Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

Jan OS Week 17

Two weeks in a row... this is strange! 

Hope everyone is enjoying their rest days and had a great weekend!

Today is my first HIM day... and it got off to a rough (translation: nonexistent) start.  Should have run an hour... and the second workout is a swim.  I will swim tonight.  Since tomorrow is a "recovery" day, I'll do the run tomorrow instead and swim after PT... it will all workout and if my legs are shot for the Wed ride, well that will be my lesson for sleeping in on a chilly and rainy Monday morning. 

That's about it for me - am shopping for new shoes... hopefully I can figure them out and get them ordered in the next week... in an ideal world I'll have them for EM, but we'll see.  I did go to a tri shop (only local place that has Sidi T2 in stock) and tried on a pair, but as I check around online about sizing/shoe fit, I think the clerk was clueless and they'll be too big... your thoughts on proper fit?  I've only ever worn the shoes I have now and I realized logging lots of road miles last summer that I don't love them (not only because they gave me 2 black toenails on my century ride last fall) - oddly I thought it's because they're too small, but I'm reading it's because they're too big... I don't know about that, but I do know that they're not comfortable!


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    Very strange a day late an still no responses.  I just had to throw a post up.  I can't get my workout in today until after work so nothing to post about.

    Sorry I'm not much on shoe fit but I know that my bike shoe are a little more snug than my runners.  Black toenail on a century ride is not good.  It could be because of being too big and the foot sliding and hitting the front?  I have one foot a good 1/2 size smaller so I really have to fit to the big foot and then if needed insoles for the smaller foot to make up the space.  I don't tend to have problems in my runners but I do notice the smaller foot sliding around a little in the bike shoes. 


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    Sorry- between OS, Eagleman HIM, and IMoo- I'm triple booking stuff at this point and getting overwhelmed! I think it's time for me to just officially move on from the Jan OS. But I'll see you all in the forum elsewhere- don't worry!
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    thanks, Gordon... it is strange, I guess lots of us have flown away from the nest...

    I did my first EN swim last night... speedwork.  Wow!  I've done speed drills before but usually do recovery immediately afterwards.  This workout split sprints with easy laps then added recovery time.  It's darn hard to swim easy when you've just gunned it... it took me a lap just to regulate my breathing... I'm glad I did it... and I wasn't too far off the time mark - the 60 minute workout took me 63 minutes, I was happy with that!

    I did get up at 5:15 to run today, amazingly, but standing in my living room in the dark I decided I just didn't want to.  I think I just don't enjoy running in the dark alone (I should note that the 35mph winds were a contributing factor).  That's not to say I don't/won't do it, I just wasn't feeling it today.  So, I'm going to rejigger my HIM week plan a bit more - yesterday's run tonight, do the brick as scheduled tomorrow morning (riding in my living room at 5am I can handle, and it will be light by the time I need to run) and do today's swim tomorrow night.  If my legs are shot in the morning and/or for Thursday's long run, well, then I'll have learned my lesson.  I think turning on lights as soon as I get up might help, too... just standing upright isn't enough.

    Hope you have a good run tonight, G!  Sounds like you're finally feeling better!

    As for my shoe fit, I have one fit bigger than the other, too.  I have it worked out for my runners - I lace the smaller foot differently so the heel doesn't slip.  The guy at the store did mention sidi's come with an insert - we'll see.  I think I'll spend some QT shoe shopping this weekend (have an RR Saturday and another ride Sunday - my feet should be swollen and good to go ... how funny that I want tired feet to try shoes on).

    Hope everyone is doing well... whether you're still in OS or have moved on to general or race prep! 

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    Hey all! I'm still here and will be for long after most are on to other plans. Starting in March puts me at week 9 of the OS and today was the start of my 30/30's! For some reason I remember them being a LOT worse. We're short staffed today at work so I just cranked out the MS on the trainer and rode into work. I'll do the brick run after Thursdays bike.

    I'm pretty lucky to live only 2.25mi from work and it's a pretty easy ride in. 12 - 15min with only one steep over pass to contend with but this morning as I pull up to a red light I look at another guy also bike commuting. He had the coolest Captain America helmet on. All blue with a white A on the front and the white wings painted on the side. For some reason bike commuters really don't talk to each other here but I had to give him props for it. Between his helmet and my Ironman jacket we had part of the founding members of the Avengers represented for a few blocks. image
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    @Becky. Good luck in your HIM training. Can't wait to start general prep for IMFL. I sort of wish I had sign up for an HIM now.

