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DS IMAZ Pacing Plan

Going for IM #3 this time around; its my second IM of the year. (Prelude to the forthcoming RR: I am a one-IM-a-season guy ). I go into IMAZ with less focus and fitness. I am headed to the desert looking for a good time, no time goals, and maybe see if I can surprise myself. 

Last long run data: 20.5 miles in 3 hours, 8:41/min, AHR 151

RR2: 184.5lbs, no swim. Biked 72 trainer miles at 165-181W, AHR 133. Ran 6 miles @ 8:40/min AHR 139.

Basically, power is 10-20% less and run pace is 10% slower than I put up prior to IMC, where I was able to ride @ NP 192 (then 0.71), AHR 144 and then ran a 4:35 with a big positive split. I am a 1-2lbs heavier (diet fail) and riding a Ventum one now.

IMAZ pacing plan:

Swim: I really duffed the swims during this build. Life just got in the way unfortunately I somehow hurt my shoulder running (just how...). Have been pulling 1:52-1:59/yd, so hoping for <1:20.</p>

Bike: Chicken bucket baby. Im all in. Using BBS prediction, I plan to go 0.65 until mile 100 (172 NP) in aero, but will adjust downward if the swim makes a big impact on my HR as it did at IMC. As coach R predicted, the BBS time differences are shocking little. At NP 172 they predict 5:34. I lose only 8-10 minutes if I go 162. Tempting.

Run: At IMC my goal was to target my AHR for the last hour of the bike = 144, which I actually was able to do until mile 22 when I "blew up", my pace went from running 10's to walk/running 12's. Frankly, looking back at it, I am pretty proud of that effort and I'm not likely to do better this time around. But I will go out even more conservative this time and try to run the whole thing at an even pace. Based on the RR, my AHR should be around 130-135 at goal pace. So will be planing to cap the HR at 135 in AZ and let it open up if I am feeling well after 18.

Nutrition: sticking with my plan at IMC - going heavy on solids first 2-3 hours on the bike, transition to GU - except focusing big on hydration, and this time I plan to stop and pee if I can't get it open on the bike. No more holding it for 112!


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    Doug- before I read your pacing plan paragraphs I was thinking 160-165w for the bike to account for the decreased swim and bike fitness. But then my primary goal in long course is to run as well as possible and I probably underbike a bit to get there. You could at least start very conservatively for the first 30 miles at least of the bike and then take it from there.
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    spicy wings in bike special needs bag ?
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    Hi Doug - I'm with you on the one IM per year plan. It's like a martini ... one is not enough but two is too many.

    The run plan looks perfect. I say keep the bike power at 172, based on having run 20+ on that long run. Cap the HR at 135 until 18 and see what the day brings.
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    Been there, know where you're coming from. I half-assed my way into IMAZ in '09 after life dropped a giant, steaming turd on my front door, but am still glad I did it on very sub-par training. My only regret about that race is I spent all my energy lowering expectations for me and others instead of searching for opportunity. Opportunity to refine some racing skill, nutrition, peeing at 21 mph, etc. So, that would be my only advice. You clearly love this sport and this distance. So, set some micro goals that you can go after during the day, smile through it, and enjoy the fact that you get to do cool shit like this. Go draft like a boss on the swim, be top 5% in transitions, try to stay aero 99% of the time and/or keep VI at 1.01 or better. Try to run every single mile under 10 or 10:30. When you're done, regardless of overall time or splits, you'll be able to latch onto some real accomplishments that will prove you became a better IM racer despite fitness. Just my $.02. Already looking forward to BRC.

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    I'll see u there
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    See you there and will kick your butt if you are walking on the run image
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