
  • I'm in for the challenge of running on 8 straight days.  I do 5 a week right now, so that will be a bump.  My goal will be to have mostly fun runs, minimal intensity, stay healthy and average around 5 miles per run .

  • This is probably my favorite in the EN challenge series, oops right the ICTT is another. Hard to believe there is only a dozen on the train. I like this one because outside of the running, I use this time to explore different area's of my hometown to change up the scenery everyday. In past years I have posted pics of where I ran that day on a daily basis vs a garmin/strava graph. I have been low key(rehab) on the running scene since my accident but if your doing run durability this is right up your alley. I am on the fence right now, at least I don't have to chase those Texan Ulfigs again they damn near killed me last time.
  • I'm in again. It kept me motivated last year to get out and run during a hectic holiday week. I too was surprised at the number of participants this year. I believe I accumulated 86ish points last year and should be able to beat that. If the weather cooperates.
  • OK, I'm signed up but I do not expect to be anywhere in the same zip code as several of the monsters on this list!


  • just signed in, will try to follow those running beasts
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