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Derrek's Eagleman Race Plan

This will be my 6th half iron distance triathlon and 2nd Eagleman.  I’m 6’1, 165# and had a successful November OS and Get Faster training.  Also since mid-Feb, I’ve been focused on improving my swim by working on body position, propulsion and increasing my stroke rate.  Hopefully this will convert to an improved race day open water swim.   Due to a couple injuries I've been working through, I'm estimating my VDOT at 51 and FTP ~255 watts (it was 276 watts after Nov OS on a road bike)

New for me this year are 1) using Gatorade Endurance and gels vice Infinit.  I plan to start with my BTA bottle filled with GE and the 2 behind the seat bottle holders empty.  2) New tri bike shoes and riding without socks to reduce T1 time (haven’t mastered starting the bike with shoes already clipped in, yet). 

Thanks for any comments/suggestions/advice!

-          30’ bike (trainer); 30’ run; 30’ swim
-          Final packing.  Have everything packed and ready before going to bed
-          Start hydrating
-          Early to bed; get at least 8 hrs of sleep

Saturday: Drink GE throughout the day
-          Hearty breakfast
-          Depart for Cambridge, MD by 9:00 (2 hr drive)
-          Expo - Check In
-          Test ride bike and then check bike in (10-6pm) Lower tire pressure; check brake rubbing, set easy gearing
-          Check out Transition Area: swim start/finish, swim in, Bike out/in, and run out.  Memorize location
-          Light Lunch
-          Check in to hotel
-          Relax
-          Light Dinner
-          Organize T1/T2 gear
-          9:30 To bed

-          Wake 3:30am: eat by 4:00 Instant oatmeal, banana, bagel/honey and coffee
-          Secure Timing chip
-          Castelli speedsuit, lube, cream
-          Garmin 910
-          Prepare 1 bike bottle with GE for BTA bottle, leave two behind the seat bottle holders empty
-          4:30am: leave hotel; arrive at Middle School around 5:00 for shuttle bus to Transition Area. Set up bike/run gear.  Garmin 520,                Pump tires.  Salt tabs dispenser on bike, tape 2 Gels to bike
-          Once transition is set, get to body marking and swim start
-          Don wetsuit or swim skin
-          Swim wave 6, 7:04.  Take gel at 6:45.  Get in water as soon as possible for swim warm up.

Swim:  Easy and steady for 5-10 minutes: head down focus on exhaling, catch up drill to keep from starting off too fast, stay calm in the congestion.  After warmed up, increase turn over focusing on form and rotation, climb the ladder, count strokes.  Goal: sub 40 non wetsuit / sub 36 with wetsuit

T1:  Swimskin/helmet in bag; shoes on, Helmet (No socks) …go.  

Bike:  Heart rate will be high, settle down and ride the first 20’ below 180 watts to get HR below 135.  Drink GE every 20’.  Take 1 S!Cap every 60'.  Drink 1 - 1.5 bottles GE/hr.  After 20' build to 195-215 watts. Be patient.  Nutrition totals per hour: 290 calories (180 from GE + 110 from Gel); 1,140 mg of Sodium (GE 600 + Gel 200 + S!Cap 340).  Goal: sub 2:40

T2: Leave shoes on bike.  Put on socks, shoes, Go Bag (race belt with 3 gels, truckers running cap, race saver bag, sunglasses)  …go.

Run: Run the first 3 miles at 7:45 pace/HR ~145 (caution: this will feel slow). At aid stations cool off with water on head, ice under hat, etc.  Miles 4-10, ease into 7:30 – 7:15 pace.  Take 20” walking breaks at every aid station to drop HR and get in fluids and ice.  If the heat and humidity are a factor, I need to drop my pace and increase hydration.  Nutrition for the run will be 2 Gels per hour (220 cal/hr) and Gatorade or water.  1-2  S!Caps at 60' depending on temps/humidity; sodium 740 – 1,108 mg/hr.  Take Coke after mile 10. Goal: sub 1:40

o   Morning Clothes Bag:  T1 Wetsuit/swim skin, Tri Glide/body glide, goggles (x2), race swim cap, 1-Gel, bottle of water, spare tire, spare tube/CO2, 6 salt caps in dispenser for bike, 1 bottle of GE for BTA bottle, towel, chamois cream

 o   T1:  Helmet, bike shoes, small towel

 o   T2:  running shoes, socks, large Ziploc/go bag: sunglasses, race belt w/ bib and 3 Gels, salt caps dispenser, race saver bag for ice, trucker hat

 Thanks for reading and any comments.  Repeating my question from above, is it beneficial to wear a swim skin over the Castelli Speedsuit?