    @Nemo. Good luck in training. See you in the forum !

    Back to training, I got some yoga in yesterday and feeling pretry much back to normal. Sore hips is about it. It was snowing here this morning and I had a 1:15 bike on tap. I could have waited but I really wanted to get it out of the way, plus I wanted to get the run in later. Wow, it was a tough ride ! It was blowing snow and windy. I took some pics that I will try to upload later. Right now I have 5min to get ready for work ! The good news is that my power is really up there. I was above FTP throughout the ride. It would be interesting to test again..Not sure if there is another test. Good run later but I could really feel my hip from my 20k trail race Saturday. Not quite recovered yet. Tomorrow's run will be interesting.

    Have a good week training peeps !


     Entire workout (222 watts):

     Duration:   1:08:26 (1:10:22)

     Work:       903 kJ

     TSS:        168.2 (intensity factor 1.221)

     Norm Power: 228

     VI:         1.03

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   19.844 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        6 399 222  watts

     Cadence:      24 166 73  rpm

     Speed:        0 27.2 17.6  mph

     Pace          2:13 0:00 3:25  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   15 252 85  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 0 834 282  lb-in

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    I'm still here too. Some days I am too busy to post, but I try to read it all.
    I was a bit hesitant at the 3x15 @ FTP for today. I hadn't done more than 3x10 or the test. But I managed to succeed at all of it! Got my BRick run in, even while yelling at drivers to slow down on our neighborhood.

    Gordon- Hope that Achilles heals up!
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    Yeah, lots of plan migration seems to be going on this time of year. I'm now in the half IM stuff and there really isn't a group. Glad to see we have a few still with it!
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    Nathalie - Those snow days at this time of year are hard to take.  It will get better soon, that's what I keep telling myself.

    @Michele - Thanks it's somewhat better of course I keep testing in running.  Not to much as I seem to be able to continue.

    Now for my training today.

    The 2X20's got the better of me.  I knew going in that the limited bike time would make this hard so I was aiming for 95%  Here's what I got done:

    20' @ .96

    13' @ .94 and that was all I had

    7' @ .91 just trying to get the work in.

    I then proceed to do a 30' run.  I had to walk a couple time in the first 10' for about 30".  I got in 4 strides and then 15' in z2.  This was a tough run I just had to concentrate on keeping up the cadence.  I did settle in after the first 10'. 


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    @Jeff - I liked the 30/30s... but I think that's just because I'm a bit nutty... in my mind they broke the workout up.

    @Nathalie... I hear ya!  I can't wait for general prep after Eagleman!  actually, I can't wait for my vaca after EM (a friend is getting married in Cabo San Lucas the Sat after EM - I was most appreciative that she planned her wedding to fit into my training schedule so perfectly), then general prep (with a few small races and another HIM thrown in for "fun")!    Snow?  yikes... that stinks!  where are you?

    @Dan - I'm trying to get a HIM group training thread going for Eagleman... so far it's just been me and Nemo talking about our training.. but hey, it's better than nothing.  I'll keep at it because it really helps me out (and helps me to get to know the Haus better).  I hope the IM training groups do this sort of stuff..

    I'm still having trouble becoming a morning person.  I had a good run last night after work (3x1) and had everything laid out to do my brick this morning (60min bike, 30 min run), set 2 alarms... but couldn't fall asleep.  What a drag!  So I'll do the brick tonight (good thing the DB is sick)... and figure out when to make up yesterday's swim tomorrow.  I WILL do all the workouts this week... but wow, is my schedule "personalized."  I guess that's what being self coached is all about.

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    @Becky: Cabo San Lucas..Cool to have trip lined up after Eagleman ! I can't wait for general prep ! I got to look at potential races before IMFL. I thought training alone would suffice but it's hard to always stay motivated with no fun races coming up. I wonder if 70.3 siracuse would be to close to IMFL..Hmmm

    @Gordon . Hang in there..2x20's are really tough and if your achilles is hurting you it could affect your biking also. I hope you feel better soon.

    Run in tap today. I plan to run a flat route to get to my zones . Very cold again here. I'm in Penfield , a suburb of Rochester NY. Good news is that it's suppose to be 70 friday. Finger's crossed.

    He'res a pic from yesterday from my ride. Shows determination or plain nuttiness.

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    Yipee, I finally figured out the pic upload. Let's see if I can put more. And I will go running right after !

