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Deb Livernois Official Coach Thread

Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here. 

As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes.  So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.

Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply. 

Your Notes

I have had rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders since 2012. I have been doing CrossFit and trail running and hiking. To some extent I am starting at the beginning again but with much more knowledge.

Your Races

  • 02/18/18 - Half Marathon
  • 05/27/18 - Marathon 
  • 09/08/2018 Ironman 70.3 Lake Placid #70.3LP_18

Season Outline

These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one).  You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.

  • Last updated by Coach on 10/30/17
  • Complete the Trial Testing Week, save your Bike and Run Zones to the My Zones Page.
  • On 10/30/2017 Load the -- Run Durability Plan 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 11/26/2017
  • On 11/27/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/24/2017
  • On 12/25/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/21/2018
  • On 1/8/2018 Load the Beginner OutSeason Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
  • [Work In - 2/18 Half Marathon]
  • On 4/16/2018 Load the -- Intermediate Balanced Marathon Plan to end on 5/27/2018 [Marathon]
  • On 5/28/2018 Load the Swim Camp plan, 2 Weeks to end on 06/10/2018
  • On 6/11/2017 Load the Beginner Half Plan to end on 09/19/2018
  • On 9/20/2018 Load the -- Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 10/3/2018
  • On 10/4/2018 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 10/31/2018


Coach Notes

So great to have you back on the Team, and it's good to see you still have the endurance flame burning in your heart!!!

It will be great to have you join us in the Fall Run Durability Program (RDP), our "re-engagement" and "foundational" training activity to prepare you for the full 2018 campaign. 

You can learn more about it here: How to Train This (And Every Fall) Inside Endurance Nation; and be sure to join our GroupMe Chat for RDP (on your smartphone) to help you get connected and stay accountable. 

Contact Points

These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. You can schedule all calls with me for these times online here. Please remember to include your phone number.

  • Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
  • Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
  • End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
  • End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your β€œgap” and Year Two (to be announced)

For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here

Your First Month on the Team

You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / 0-- First 30 Days on EN.  If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out via the chat icon on the main Members website here.


Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation

This will be unlocked after your trial expires.


Your Homework for the Coach Call

  • How can we keep you healthy in the pool this year? 
  • How is the rest of your body holding up? 
  • What area do you think you have the most room for improvement? 
  • What is your biggest limiter right now -- Time? Body comp? Energy?

Looking forward to working with you this year,

~ Coach P



  • Hi!

    Thanks for all the great info! I guess I have esp because I loaded the RDP today before I saw this thread. I am also doing a half mary on 2/18/18 and a full on 5/27/18 and don't know if those came through on my season plan or if it changes anything.

    I had my call with Brenda which went great and will schedule call with you this week.

    I feel great about my swimming and need to focus on Body Comp, Energy level and run/bike strength. I literally have all the time in the world to train so just trying to be smart. :-)

    Still can't seem to navigate my account on Chrome which is a bummer because that it what I use on my phone so I'll keep working on it.

  • Is this the correct thread for season planning? Can you see the comment I made on 10/31? Thanks!
  • edited November 7, 2017 2:08PM
    @Deb Livernois -  OK, I see what you’re saying. The way the processes is supposed to work as you submit your races to me using the survey called β€œmy seasonβ€œ and the navigation. I then use that to generate your season plan.

    If you just come in here and leave a comment about some races, that breaks the cycle. I wrote this down over the weekend, but now I need to move your notes over to the other place where I manage people’s seasons so that I can put it in the queue and then fix your season according to that timeframe.

    So it is on my list, and I will likely get it to it today.

    Sorry for the Confusion, I am still figuring out the best way to handle both legitimate requests, and people just leaving little notes about other races. :-)
  • Thanks! I did submit the my season with all 3 races but no worries. Obviously there is plenty of time for adjustments and I'm enjoying the RDP. Most consistent I've been in months! Also love the Group Me support group
  • @Deb Livernois - got it...my funky survey wasn't working!!! I fixed your Roadmap above, so you are good to go. Let's connect in Jan about modifying the OS long run to el you build for your Marathon. 

    Ps, let's get you to change your profile picture here when you get a chance!!!

