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2016 IM NC- Week 10- Split Run

Week 10-- Focus: The Split Run
Greeting EN NC athletes! I apoligze for the confusion on the week number...OOPS! You are currently in week 10 of the plan THANK YOU for chiming in last week and sharing who is out there!! We are starting to get a group going :-) Who else is in?? I LOVED seeing your posts last week…….you all are RAMPING UP!!! Burning a hole in Strava and posting some on social media.  Now that we have a laser focus on IM Canada (a a couple of others as well), let’s keep that up! It’s FANTASTIC!
Remember……  #EN4Keys
This year the coaches made big changes to the OutSeason training plans, adding a significant "run durability" component by adding running frequency. So now as you head into the IM Full plan you will notice the following…….

Split Long Run: in weeks 9 through 12, the long run is split into two Thursday sessions. The coaches experimented with this in 2015 and found they were able to run both runs a faster average pace and put up higher single day mileage, with less recovery cost vs a traditional one-session long run. Then then enables...

Additional Friday Run: the ability to put in a run the day after the long run allows us to significantly boost the run volume, and therefore the run durability component, of the long course training plans.

Saturday Pre-Ride Brick Run: this run, added to the plans years ago, remains a running staple.

Sunday Post-Ride Brick Run: an extremely valuable session for helping our athletes dial in the critical first 4-6 miles of their running race execution strategy

So this week- let’s focus on that split long run and report back on how we do!  Check out the wiki page for more info! http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Understanding+the+Endurance+Nation+Split+Long+Run

Remember…..your race day run should be:




Sustained Pace

No one run will make or break your race but how you look at pacing will.  
Focus on sustainable pace.

Set yourself up like a rock star---

Eat and Hydrate during your workout

Recovery Shake immediately after

Compression socks or resting in the first half hour window after.  Aim for at least one minute elevated resting legs per mile. i.e. 10 mile run, 10 minutes legs elevated, compression socks and resting.

Recovery sets you up for the weekend volume rides
****** Remember to use the forum!  You're building friendships that you will LOVE to have out there on race day. The more you know each other the more you might be able to help, and this is the beauty of EN. We are all one big endurance racing family! If you need ANYTHING from your trusty Race Captain…...I'm here! ******
Admin check in:   Make sure you are following all social media for EN and Facebook


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    Whew, good to know I'm on the right week!

    How is everyone doing? It's really dangerously hot around these parts, and not just outside! My YMCA pool water temp was 85 this morning- I felt like my brain was being boiled! Meanwhile the SW winds have caused an upswell and we've got 61 degree ocean temps! It's pick your poison time.
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    Rough week last week. Busy at work and have the weekend shift 2 weekends in a row. Makes for low levels of training right now. Heat and humidity continue to be the other rate limiter. I agree with Nemo on the dangerous part. As for swimming I'm just getting what I can right now. Our pool runs 84-85 everyday as a compromise to the aqua aerobics classes vs. the lap swimmers. (we are a retirement community). Hope to bump up running miles this week and then start getting after the bike next week. Y'all stay safe out there!
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    Our pool runs 84-85 everyday as a compromise to the aqua aerobics classes vs. the lap swimmers. (we are a retirement community).

    Mostly the same issue here. Must be a North Carolina thing :-)
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