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    awesome pics, Nathalie! I almost never remember to have my camera anywhere. I suppose I can use my iPhone, and then put them on FB then save them to my computer... maybe this weekend for the RR...
    I did get the brick in last night... will get to the pool soon for Tuesday's swim and do the long run tonight... if all goes well I'll be caught up today.
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    @Becky: All those pics are from my Iphone. I had to resize them though but it wasn't too bad. I have my phone everywhere I go and when I went out in the snow I wanted to take a picture so that when i'm feeling whiny about the weather i can look at it for motivation : ). The other pics are my boys, the trail race I just did and the Lehigh Valley trail where I go riding with my cyclocross bike. Even though the weather sucks sometimes here there is a lot of nice places. Good luck on your long run tonight ! git er done !! You will be happy after !

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    Great ride today ! I had 2x15 @zone 4, reminder at zone3. It was warmer but windy and my route is back to back so I now half of it will be hard but power wise fine.

    It was interesting on the tri bike, pushed around a lot but makes it good training for IMFL ! Now a nice day off, just hot yoga tomorrow.

    I hope you are all having a great day !

     New Range #1:

     Duration:   15:01

     Work:       214 kJ

     TSS:        40.4 (intensity factor 1.271)

     Norm Power: 238

     VI:         1

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   4.461 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        53 366 237  watts

     Cadence:      23 152 68  rpm

     Speed:        9.3 22.6 17.8  mph

     Pace          2:39 6:29 3:22  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   19 189 90  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 61 929 319  lb-in

    New Range #2:

     Duration:   15:01

     Work:       203 kJ

     TSS:        37.4 (intensity factor 1.223)

     Norm Power: 229

     VI:         1.02

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   4.694 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        25 339 225  watts

     Cadence:      23 174 73  rpm

     Speed:        6.8 29.1 18.8  mph

     Pace          2:04 8:52 3:12  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   18 185 81  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 0 907 295  lb-in

    Entire workout (227 watts):

     Duration:   59:57 (1:00:04)

     Work:       810 kJ

     TSS:        150.3 (intensity factor 1.232)

     Norm Power: 230

     VI:         1.01

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   18.558 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        11 366 227  watts

     Cadence:      23 183 77  rpm

     Speed:        0 29.1 18.7  mph

     Pace          2:04 0:00 3:13  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   10 240 81  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 0 929 272  lb-in

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    Nice job, Nat!  Good ride... yes, winds are good IMFL practice for sure!  I did the pool work this morning... 3400m in just over an hour (I guess my goal for the summer will be to actually finish a workout in the specified 60 minutes.  0-2 so far).  I also need to figure out if the pool at my gym opens at 5 or 5:30... because if it's not until 5:30 I don't think I can swim before work and get to work on time (I need to be in the shower by 6:45... although I'd shower at the gym... but still, rush hour is rush hour).

    Hey, wait a minute - I am almost 100% certain that that is my longest swim EVER.  sure there were rest breaks, but still, even as a kid in swim team I never swam for an hour (factor in standing in line to do drills, etc)  and even if I did, I'm sure I never swam 3400m. Let me think out loud... It took me 1:04:30 today.  The rest breaks totalled 210 seconds ... 3:30... holy smokes, I swam for more than an hour!

    I'm looking forward to the run... I think it's 30WU, 2x12s, and then some MP and Z1 stuff... on paper it looks pretty do-able... we'll see how it translates.  It's gorgeous here - 70 sunny, slightly breezy... I'd say 70 is too warm to run, but with the Z1 stuff, I think it will be wonderful.  Getting up tomorrow before the sun to do hill repeats, hmm... not so wonderful.  Then another swim after work... race rehearsal Saturday.  jeez, I'm obviously insane... and in da Haus, in good company!

    Hope everyone is having a great week...

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    @Nathalie - Nice ride.  I have to complete mine after a evening engagement throught my wife's work.  Hopefully I am not doing the 2X15's at 9pm.

    @Becky - Nice job on the longest swim ever.  I actually like swim workouts but an not really looking forward to the logistics of getting to the pool.  I have to figure that out soon as I plan to start swimming in two weeks.


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    Been getting the workouts done, but I am slacking on push ups and core work. lots of riding on tap for this weekend with gorgeous weather.
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    Well yesterday did not go as planned.  Earned some SAU's or probably more like just keeping up.  Pick up my wife from work and then went off to a social event that they had planned.  So I got yesterday's bike in today.

    2X15 was the plan - I hit 1X15' (.96); 1X10 (.96)and 1X5' (.97).  My legs were tired because I was stupid, 6 hours sleep does not cut it.  I had a plan to do tomorrow brick run after work tonight or maybe at lunch.  I still don't think I should run two days in a row with my achillies as there is still a little tenderness after a longer run.


