Re bottles -Do those "bike friendly" water/gatorade bottles (not actual bike bottles, but the commercial ones they hand you at a lot of races) fit snugly enough in the top mounted bottle holder? No slipping around?
Re the bento - I have the same leg-scratching issues with the velcro on mine, but it's the velcro wraps around the top tube that get me. Looks like yours does still have velcro around the top tube, right? I trimmed the velcro on mine back, which helps, but still sometimes scrape there.
@Nemo - I totally hear you on the limited real estate....I did, however, get a Speedfil a few weeks ago and it is rather a PITA with a smaller frame size. I've shredded parts of the bottle (would rather sacrifice the bottye than my frame) trying to get it in and out for filling/cleaning, and I'm just waiting for the day that the mounting plastic thingy snaps. Granted the mounting thing is made of pretty strong stuff, but with as much stress as it can get when I move the bottle I'm not sure how it will hold up. I really love the system and the overall solution that the bottle offers (SO nice to have the calories right there), but it is most definitely not a one size fits all approach. If I ever can take the time during the day to call the company I'd like to talk with them about my experience and about some of the options Brian and I talked about as we were installing it. There do seem to be some potential ways to modify the retention approach, so I thought I might chat with them about it. What's funny is that with that thing on my bike I almost have a solid inner triangle on my bike. It's kinda funny, and I'm sure it looks rather odd to people that pass me...I mean people that I pass...whatever, you get the idea.
Yeah, Olivia- I fear that's EXACTLY the trouble I'd have. Even if it did fit, I think I'd end up turning my bike into a big wing/sail and I'm not sure I like that idea either!
@Matt - so you keep water in the Speedfill and sports drink in the horizontal bottle?
other way around. 40oz of infint in the speedfill and i never have to refill it as it has my ~1000 calories for the day in it. exchange water bottles at basically ever aid station so i have a full one just in case
Matt: What brand is your horizontal bottle holder? And where did you get the horizontal bar on which you've mounted your PT computer? Thx!
Suzanne, the bottle holder is just whatever cheap plastic one I can find. I attach it with zip ties and use it until I break it and get a new one. I've used profile-design cages and now have a trek batcage, both work fine. The computer mount is made by profile design as well, it is the UCM and I have it attached to one side with the included clip and then taped both sides to make sure it doesn't move.
@gina i have never had to use it. I think Hayes did during IMWI and it did not work for him. I know people it has worked for if it is a very small puncture or pinch flats
I lug around a can of Vittoria Pit Stop, same concept, but also have yet to actually have to use it. As I prepare for my first IM this year my plan is to stash the can of Pit Stop along with an extra Tubular and C02 cartridge unless I hear a better idea. I just don't have enough confidence in the Pit Stop but if I flat on raceday I'll give it a shot, then reluctantly pull the tube and do it the old fashioned way if I have to.
Not too excited about the extra weight of having the can, the extra tire, the c02 and inflator... should have gone clinchers.
I purchased the speedfil because out in rural Minnesota, I can do a 60 mile ride with no place to refill on the fluid. It was a practical choice. I have no illusions that any type of weight issues other than losing the 40 lb equivalent of a bag of rock salt off my catoosh is going to make a difference. So if I lose the 40 and add 44 oz of fluid...I'm light years ahead right? Anyway, I LOVED LOVED LOVED it on this ride. I have always fumbled with the bottle exchange. At NOLA I took one of each refill and squeezed them in. Now for IM MOO I'm going to really focus on Heed and how to carry either the powder (I have those powder refill thingy's you can put on your waist) or making a type of paste for the entire race in the gel flask that I can squeeze in and add water. But honestly, I can't say enough good. My only drawback was I didn't a horrible job estimating the tube and I have to order a replacement and spend another two hours getting that tube sock on and then cut to size AFTER it's in the bottle and rigged up to the aerobars. I can't say enough about the speedfil even if I don't have enough experience to be a voice of an expert.
Sheryl, I also did a bad job of cutting the tube too short and I need to get another one - but I was planning to go to the hardware store to see if they had tubing available before spending an arm and a leg ordering a brand replacement. Anyone else have success doing this?