  • @Coach Patrick Thanks! a few dates will need to be changed as IMLP 70.3 is 9/09/18 but I get the gist of the plan. Also I think swim camp will start for me on 5/28 not 4/28. Have I mentioned how awesome it is to have a plan?! :-)
  • @Coach Patrick Thank you! If it is ok the only change I will make is to load the 70.3 plan a week earlier so it ends on 9/9 which is the date of LP 70.3
  • Sounds good! I swear I change that, but I’m getting crazy in my old age.
  • edited February 25, 2018 5:15PM
    @Coach Patrick

    Just wanted to let you know I've decided NOT to do the Marathon on 5/27. I really need to focus on body comp and cycling as my swimming is solid and I know I can complete 13.1 miles. I find that cycling and low heart rate training improve my body comp the most as well as more strength training. Running a marathon isn't the best way for me to be ready for IMLP 70.3.

    So thinking I will switch to Bike Focus OS plan for now and then Swim Camp and then Half Iron plan. Does that sound right?
  • edited March 1, 2018 11:03PM
     Woo hoo! You made my day! I think it’s really smart call… And your strategy on bike focus first is perfect. I have my fingers crossed for an early spring so we can all get outside 
  • Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.

    Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.

    Coach Notes

    Your Races

    • Your Top Event / Race for the Season is: Patriot 70.3 June 2021

    Season Update

    These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on within Final Surge by clicking on the Training Plans > View My Plans. If you need help manipulating your plans in Final Surge, be sure to check out our Help Site. Remember, you can learn more about each plan and find related plan resources on the Plan Descriptions and Resources page.

    >> Last updated by Coach on 10/06/2020  

    • On 10/5/2020  Load the  -- Run Durability for Triathletes 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  11/1/2020  27 [  4    ]  weeks    ]
    • On 11/2/2020  Load the  -- Run Durability for Triathletes 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  11/29/2020 27 [  4    ]  weeks    ]
    • On 11/30/2020 Load the  -- Run Durability for Triathletes 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  12/27/2020 27 [  4    ]  weeks    ]
    • On 1/3/2021  Load the    OutSeason for Triathletes (Bike Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on  4/10/2021  97 [  14   ]  weeks    ]
    • **Transition Early**
    • On 3/14/2021  Load the  -- Swim Camp  to end on  3/27/2021  13 [  2    ]  weeks    ]
    • On 3/28/2021  Load the  -- EN*Half Bike Focused  to end on  6/20/2021  84 [  12   ]  weeks    ]
    • On 6/21/2021  Load the    Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks)  to end on  7/4/2021  13 [  2    ]  weeks    ]

    Your Notes

    Tell Us Your Background / Racing History: One 70.3, 2 marathons, one 50k, multiple shorter distance triathlons and running races, trail running- crashed in 2012 in my second 70.3 and had RC surgery in 2013 and 2015 (both shoulders)

    What is Your Focus Level for this Season? Perform My Best at a Big Race

    Give Us One Sentence That Defines Your Successful Season: Completing the Patriot 70.3 in June 2021 without injury

    What is Your Biggest Limiter to Success? Being overweight

    Anything Else We Should Know? Excited to be back :-)

    Let's get to work!

    ~ Coach P

  • Hey Coach Patrick!

    Thanks so much for sending this! It's great to be back and see some new things (Final Surge) but also some familiar faces!

    I actually have a really good base of fitness as I've been training 4-5 days a week as I was prepping for the Patriot THIS year. I would really like to do the balance program as I feel I need to focus on both bike and run, but also, I work 40+ hours a week on my feet, so balancing out running with cycling will really help my body. Is that possible? I had started the Balanced program this week, actually and have already loaded workouts into Final Surge. I do like the idea of focusing on fitness and learning out until the first of the year and then dialing in on a shortened OS and the 12 week build to the race. My race is actually on a Saturday (June 19th) so I don't know if that makes a difference.

    I cannot currently swim as nothing is available here, but hopefully that will change. That is still my strongest leg, so I am not overly concerned. I will need to put long runs and rides on the weekends most weeks, as I just won't have time during the week. Is is ok to move things around in the plan?

    Thanks again for everything!😁


  • @Deb Livernois - awesome on the baseline fitness!! yes to balanced plan, love it when athletes take charge!

    We don't need to worry about Sat vs Sun race until that week...the overall macro pieces are more important.

    As for the bike and run balance vs your current work environment...that will take some time. I think the best way forward here is to have you manipulate your workouts for two weeks (a run vs bike week) and then we review to see progress. This way we can build off your "preferred" or "optimal" piece.