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    Looks good, I know your fit (your swim is looking good)and even though your power is lower your a great runner. 
    I'm also going all GE and no Infinit  this year. It's just easier. 
    I have been told yes to wearing swim skin over speed suit also. 
    I like the swim cues so you stay controlled at first. 
    Have a great race!!
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    Hello Derrek - the plan looks great.  Really like the idea of the catch-up drill to start the swim

    Regarding swim skin over speed suit: hydrodynamic skin should be faster; but have you tested for comfort?  Make sure that wearing both isn't overly tight in spots

    Salt tablet dispenser on bike: what kind ... can you provide a picture ... need something like this as I put them in baggies and that's awkward
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    Derrek, great plan. Your running has been very strong and I am sure you will nail the run. Your bike plan is solid. I am excited to see the end results of all your training up to this point. Here is an article posted no Powertap's site this week. Some great things to think about before the race. https://www.powertap.com/post/blog-pacing-with-power-using-a-cycling-power-meter-in-triathlon
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    Looks like a solid plan Derrek.  Good luck!  You have had a great out-season, so you should go into this race with a lot of confidence.
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    Derrick, as you know, this course is FLAT. It is thus "easy" and very tempting to hold the aero position for 2.5 hrs +. That can have a negative impact on the run through tightening of the small muscles in the gluten/hips ("Hip flexors"). Strategically planning to stand and pedal periodically can go a long way to easing the run. Sure, it might "cost" a small amount of time to pop up out of aero say every 10-20 minutes, but the reward in more fluid running will more than compensate, IMO. When I did IM MD, last year, I timed my standing to my nutrition, which meant I took about 30 seconds of more upright riding every 15 minutes, while drinking my calories. Water I took while aero from a BTA SpeedFil.

    @Edwin Croucher notes above Matt Dixon's article on pacing  via power. Part of what he writes does not apply here (no hills!), but the course is circular, so there will be times of tail and times of head winds. Making choices about how to vary effort in relation to wind can have an impact, but the variation should not be too great. Another aid to a good run as you know is a low Variability Index. Keeping that at or below 1.02 on this course is a good goal, again, IMO.

    When in doubt, Trust Your Training.

    P.S., Hope you don't encounter the lakes we ran through last year in the IM!
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    @Josh Church , Thanks!  When you wear the swim skin, what are you doing with the Castelli top? Letting the sleeves extend beyond the swim skin, rolling the sleeves up or not wearing it (putting it on in T1)?

    Sometimes I start off swimming too fast without realizing it until I'm out of breath, huffing and puffing, wondering why am I so tired, usually within the first 200 yds.  After getting my HR and breathing under control, I'm good to go. 

    @Paul Curtin, Great feedback.  I'll be sure to test wearing both as both are tight-fitting.  Here's the salt tab dispenser I use.  It's from SaltStick and I can get 6 S!CAPS in the longer dispenser.  I installed mine along the aero bar, but check our their photo gallery for ideas on the best location.  http://saltstick.com/product/dispenser/  Here's my set up.  The dispenser is to the right of my BTA bottle and secured by the BTA velcro strap.

    @Edwin Croucher, Thanks for the article...Interesting read.  As Al mentioned, I'll face headwinds and tailwinds and will remember not to hammer my goal watts in tailwinds but try to be within a 2-3% range and very aero. For me, long bouts of headwinds beat you up more mentally and is harder to stay focus.  

    @Al Truscott - as always great advice!  On both of my race rehearsal rides after 90-120 mins in the aero position, I was having to sit up/stand every 10 mins. And I did experience tight hip flexors during my brick run.  I just added 20-30" standing breaks every 20 mins (during feeding time) to my race plan.  Thanks!


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    @Derrek Sanks  this is an awesome plan, I'm going to use it as a template and modify/pair it down to prep it for my first International Tri next week.  
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    edited June 10, 2017 9:19PM
    I'm curious why you included "Lower tire pressure" on bike check in?
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    Does your Garmin bother you in aero? I am about to purchase the 520 but don't where I put it yet.
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    @Andre Fraser - Bike check in was Saturday and temps were going to each the low 90s that afternoon.  If your tires have too much air/psi the tubes/tires can blow because heat causes air to expand.  I pumped my tires up race morning.  Be aware of this during the summer if you transport your bike inside your vehicle.

    @Keith Shackleford - No issues with the location of my Garmin 520.  My arms/hands do not touch it and it's easy to see in aero position.  The picture doesn't show that the end of my bars angle upwards, vice being straight.  You would want to position your 520 in a location that's very easy to glace at while in aero position so you're not taking your eyes of the road for too long. 
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    Thanks @Derrek Sanks  I can't wait to hear your race report on EagleMan.   
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