Sheryl, I also did a bad job of cutting the tube too short and I need to get another one - but I was planning to go to the hardware store to see if they had tubing available before spending an arm and a leg ordering a brand replacement. Anyone else have success doing this?
Great idea Suzanne. My husband even mentioned splicing them together with duct tape (his tool of choice) I think I will visit the hardware store during my recovery week here. I do dread prying the bottle out to wash it when we get home.
Per Coach Rich's suggetion, I bought flexible tubing from a Lowe's last year and used it for both my aero drink and speedfil. When the tub gets dirty, I just replace it. $4 got me about 25 feet which is enough to last at least 3 full years even with replacing it a bunch as I only use the speedfill about 3 times a year.
FWIW, i do not use the sleeve thingy with the speedfil... it is annoying to setup and having it stick up in the air is not very aero. Plus, I can't stand getting poke in the face or neck with straws. Many people think the start stick straight up is great though, so to each their own.
I just got a speedfil a couple weeks ago and like it except it feels very difficult sucking the fluid up. Meaning after I have drink I am gasping for air for 30 seconds or so like I did a sprint or something. Does anyone else experience that. I thought there would be some type of syphon effect to keep the fluid moving better.
I just got a speedfil a couple weeks ago and like it except it feels very difficult sucking the fluid up. Meaning after I have drink I am gasping for air for 30 seconds or so like I did a sprint or something. Does anyone else experience that. I thought there would be some type of syphon effect to keep the fluid moving better.
I do not have a speedfil, but this sounds like a "missing hole" issue. Is the refill hole on your piece sealed up while you are trying to drink from it?
This might sound kinda perverse, but...IIRC with the Speedfill you have to learn to suck the right way, and get the air out - or your gut will fill up and you'll get bloated and burpy.
I've never had a problem with it. Mine came with a bit value just like a camelback. Before the race I fill it and suck the air out. I never get another air bubble all day long.
I never even used a camelbak before the speedfill, so maybe it was an ID10t error on my part. Every time I bit down on the nozzle, it would drain the liquid back to the bottle, then I'd have to suck it up again - with all the air.
Re the bento - I have the same leg-scratching issues with the velcro on mine, but it's the velcro wraps around the top tube that get me. Looks like yours does still have velcro around the top tube, right? I trimmed the velcro on mine back, which helps, but still sometimes scrape there.
other way around. 40oz of infint in the speedfill and i never have to refill it as it has my ~1000 calories for the day in it. exchange water bottles at basically ever aid station so i have a full one just in case
Matt: What brand is your horizontal bottle holder? And where did you get the horizontal bar on which you've mounted your PT computer? Thx!
Suzanne, the bottle holder is just whatever cheap plastic one I can find. I attach it with zip ties and use it until I break it and get a new one. I've used profile-design cages and now have a trek batcage, both work fine. The computer mount is made by profile design as well, it is the UCM and I have it attached to one side with the included clip and then taped both sides to make sure it doesn't move.
I lug around a can of Vittoria Pit Stop, same concept, but also have yet to actually have to use it. As I prepare for my first IM this year my plan is to stash the can of Pit Stop along with an extra Tubular and C02 cartridge unless I hear a better idea. I just don't have enough confidence in the Pit Stop but if I flat on raceday I'll give it a shot, then reluctantly pull the tube and do it the old fashioned way if I have to.
Not too excited about the extra weight of having the can, the extra tire, the c02 and inflator... should have gone clinchers.
Great idea Suzanne. My husband even mentioned splicing them together with duct tape (his tool of choice)
FWIW, i do not use the sleeve thingy with the speedfil... it is annoying to setup and having it stick up in the air is not very aero. Plus, I can't stand getting poke in the face or neck with straws. Many people think the start stick straight up is great though, so to each their own.
I just got a speedfil a couple weeks ago and like it except it feels very difficult sucking the fluid up. Meaning after I have drink I am gasping for air for 30 seconds or so like I did a sprint or something. Does anyone else experience that. I thought there would be some type of syphon effect to keep the fluid moving better.
I do not have a speedfil, but this sounds like a "missing hole" issue. Is the refill hole on your piece sealed up while you are trying to drink from it?
No the refill hole is open. You can't really block it, I don't think.