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2017 IM Louisville- Week 11- Big Day



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    big work getting done here !

    on my side kids are away and my wife is working all week end.. I wanted to finish the book I started this week and felt asleep for 3 hours, a got spend day !
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    Shew! That's done.  I swam yesterday afternoon and did about 3800 yds.  There was a change in plans for today's big day ride. Unfortunately,  the logistics of getting up to the Gaps ride just didn't work out.  That's OK, it's not going anywhere.  So I stuck to my regular route up in Cartersville, GA.  The day started out cool and foggy in the low 70s and ended up sunny and in the 90s.  Began the day with a 2 mile run, followed by 72 mile ride, then 6.5 run.  Overall pleased with the day.  My HRM battery died, of course, so no HR data captured. :s  Focused on pacing and finally think I got the nutrition piece dialed in a little better.  Still needs some tweaking but better. My GI issues on the run weren't as bad as in the past. I also stuck in the 20-30 steps to simulate aid stations.  Looking forward to the rest day tomorrow!  
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    @Jeff Kane - Nice work today.  I had similar temps/humidity and should have run on the TM or not run at all.  My run was a suffer fest.  
    My Big Day started with a 3000 yd pool swim, which went well.  About 40' later I was on my bike.  Weather: overcast, mid 70s with very high humidity.  Within the first hour, my HR was a good 10 beats higher at Z1 than normal based on the last 2 weekend rides. At high Z2/low Z3 my HR would go into Z4 ranges.  By the 2 hour point, I decided to start riding by HR with a hard cap at 150 bpm, which is hard to do when you've been focused on specific power numbers.  Ended with 75.5 miles.  Took some admin time and started my run about 20' later. Let me just say in mile 6 I started doing 2-3' run, 1' walk.  I was wasted after that run.  
    I definitely need help with my hydration on hot/humid days.  I think I was dehydrated.  I lost 8 pounds during the bike and run:169 -->161.  5% seems like too much to lose...well, I lost more than that because I consumed 3 bottles of Infinit in 2 hours and another 4 bottles (3 Gatorade/1 water) over the next 2hrs. During the run I had 10 oz of water.  I was doing a lot of burping the second half of the bike which had me thinking the tank was full, but I keep drinking.  I hope IMLOU will not be a humid day!  :#
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    Looks like you had a great day yesterday @Sabra Gonzalez!  Per Strava, your bike looked very consistent: a little drop in power during lap 10 but that's when the temperature started to climb.  The run was superb: great pace and you ran a faster second half!

    Optimizing nutrition is hard, I'm continually working on that.  Have you tried Tums or similar during the later parts of the bike ride?
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    @Derrek Sanks -- we might have a warm day for Lou, but I doubt it will be humid 

    Losing 8 pounds is excessive, we need to resolve that. I'd consider pre-loading with salt before your next ride.  Skratch Labs makes two products that may work: one is Hyper Hydration which has a ton of sodium; the other is Rescue Hydration.  Personally I prefer the Rescue Hydration before a big ride or run

    Overall fluid intake was low; I'm guessing with yesterday's humidity you should have been in the 3 bottles/hour range.  Also consider adding more water.  There's a theory within EN that you should only drink GE or similar during a ride but I don't buy into that -- I need to supplement GE bottles with water bottles -- otherwise the overall concentration is too much for my stomach

    Kudos on still doing the run afterwards -- your pace looked great through mile 5 

    Hopefully you're resting today -- you'll do better again tomorrow with the extra recovery
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    Big Tri Day Notes and Analysis

    • Swam ~3200 yards in open water; wore full wetsuit; overall comfort level in murky water is improving; still have work to do on sighting and swimming straight
    • Transition to bike was lengthy but efficient; did a full change into biking gear and went with full sun protection
    • Bike workout was 3 x 60' at top of Z2 HR, and 1 x 20' in Z3 HR
    • Power and HR were linear throughout each work interval and rest interval
    • Continuing to work on steady efforts up and down hills; VI was ~1.02 for each interval
    • Bike calories were 405 per hour (liquid, gel, and solid); kept to race-day nutrition except for the Fig Newtons
    • Drank about 2.5 24-ounce bottles per hour; equal amounts of GE and water
    • Only took 2 salt pills the entire day (forgot to take them); thankfully no cramping or other heat-related issues
    • Started the run with no GI issues or sloshy stomach
    • Drank 4-6 oz. per mile on the run; couldn't negative split due to heat and fatigue

    After all that stuff I was pretty tired!  Overall recovery was good: ate several small meals, re-hydrated, did my yoga set, and wore compression gear; I don't feel too bad this morning. 

