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Kori Martini Coaching Thread

Hi there!

I'm ramping up for IMSG and attending AZ camp March 18-22. I have a wonky week coming up after this week with work (Munich trip March 9-12) and need some help with safely building my volume, per our phone chat a week or so ago. I know I am a bit behind the game, so I'm building hours, but I don’t want to explode.

The screenshot below was last week.

I’m going to aim to hit 15 hours again this week. I fly out late Sunday evening. So the FOLLOWING week (March 9-15), will be a bit more wonk. Here’s what it looks like:


March 2-8: Normal week. I took today as a recovery day but am back at it tomorrow. Goal is 15 hours again unless you advise otherwise. I fly out late Sunday evening for an overnight flight.


March 9: travel day - arriving early afternoon in Germany. (maybe short run upon arrival)

March 10 – 11: I won’t have pool or bike access. Run big?

March 12: Flying home from Munich so likely will need this as a day off. I'll be traveling from 7am Germany time to 2:30pm US time and likely can't get a workout in after I arrive. Need to leave this evening alone for family. Might be able to sneak in a short run.

March 13, 14, 15: Planning to bike long all three days and swim somewhere in there too. Thoughts?


Heading into AZ Camp with an early flight on Wednesday. Any input on Monday/Tuesday workouts?


I’d like to set myself up for being able to handle all of the above, move my training forward (make gains), and not break down. Thanks!


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    @Kori Martini - hey there, great to hear from you. I went ahead and made edits to your training plan to incorporate your travel to Germany and make sure that you have enough rest on either side. There's still a great deal of work we can do on the weekend and obviously prefer that you take Monday and Thursday off of those weeks.

    In fact, it looks like Monday will be your default day off for the next couple weeks so you can plan accordingly. This will be a great time to be in bed by 9 PM and not have to get up until seven if it all possible. Sleep is your secret weapon!‼️ #shhhhhhh

    So look at your training plan, the real "X factor" is around the Saturday when you get back from Germany which is sandwiched between your normal long ride on Friday and a zone three ride on Sunday. I'd like you to get in a two hour 45 minute session mostly easy, with some shorter harder efforts in there to stimulate your fast twitch muscles. I have just dropped in the max effort bike work out, and you would technically do it first then steady, then part 1 of your Split Long Run.

    But it doesn't have to be that structured. You could totally just ride study for two hours and 45 minutes and do a couple of shorter hard efforts in there. If you were riding around in Swift I would tell you every 45 minutes or so find a sprint segment and just bring forward as hard as you can and then ride around in circles again.

    Check it out and let me know what you think!

    ~ Coach P

    ps nice work the last few weeks!

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    Don't kill me.....(if I had a nickel for every time I said that...)

    I'm cancelling my trip. I'm not worried about getting sick, per se, but I am worried about getting quarantined on some military base in a hazmat suit eating rice for a month...because this would happen to me. :)

    I know you just put a ton of work into adjusting my schedule. Can you put it back or put in whatever you think I should target for next week, as we head into camp the following week? Thanks again!

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    @Kori Martini DONE. Only comment for you...those interval run WKOs (one per week), need to be done. So 4 x 3', etc, I expect to see that...not just "another run" these intervals are really important to what we are trying to build for race day. 👍

    ~ Patrick

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    Yesterday was the Interval run for the week, and I gotta say doing that as my “fifteenth hour” for the week may have had me cursing you a few times.
    Didn’t turn out too bad and was the first run I’ve pushed somewhat in a long time

    Thanks for the reminder that I have intervals. :-)

    One more quick Q - for IMSG setup on my bike -

    I think I currently have a 52-36 and an 11-28? I used whatever set up I currently have for Ironman Canada (8000 feet of gain) and Ironman Lake Placid. I also used it at Al camp (Independence Pass, etc). I gotta think it’s good enough for IMSG but the GroupMe chatter has me second guessing....

    Thanks again!

    > On Mar 6, 2020, at 5:51 PM, Coach Patrick wrote:


    Coach Patrick mentioned you in Kori Martini Coaching Thread
    @Kori Martini DONE. Only comment for you...those interval run WKOs (one per week), need to be done. So 4 x 3', etc, I expect to see that...not just "another run" these intervals are really important to what we are trying to build for race day. 👍

    ~ Patrick
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    @Kori Martini I think the 11/32 is the smart play But it does mean a slightly longer derrailleur and chain...

    It's the sustained climbs on the bike (not just total elevation) followed by a hilly run. If you had lesser goals I'd say never mind but this makes sense....

    ~ Coach P

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    Hey Coach P,
    Any chance you can pop into FS and adjust my upcoming week? Since we aren’t doing AZ, it should be more of a “typical” training week? Let me know your thoughts.
    Or, if you think SG is likely getting postponed, should I lighten up the training load?
    Thanks for the help!

    > On Mar 11, 2020, at 10:02 AM, Coach Patrick wrote:


    Coach Patrick commented on Kori Martini Coaching Thread
    @Kori Martini I think the 11/32 is the smart play But it does mean a slightly longer derrailleur and chain...


    It's the sustained climbs on the bike (not just total elevation) followed by a hilly run. If you had lesser goals I'd say never mind but this makes sense....

    ~ Coach P
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    Ok.....change in plans. I’m not going to wait and wonder so I requested a deferral to IMLP. Need to adjust training plan to accommodate that shift. I don’t want to artificially peak but I also think all of the work I’ve done so far is a great start when I’m usually “cramming”. Let me know your thoughts and how to proceed?
    I’m also seriously considering jumping into BRP camp....since I won’t be in Utah the week before it now!
    Sorry for the shift....seems like this will be happening a lot for a lot of people. Thanks for your support!

    > On Mar 11, 2020, at 10:02 AM, Coach Patrick wrote:


    Coach Patrick commented on Kori Martini Coaching Thread
    @Kori Martini I think the 11/32 is the smart play But it does mean a slightly longer derrailleur and chain...


    It's the sustained climbs on the bike (not just total elevation) followed by a hilly run. If you had lesser goals I'd say never mind but this makes sense....

    ~ Coach P
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    @Kori Retzbach we can defo make that work, and fingers crossed LP is in the cards for us. Would be great to have you in BRP...if that happens. Fook me.

    You have 7 weeks until race prep starts...you are:

    • In a good place on the bike.
    • Swimming is good, and this buys you a bit more time there.
    • Running you are currently doing the right weekly volume but still not sure on the interval compliance. We need to get you running faster...

    So here's what I am thinking...we can take the next 7 weeks a bridge between now fitness and race prep start, with an eye towards getting that run sharp. What do you think?

    ~ Coach P

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