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2015 EN 12 Days of Holiday Running



  • Day two in the books, no strava file no Garmin file, just gonna show you two pics in our town. The pics are my OSW pond 1 mile from the house. It is drained right know because it is part of a canal system that gets drained every winter. The other is just over the other side for track running, o so close.

  • And now my watering hole I use in the early part of spring !

  • I knocked out 9 miles today in 3 parts: 3.5 from trailhead to track, 2 @ the track doing VO2 work, 3.5 from track back to truck. It's been raining here in North Georgia for the last 5 days so I was glad to finally get off the tmill for a run even though I was running through ankle deep mud for a good chunk of the run. My new Hoka Bondi 4s look well broken in even with only 20 miles on them. 11 points today: 9 miles, 1 above threshold, and ran longer than an hour.
  • Did my first real trail run today.  10 miles in the glorious Arizona desert.  10 miles on the trail beats 10 on the road any day!! 
  • A couple of 6 mile runs thus far for me, both on the TM. Once because it was late after driving back from my mother's; once today because it was raining biblically...
  • Well we are know in Day #3, looks like things are heating up. Time to put your shoes on get er done ! Have a great day peeps !



  • Not cool, Steve. Not cool at all. I know for a fact that Brent sent you that pic of him running but told you not to post it in the forum.
    Only 3 miles for me this morning. Really slow but it comes in for another 4 points. How's by you, teammate Brenda?
  • 3 days down. 9 to go. I have a race on the Jan 2nd. 5 miles done. 6 tomorrow.
  • Two runs done today. The first was a 10 miler on the TM because the weather was cold and rainy. This run netted me 11 points, 10 for the mileage plus 1 for over an hour. The 2nd run was a 10k outside because I couldn't take the treadmill anymore. 17 points for the day and finished the week with 102 miles for my first week ever over 100.
  • Outstanding Doug!
  • Great work Doug! 100 miles in a week is amazing.
  • Amazing, DJ! I'm just over 40 and feeling it; I can't imagine 100...
  • Excellent Job everyone....keep it up.

  • Way to go Doug!!! Thanks for the inspiration!! imageimageimage
  • Crappy footing out there today with wet snow on the roads, was able to stay upright and get 12 kms done. Sorry no pics today forgot my camera at home. Day 4 is coming, be ready and run smart. Legs/mind are gonna start showing fatigue time to dig deep and find your "One" to get out the door tomorrow !
  • @Doug -  Very nice accomplishment.  That's pretty BA.   My legs are pretty dead with an almost 40 mile week.

    @Francis - 22 point day...  very stout!  

    I love the pictures!  I will try to bring the iPhone with me this week.  It looks like we may get an ice storm in Michigan tomorrow, but I am going to try and get out before it.

    Yesterday was was my longest run since IM training last summer.  Today felt more like punching the clock.  I wanted to get 5 to make it an even 40 for the week, but I was really starting to feel spent. 

    Keep up the good work everyone!


  • I'm a late add to the challenge and the spreadsheet, but have been doing 2 runs each morning, on by myself while everyone sleeps, then another one with my wife when she wakes up. ~35 degree swing in the weather from yesterday's run to today's.
  • I had to hit the eject button on the run challenge. Santa brought me a nice case of plantar fasciitis, so it's "go directly to run jail" for me. Looks like you guys are hitting some great numbers though! Keep it up!
  • Hey Gang! Good morning! Just wanted to thank everyone for the inspiration. I'm usually the gal that just fizzles out until the new year but thanks to this challenge I'm really getting after it!   My goals this week:  1.) run everyday 2.) at least 10 miles every day 3.) run with a happy heart (which means just easy z1-2....enjoy the process work! ha!). My 4th goal starting today is to get back to my OS plan as well so that any running I do is in addition to the plan. That should be interesting!!!!  I kinda got off track in mid-December due to getting sick, work and so much holiday prep!! Now I'm feeling MUCH better.  So far so good.  I taught a pretty tough load of fitness classes last week and this is by FAR the most I've run since October.  This week I'm only teaching half of my normal load so I figure this running makes up the difference.  That normal heavy leg tired feeling is settling in but feet and knees feeling really good so I'm just gonna try to keep going.  It's been beautiful here the last few days so no excuses for not running outdoors.  No early run today....just going to try to do it after lunch or this evening! image

    My pic for the day is actually one taking Christmas Day of the gift my husband gave me (us...haha!).  He said that if my feet get tired I can hop on this and go around town!  It's an ElliptiGo!  From what I've been told Meb used it training for the SD RnR marathon.  Other athletes like Ben True, Matt Llano, Sarah Hall have used it in training as well. Not sure of any triathletes.   It's a fun ride but tough!!! I haven't counted any of my mileage from using this during our challenge. Just wondered if anyone had tried one!!  Just thought it would be fun to share with you guys!! 