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    @Gordon - take care of that achilles!

    @Michele - core work... what;s that?   you and me both.

    I nixed the run this morning... my legs were tired after 2 hours last night.  i must say I'm humbled, I wouldn't have thought that a 2 hour run with so much z1 time would wreak such havoc...but I'm not in my marathon shape anymore... that was my longest run since October... and my IT bands let me know it.  I'll swim tonight after work and tomorrow is my first RR.  At least the weather will be good, if not too warm, for it.

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    sorry to be a two-in-a row messager, but have a question (I posted this elsewhere, but thought it might get more "play" here):

    as I was running last night I had a question... about the non-retesting of bike for HR athletes...

    I was wondering if we should retest knowing our zones might be lower... I ask because as we get fitter it's harder to hit the old numbers... so, we're working more to get to those zones... which might fry our legs when it's time to run.

    I'm doing my RR tomorrow, and I plan to program my garmin to beep if I drop below Z2 and above Z3 for the bike... then do an hour run (will program the garmin for that too).  I worry that I'm gonna use too much juice staying in z3, per the directive, assuming I'm in better shape than January when I took my first and only bike test...

    your thoughts?  well, other than more reason to get a PM! 

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    @becky: 2messages in a row? geez.

    i've not had a working powermeter for 90% of the outseason.  My HR monitor was paired with the powermeter, so no HR data either.  In any case, HR athletes need to be diligent about hydration, nutrition (caffeine), and any other factors that can inlfuence HR during tests or training.  Most get a handle of accurate HR numbers with tracking the data over various workouts vs. one test that was perofrmed months ago when not as fit.  So, I'd say go with the zones you feel you are capable of, program your watch accordingly, and then just do the workout or test.  it's ok to run on overcooked legs as long as you do not ignore signs of injury, like your IT bands tightening up, etc.  In time, you'll get more of a feel for when your body can handle more work and how that translates to zones, etc.

    not sure if this helps. in the end, we all get a powermeter, so might as well start saving now.

    Good luck, G.

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    I don't work with HR but pay attention to it a lot as this is my first season with power.  I agree that I have to work a lot harder not that I am somewhat in shape as compared to the first NovOS test that I did, which was close to my max HR.

    If this is your first RR and do you have another scheduled? You could try to keep the HR up and see the results.  Alternatively you could dial it back and cost yourself a few minutes on the bike and ensure that you don't blow up on the bike.  The believe the mantra is to prove that you can run off the bike then come back next time and bike a little harder.  When you find that line between executing to your fitness and blowing its nice but that is a fine line. 

    Personally if you are already worried about it just dial it back a little.


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    I have some weekend workouts in the books.  Saturday I did 1h6' ride 4X5X30/30 and then got 20' in at .85.  This ride felt much better that I expected as I was feeling tired going in to the ride.

    I just finished up my run today, gettting in 40'.  2X1/2 (4:54;4:54) and 1X1 @9:17.  I shut down the run here with a achillies felling decent. 

    Next week will by my last in the January OS.  I'm believe that I am skipping to week 20 and doing some test.  Then on to a general prep block for 4 weeks and 12 weeks of the IM program. 


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    I'm still here but barely. Did a strong 62 miles on the bike yesterday in a charity ride then was able to back it up today with a decent 90 minute run, my longest since IM Florida last November. Recovery like this means I'm getting fit!
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    Haven't posted in a while. OS workouts have been pretty spotty, just haven't seemed to have the drive since IMFL last Nov.. I am jumping out however today into 8 weeks of HIM training getting ready for Buffalo Springs 70.3. Did my first swim time trial this am and all I can say is awful. 1000 in 19:47.. Wasn't sure I was going to finish. Just last fall it was in the low 16's. Hope this no swimming and coming back thing works.
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    hang in there Jeff! I started swimming recently after laying off since August. Until last week I was only going 1 day a week - for the first few weeks I had a brace on my hand, then I had taped fingers...I probably only swam 2x doing 1500 in a row...This past weekend was my first RR weekend. I did the RR swim for a HIM (well, sort of, I was tired and I just did 1500m instead of 1900m) and despite feeling slow and sluggish I'm amazed to say I was about on track with my time from last year (my 1.2 last year at eagleman was 35 and change, I did the 1500m is 27:06)... so it does come back... if I keep this up, I might even get better. LoL
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