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Busting through a plateau

OK all-

I am struck at 188-190lbs.

My diet is NOT super strict (maybe that's the issue), but I really eat pretty clean. Mostly plant based with the occasional recreational sweet. I don't count calories, nutrients, etc but I am pretty sure that I am getting enough of everything. I am often hungry and sometimes (maybe often) a large number of calories are consumed from 6-8pm

(so after just writing that, did I answer my own question 😀 )

Any and all advice and tips are welcome. TIA




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    I am going to say what Jill always jokes with me about and what @tim cronk will likely chime in with, it IS a simple equation of input vs output. Regardless of what you eat. you can eat 2 snickers bars a day and nothing else, and lose weight. You will be hungry all day though and in sore need of nutrition.

    I have this thread from 2013 (and @Coach Patrick love the handy search feature!!!) printed and saved in my tri stuff, I've sent it to friends. It has EVERY tip for losing weight from the team back then.

    looking at your post, i suffer from the same thing, go great all day and then lose it when it matters most at the end of the day. Even on too much healthy stuff. My own progression since August could have been much more disciplined. But I go in stages of losing to maintaining to losing over a three week period. for the next three I have to get real disciplined.

    what's that look like you ask? started the new fad of fasting for 16 hours. that means eat dinner, and dinner is usually a REAL dinner. Either one of my homemade veggie burgers (buy a cookbook, like that one, make a few batches, double up the size of the batch and have em ready to go in the freezer) a salad without shizz in it, and salmon. make a "big arse salad" fill it with tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, all good stuff. BTW its not the big salad AND veggie burger, pick one. usually I will have some spinach or if i am not lazy a smaller salad with the veggie burger.

    And of course, stay away from carbs and cheats. if you are having cheats ("the occasional recreational sweet" kills you more than you think, Write everything down for a week as if you were posting it in this forum for people to critique. Guaranteed you will change your habits quickly!

    The 16 hour fast is from dinner to lunch the next day. when I am in weight loss mode, lunch is protein powder, mixed with water. No, it's not so tasty, but 10 minutes later I am back at my work and not hungry, that's the point. Get one with a density of protein per calories. I go with Vega Sport, love to hear any better ones. Snack time is hard fruit like a banana or an apple.

    looking forward to reading more answers.

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    I love that old thread and miss Matt Aaronson.

    I read all 4 of my posts in that thread and would not change a word.

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    thanks @tim cronk

    I guess I head over to that post.

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    I'm gonna re-read that post tonight also. feel free to ADD comments to THAT post, as I think it really is the definitive one on weight management in these forums.

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