    Anyway...happy running and have a great start to the week!!


  • I'm feeling very fortunate. I've Been able to get a run in everyday since the 21st. Most of my runs have been 10K, but I have thrown in two 10 milers as well. Last week was a total of 51 miles.This morning I did a 10K including 2 X 1 mile intervals. This was the coldest run so far this year. It is only 21 degrees here. Not Ottawa cold but cold enough to really tax the interval.  This challenge has been a great event. I got one run with my friend Doug Johnson and one run with my oldest son. That is such a change from the normal solitary training and really pumped up my running. Hope everyone is staying safe. 

  • Haven't had any time to post since the start of the run challenge. Off to a rocky start with only 1 mile each on Friday & Saturday. Managed 3 miles yesterday before hitting the trainer. Didn't get any bonus points on these as the temps held steady at 34.

    Today I was able to kick in a 60 min, 7 mile run, with two miles at TP, so 10 points.
  • Well halfway point. I see a lot of peeps picking it up and enjoying there runs. And sorry to see some peeps shutting down(but 4 the better). Health before getting beyond repair in a friendly competition is smart. Well here in Ottawa we had a real first dusting of snow. Tomorrow they are telling us not to get out of our igloo's and not to be on the streets(1st snowstorm forecast 35 cm), we will see ! Well two pics today I have chosen because it was near my turn around point ! So first pic was me going through a polar vortex and look who I met on the other side. !



  • And through the vortex 9 miles later look who I found this guy was out for stroll !!


  • @Stephanie, Thanks for sharing! I've never used one of those but it looks like fun! Nice work with the runs and way to get back on track with the OS!
    @Ed, 51 miles is great! I had a blast running with you last week too! Way to get it done in the cold weather today!
    @Phil, strong work today on that run!
    @Steve, I'm not sure who that guy is but great job getting out there in the elements and putting in 9 miles!

    I put in double duty again today. 10 in the morning on the treadmill with an extra point for going over 1 hour. In the evening I took it outside for another 8 and grabbed 2 bonus points, 1 for going over an hour and 1 for the temperature bonus. The fire department sign across from my apartment says 22 degrees and there was a nice wind to go along with that too. Great work everyone getting those runs in! Keep getting it done!
  • 1st 1st up @Doug, that was a guy named Gandhi, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi I was running around  our local University.

    Well that's outta the way! Well Day #5 and it was a snowy day for sure as forecasted in Ottawa. My plan for today was only to do a short run outside and boy I felt like I ran a 10 km. A lot of snow and wind with no let up but I went out and did it ! I did not bring my camera but here is a pic of my awesome girl B showing #4 on her fingers from yesterday. This pic is a snapshot of our Rideau canal system which is 125 miles long but we use only 13 miles as a run section. See you all on Day 6, I hope everyone's legs are being challenged ! 

  • oh my gosh! Well I was in for a rude awakening today. Did my 75 min bike and taught 3 classes (strength & 2 cardio). Ran 1. Just 1. That's all that was left after work, kids, classes….oh I'm feeling it!! It's 8:45 p.m. and I'm even going to BED!!! Goodness!! Love the snow pics….imageimageimage
  • Day#6, and not a lot of ploughed places to run, so off to my go to run route(alway's open). Did not have a set plan when I left besides "just run" attitude. Footing was not the best so it kept me pretty well in check not to open things up. So down the canal I went to the downtown of Ottawa I went. Not many people out running/walking due to the roads/paths snowed in. In all I managed a 14 miler in my lower Z1, weather was actually not to chilly today. Today's pic is the end of our skateway canal known for the longest ice skating in the world which is 7.8 kms(5 mi),enjoy! Day #7 is upon us getting to the final stages !  


  • 4 miles in on a bright and sunny, 36 degree day. I had planned on running after today's bike, but the legs weren't having it. Missed out on a bonus pt as it was 26 degrees this am.

  • Posted By Phil Mills on 30 Dec 2015 05:21 PM

    4 miles in on a bright and sunny, 36 degree day. I had planned on running after today's bike, but the legs weren't having it. Missed out on a bonus pt as it was 26 degrees this am.

    How come it's always 4 deg colder where you are than here in Gig Harbor?

    I got in 5 miles, my longest run since starting back up after 2 months off for hamstring injury and (unrelated) surgery. 2 weeks of daily running now.

  • So I noticed there are 4 South Sound runners on the spread sheet; Steve Swanland and Mark Maurer each created a team name. Since Steve at this point has the most points, I'm going to sign myself up on his team, and suggest that Phil and Mark do likewise.

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