    If you want to that, then just "bump" me in a bit to go check your log.

    Also you mentioned body comp; what are the specific goals that you have and how are you thinking about approaching it (or what has worked for you in the past)?

    ~ Coach Patrick

  • Hi Coach P,

    I've been using Final Surge and documenting workouts in there. Are you able to see those? Using this forum is hard for me because I only have one device that I can access from and I've lent it to my neighbor lol. I am happy to exchange feedback in the Final Surge or do you eventually set up threads in Geneva? A little confused about all that.

    Anyhoo, things are going amazingly well! Just did the FFT ride without adjusting my weight and held on with a small group! Running is going exceptionally well also.

    This pic is this morning's weigh in and body comp. Up from a bike ride yesterday and big meal last night. I've been hovering around 173 ish. I was at 150 in 2012 when we trained for 70.3 that resulted in a big crash for me but I felt great going into the race. Currently I am using the Noom program and tracking calories basically. I was keto for 2 years and lost 25 pounds (was at 200+) but don't enjoy that lifestyle long term. Happy to take any advice/suggestions offered.

  • @Deb Livernois - thanks for checking in! Yes, I do see the workouts over there. It's just that I review them approximately once a week. So having you check in with me here is great, because then I will head over to final surgeon see what you been up to. For example, Yesterdays 5 mile run/walk is a total win especially after all that yardwork! πŸŽ‰

    If you need faster turnaround, such as "what do I do tomorrow!" you can either (1) use the little chat window on any www.endurancenation.us page or (2) send me a Private Message in Geneva (the paper plan looking icon).

    I prefer this area for the weekly summary, as it's a great place for us to aggregate your progress over time. For example, in your case I can see that you've really brought your run up even though you are doing just 3 runs a week. You might need to consider a 4th run (2 miles?) during the week so we don't overload any particular run session. Just a thought.

    Your bike is also in a great place...maybe we settle in here around 60 miles per week for a bit? I'm really glad that you made the Friday ride, although sad that it was begin less. Next time will be much better, I promise! I think rides like these are perfect for you, as you get some endurance and you also have the chance to learn how to work with group dynamics.

    As for the body composition thing, I'm glad you moved away from the keto program. Yes, it can be affective but recent studies have shown that it's really not that great for endurance athletes. And I'm not a fan of manipulating food intake significantly as it's really not that sustainable. To me, the best program Is one built on consistent activity integrated with a healthy lifestyle. From that platform, we can always aggressively target weight for a brief period of time as related to your race goals. But even then, for women, that can be sketchy.

    Here are some questions:

    (1) Are you targeting any specific amount of calories or macro nutrients in your day? Just asking out of curiosity and if so, please share them.

    (2) I am interested in a brief food log. Just sort of what you would eat in a typical day. Do you best to capture all the food even the "drive-by" nagging (which I am so guilty of). Those will be helpful.

    (3) Also, please share out what you typically consume when exercising, or just pre-exercise if you aren't eating during the workout. For example, is there something you eat before you get on the bike? Or do you prefer to have a special drink mix on the bike with some exercise food?


    ~ Coach P

  • Hi!

    It says that I can reply to this email so I'm trying that. I cannot access
    the forums, even with following the advice for doing so. I have a login but
    can't even get to the spot to login.

    I am eating between 1700-1800 calories a day with 40% carbs, and 30% fat
    and protein each. I tend to eat relatively the same things each day.
    B: coffee with collagen protein and cream, GF whole grain bread with Naked
    PB powdered PB. I have the coffee first thing at 5:30 and usually exercise
    after that. Then the toast comes around 9 am.

    S: I might have a small apple mid morning.

    L: salad with turkey, berries, lettuce, avocado, feta and cottage cheese or
    a sandwich with turkey, cheese, mayo and mustard. Some days I have a small
    bag of chips with lunch

    D: 1 glass red wine most days. Protein in the form of meat, veggie and
    startch in the form of rice or potato. Occasionally I have GF pasta.

    I drink about 100 oz of water a day. I aim for dinner and done and achieve
    that most nights.

    BLTs (bites, licks and tastes) might include a piece of cheese or a snack
    size piece of chocolate at work but I can resist. I've tried not having
    alcohol but find it doesn't seem to matter. 1 glass is fine. More and I
    don't sleep well and have hot flashes lol.