    I've got a few more things to work on but am very pleased with how the day turned out
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    @Paul Curtin - I did hit a low point on lap 10.  Also on mile 60-65 I hit another low point.  Yes, typically I do try to eat a couple of Tums the last 5 miles of the bike and while running, but forgot those. I'm working on a checklist right now so I can avoid this in the future.
     I'm interested in the comments you made to @Derrek Sanks about drinking water. Yesterday when I got back to the car I gulped cold water. That's all I wanted on the bike, but didn't think it was OK to do.  If I incorporated sips of water along the way, it's not gonna kill me. I get tired of drinking sweet and probably toward the end of the ride I wasn't drinking enough.  I have Base salt on me and that will help flush it through?  I never felt like I had to pee on the bike yesterday and I don't think that's good.   
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    @Paul Curtin - Thanks for the feedback!  I'll definitely plan on more water and look into the Skratch Rescue Hydration. I was in the GE / no water camp, so it's great to hear what you do.  I'll implement the water protocol on my next ride and start training my gut to handle 3 bottles/hr.  How do you carry all the GE and water?  Do you have rest stops built into your rides, carry GE powder, stop every couple hours to buy water and mix, loop back to your car/home to refuel?   
    @Sabra Gonzalez - I get tired of the sweet taste/strong flavor of GE too and welcome lots of water at the end.  I also take 1-2 S!Caps salt tabs per hour to get around 900-1000 mg of sodium.

    Today is my LR day (Minimalist Plan) and for once I'm thankful for the split long run, which I'm doing mostly at a Z1 pace.  This morning it took about 4-5 miles before I felt like running and finished strong.
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    My thoughts from yesterday's big day are:
    • My swim was great (for me).  I swam 4270 yards at 1:37 pace.  The lake is about 710 yards accross, so I do 3 out-and-backs to get about an IM distance swim.  It was my first swim in a wetsuit in about a month.  I've been mainly swimming with PB in the pool or open water.  790 calories burned per garmin
    • I swam with a couple of friends, and we walked back to the car and got ready to ride in no big hurry.  I took a hit of my gel flask and several sips of GE. I'd say it was 40 minutes of admin time getting ready to go.
    • Bike felt a little off.  It does feel a bit different biking after a swim, and I forgot how it felt.  I drank 2 bottles of GE (new formula) and 2 hits of the gel flask (Hammer apple cinnamon) every hour.  I was feeling fine, I just did not stay focused on keeping my IF up to where I wanted.  My IF was .7 and i'd like these rides to be between .75 and .8.  After 3 hours and 15 minutes, I stopped by to reload GE for the last hour and decided it was too late in the day.  I hit stop on my computer and got ready to run.  Also, my VI was high at 1.07, I need to work on concentrating when I am on my own.  There are a few climbs on this route, and its easy to over do it going up and under do it going down.   
    • The run felt good.  I was not too fast, but I did have to work to keep my HR up.  Its starting to take more of an effort to lift my heart rate.
    • Our weather was much better than what I hear from you all.  I started at 60 degrees and ended in the low 70's. 
    I am enjoying the rest day today, but I am looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow.

    It was nice reading from you all.  @Derrek Sanks - That was an awesome run after all the humidity.  @Paul curtin great feedback from you on your day.  @Sabra Gonzalez I have the opposite affect with GE - It makes me drink more.  Also, the new formula is not as sweet.
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    @Sabra Gonzalez -- I wonder if the "only GE" approach is the root cause of the GI issues ... hopefully adding water goes a long way towards solving that

    And yes @Derrek Sanks I was in that same GE-and-no-water camp until sometime last year ... in fact it may have been the Chatty Race Camp we did together; it was super hot and I had to switch to water after the GE wouldn't stay down

    The challenge with adding water is keeping serum sodium levels in balance.  Too much water without an accompanying mix of electrolytes can lead to hyponatremia and other issues.  BASE electrolytes and S! Caps are both good products as they have a blend of sodium and potassium; supposedly those need to be taken together

    Typically I'll start with water in the aero bottle (a 30 oz. Torhans) with a Nuun tablet added; and then a GE bottle behind the saddle.  For training rides I add two more bottles (one GE and one water); that gets me through two hours.  I plan a stop either back at my starting point, or at a convenience store
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    @Paul Curtin - Thanks.  I'm going to add a bottle cage to my down tube for a 4th bottle just for training rides.
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    @Paul Curtin and @Derrek Sanks, you both got me think about hydration and the weather here in SC. I normally carry 2 x 24oz bottle of GE and fill my integrated hydration system (~38 oz of H20) and ride a two hour loop. I freed up a bottle holder (spare kit - will carry on me) for a 3rd 24oz bottle to ride the same 2 hour loop. The goal now will be 72oz of GE and a minimum of 30 oz of water per loop. That should put me in a better state of hyrdation coming off of the bike. Thanks for the time to think!
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