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Best Girl Riding Shorts - Ladies?

NEED NEW riding shorts - Have been out of the game for a while.  Last time I rode often, I trained indoor on my trainer for 12 weeks.  And obviously threw away every pair of riding shorts I owned after that.  After my first week of Outseason, I'm sore in tri shorts, and looking to buy a few new pair of riding (not tri) shorts - Specifically looking for female specific  - Ladies?

aside - I searched for previous post - How have we not asked this question before???  Seriously - just shoot me a link if I missed it - happy to read a previous post for ideas.


  • @Leslie Sedlak You're a mind reader. I was going to post the same question but wasn't sure where in the forums  to put it. Comforatble shorts are a must! I'll do some searching and check back in. 

  • edited January 13, 2018 11:57PM
    @Leslie Sedlak I haven’t worn bike shorts in awhile—definitely prefer tri shorts on my ISM saddles in aero position. But, I did buy a couple of pairs of Coeur tri shorts this past season and I love them. Women-specific clothing and very high quality.
  • I like the coeur shorts, too, but they seem to be a bit high-waisted. Doesn’t stop me from wearing them!  I also like soas. But for cheap road shorts, I go with voler bibs. Pad isn’t too thick, and the bibs are super comfortable. One day I want to spring for a pair of assos bibs, but for now the volers are fine!
  • Awesome feedback ladies!  I have a bike fit next week.  I haven't had a fit since my last baby - I also haven't really been riding other than showing up at races and crossing my fingers.  I'll check in with him on my saddle.  I don't have troubles with sores - it's mainly just pain/bruising?  Yesterdays 90 minute ride was freaking BRUTAL, both emotionally and physically.  Sitting in jeans today is not fun :(  I'm planning to get some coeur shorts because I've heard amazing things about them.  @Alicia Chase very interesting that you prefer the tri shorts - maybe I'll try that instead of my one thicker pair - I would think thick pad is better - but who knows!

    I'll keep this thread posted as I get through this out season on the trainer.  
  • @Leslie Sedlak Do you ride a road bike or tri (aero) bike? On a road bike, where I’m sitting upright, I prefer bike shorts. But on my tri bike, where I spend most of my time in the aero position, the thicker padding actually seems to cause more issues with saddle chafing and sore areas. The thinner padding of tri shorts causes less friction and are more comfortable for me.
  • I am on a trip bike mostly.  I'm definitely going to try tri shorts this week!
  • Another vote for Coeur Tri shorts, the only thing I wear.  
  • so glad to see this thread! I've had terrible chafing with one piece tri suits plus going to IM distance last year. I'm investigating different shorts and also saddles and chamois creams. I've tried 8 different saddles and no luck for long distance. Open for ideas!

  • I only wear Desoto, shorts and tri tops

  • edited June 24, 2019 9:15PM

    @Sue DeJesus I have tried many, many brands of TRI shorts and keep going back to Louis Garneau. It's really important that they fit tight. Any rubbing will cause chafing. I like the Tri Power Lazer.

    As for saddles I swear women's hips change angles every few years. I have now settled on the ISM 2. 0, 40. You need to have your sit bones measured. I require a narrow saddle. This saddle requires a bit of tweaking to get it on correctly. If you have a good bike fitter they can do it.

    This is my second favorite. It's on my road bike but could use it on my TRI bike as well.


    Make sure you can return anything.It's a process but super important to be comfortable

    Chamois cream - anything that keeps you lubed 😊 Aquaphor, bag balm, ect.

  • Thank you @Sheila Leard for your recommendations! I've been very careful about the refund process! My bike fitter is a specialized dealer so I'm checking to see if he can get the Lithia. Too bad he's 90 minutes away!! And you are so right - what was so comfortable a few years ago I can no longer even ride for 15 minutes! I did my last HIM on the ISM Prologue, 40 (newly called PL1.1 I believe) and chafing is much less, but still leaves me pretty sore. Ive heard a few people mention Aquaphor - I'll give it a go. Again, thank you for your recommendations! It's been a very frustrating process, but I have not given up! ha!

  • I have worn the Garneau bike bib shorts for about 10 years. I have tried others. Attempting to go cheaper but have found that they aren't as good. They don't hold up. I buy a new pair of bibs every spring. That way I keep 2 pairs in rotation. That seems to work well.

    Here's a concept most people do not want to hear. You have to break your butt into beoing on the saddle. I takes times. Just like acquiring fitness. Also 1 squishy surface. IE firm saddle and thick pad or thin pad and squishy saddle. 2 squishy surfaces is to much wiggling for the tender parts. I ride a wafer thin rock hard saddle and NICE thick squishy pad. Works well for me.

    Also what kind of chamois cream are you using? How much? I use good old fashioned Chamois butter for short rides and DZ Nuts for LONG rides. Reapply frequently.

    There was study done by a female bike team a couple years ago. They looked at why women have a more difficult time with long saddle time. After they compelted the study they had their ladies sign contracts.

    1. Don't shave the tender parts. Shaving decreases air flow and increases chance of infections and pressure related wounds.
    2. Wash tenders parts with an antibcterial soap minimum daily.
    3. Apply chamois butter routinely throughout the day. Designed to protect and heal the skin from chafing BEFORE it becomes a proble. Not just during riding. It does work. You'll get used to it.
    4. Wear full crotch undies. Again airflow and skin protection. BYe bye thongs.
    5. Get measured for proper saddle fit.
    6. New bibs every year or upon signs of wear.

    7.Wash bibs and dry them in the DRIER. Drier kills bacteria and molds. Refer to #6.

    Upon implementing these contracted changes the ladies average saddle time, with comfort, over doubled during training. The ladies then went on to crush and WIN massively in the EU.

    Just a couple thoughts. Have a great time shopping.

  • +1 Desoto 400-mile femme

  • I LOVE MY DESOTO bike shorts! If I am going to be only cycling they are the winners for me.

    But now I've been training in a backup tri-suit by Louis garneau. I have two twi-suits and try to keep one for competition and one for training.

  • I obviously don't have lady bits, but with all the mentions of Desoto I wanted to suggest their Mobius shorts.  After a couple years of having no issues on the trainer with pain, soreness, hot spots, etc..., suddenly I couldn't go 20 minutes without having serious issues.  Preferring a thinner pad I decided to give the Mobius shorts a try.  Instantly solved all my issues.  Plus they have awesome pockets.

  • I'm still waiting for a Desoto sale this Black Friday, however, for road riding, I also like the Terry Bella shorts. Moosejaw has them for 25% off.

  • Just after I posted this, I got a code from Desoto



  • my .02, I don't wear 'bike shorts' unless forced too, lol. I have tried smashfest, pearl Izumi, Coeur, and Wattie. Smash was 'less than great quality' but felt nice, didn't last long. Pearl Izumi was nothing less than torture with the seams. Coeur was too much padding for me, and the waist was too high...Wattie is amazing quality, lasts for ever and the style is badass AF :)

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