    I will focus on following the plan as closely as possible and make sure I
    nail the high priority workouts. I prefer to exercise in the morning before
    work and also prefer to run outside so one preference has to be compromised
    pretty soon. I'm actually waiting for daylight now to do my run. When the
    time changes, both before and after work will be dark so fortunately I have
    a treadmill.

    Hope this reaches you!
  • @Deb Livernois Hey, sorry for the unable to login place! We do get your emails...the login place is here:


    That will make sure you have the chance to login.

    Here are some thoughts I have around nutrition for you.

    • You should have some kind of carbohydrate before you work out. The coffee, boosted, is good… But we need something even if it's small. This will help get your body out of the fasted state from overnight. I personally prefer fig newtons and so if you buy a pack of those you can have one "cookie" maybe two as a small snack?
    • Breakfast post workout...any chance you want to add a banana there or 1/2 of one to the toast+peanut butter? Just a thought for hungrier days (or harder WKO days). Apple slices also okay here. With water.
    • Let's add protein to your snacks. So apple is good...but can you have a tablespoon of protein with it? That 10x better. Or a handful of almonds is a good break as well. All snacks with a glass-ish of water.
    • Glass of red wine 100% approved. 🀣With water!!

    Keep me posted on these edits...and yes, we will all be on the treadmill soon enough. My poor dog hates it...I have to prep here. 🐢

    ~ Coach Patrick

  • Hey Coach!

    I've added in the apple at breakfast with the toast and PB. I constantly drink water so I'm tracking that as well aiming for 100oz a day. I drink coffee, red wine and water- nothing else.

    Since I was and still am somewhat fat adapted, most easy workouts 60 minutes and under don't really require food. If I am running super early, it usually isn't a good idea to eat too much. For the longer bikes and runs, I definitely eat and then wait if needed. For the brick this week I used Rx vanilla almond nut butter for example. Adding protein such as cheese or nuts to my snacks! Making a goal of hitting all of the workouts but reserving Thursday cross train for a rest day if needed. I am still nursing a hip flexor/psoas strain and find when I increase intensity/efforts it reminds me. I've started doing the stretches for it regularly and continue to get massage 2x/month when possible. I'm adding these comments in Final Surge as well for each workout as well a fueling used- this helps me as well to look back and see how workouts are going and what has worked and not worked. :-)

  • @Deb Livernois that's perfect...Thanks for being willing to change the status quo a bit. The real keys are that you are active daily and eating clean...we can't ask for much more than that!

    Yes to nursing the psoas -- such a tough one to nurse back to health. For me it was the running I had to be careful with, I could cycle low- to medium-intensity. And stretch after your session. My favorite psoas stretch is some version of this. And really focusing on breathing and relaxing to get the front of the hip to open up.

  • Hey Coach Patrick,

    Thank you for the exercises! I definitely do these as well as some work with bands to help strengthen the hips and pelvic floor. There is a great video series on Amazon Prime called The Perfect Bum and it's actually great for building a solid base.

    Was supposed to be on vacation this week- hiking and biking out West- but alas that was cancelled at the last minute so I've been following the schedule for the most part. I'm really digging long weekend rides on Zwift- I have found my people and they do a Century every Saturday and you can join for however long/far you wish. It's been great.

    Weight wise I have not seen any changes- just seem to be holding steady. I know I need to do more strength training, so need to buckle down and get it done. Right now, my plan is to start back at the pool in January if it is open. I am confident that I can build to the 1.2 mile swim quite easily as the swim in my stronger discipline. I think you have me starting the OS in January and I have not looked but thinking that will include some swimming. I will have to continue to move my long runs/rides to the weekends, primarily for time purposes but also because I want to run outside as long/much as possible, and where I live, it is not safe to run in the dark (wild animals and no street lights in my neighborhood). Treadmill will be reserved for absolute necessity lol.

  • edited November 20, 2020 3:24PM

    Hi Coach Patrick,

    Wondering if I could add the Swim Supplement to the OS but don't seem to be able to access it in Final Surge. How could I go about doing that and should/could I do that? Also, I seem to have something wonky going on in March with multiple long runs on weekends. I've somehow overlapped plans and not sure which one is correct. I know it's a few months away but want to have everything loaded correctly.πŸ™‚


  • @Deb Livernois Here is how you load a swim supplement

    Does that work for you? If you need access to the plans - let Brenda know.

    How to load a Swim Supplement β€” Watch Video

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